Daily Updates
Cold! Ted?s Special Delivery, and more - UPDATE January 27, 2021
27 January 2021
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This morning, with the temperature at the Bear Center at minus 27?F, Scott and Spencer brought more straw for Ted to snuggle into. Chickadee
Ted greeted them with friendly grunts and un-tucked his head, showing a patch of frost from his breathing, but didn?t stir from his hole in the straw. He surveyed the situation, said ?Thanks but no thanks? to the straw, and re-tucked his head as was caught by Taught in this 4:11-minute video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lbWWv8MUHA. Highs for the rest of the week are forecast to be near 30? above.
At the Bear Center, we?re developing wonderful plans for making the nature trails an exciting educational experience for young and old alike, making our dreams for the trails come true (and more). We have a good team.
At the WRI, the setting sun lit a chickadee posed on a balsam fir branch.
Shortly after sunset, with the temperature only a few degrees below zero, the mink that had stored a record amount of bologna two days ago stopped by to check for more. Finding none, he or she quickly returned to the third floor quarters that now has a better used latrine area outside it than ever before. Living in the roof, he or she has found a good place to spend the coldest weeks of winter.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center