hi jewelies it is 35 here rain on its way tomorrow snow. 50 in the barn 2 raccoonies. we called over at that vet and they said they had not gotten back the path report on boo boo so his chemo was off another appt jan 19th but at 1 pm no more 3:30pm we told them no. we still had to take him over to get his stitches out jim backed up the trailer by the front door and boo boo came out almost running
he followed me in jim shut the door then i had to open the little side door and jim lifted me out and onto the ground. we got in the worse traffic sitting and sitting on the highway in the city got there 10 min late but they was full up people in their cars with their dogs. we open the top doors and boo could look out and everyone in the parking lot that could see was looking at him. dr rodier came out i knew him right off jim did not mask ask who are you when he came to drama he had a little leash and we told him boo does not like being pulled by a leash very much. we got him out and dr rodier ask me how he is was doing i said very good running like earlier made dr very happy and he said so. he had us take him behind the gate right there on the cement sidewalk and took his stitches out there no slick floor inside but i had to pee something awful dr rodier said go in front tell them i told you too so i got to pee i knew poor jim had to go too i get back and see boo on the ground with them my heart fell but it was okay they laid him down to take out his stitches they picked him up and gently laid him down poor boo what a day dr said it looked great i did a great job taking care of him. jim asked him about that chemo what will it do he said it will most likely double his life so chemo it will be!
we took a different way home very happy to finally get home jim peed in the yard boo peed over it. had the girls in my room and it was lake in there everyone peed griz peed in the kitchen we left at 2pm got home at 6 yay for paper towels lots and lots of them.
hi rues i am so sorry about crows sister yes good he got to talk to her christmas robin travel when it is safe! that still may awhile. i saw on the news our country very slow on the vaccines.
hi lupe i thought like rues long trip for you but to see tennis wow but same to you travel when it is safe only!
boo boo will need to go before jim leaves
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