Hi EV1,
Good football day today I think. Baby Chiefs gave good try. Now watching Washington. Also, a good game.
Cal, Your video looked like a lot of very strong dogs. Thanks for showing us your pets, but don't do it again until they can go outside. Just looks so crowded and dangerous they are so big. Boo looks great from here. You did the right thing for him I think.
I am not good at remembering things you all have asked. So please forgive me if I miss answering you. I usually do not even remember my puzzle times unless I post right away which I don't usually do because I have to start my day. I do recall a question about New Year Day meal traditions, and want to say this one was different. It was a sad very sad day. I had ham sandwiches and chilli. Usually we would have a nice pork lion roasted to be done, but juicy with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut. Maybe next year.
God Bless and good night