Hi Jewelies! Thank you all for my birthday greetings! It means so much to me! I always thought that becoming 70 was years and years down the road but now it's here! I also never thought that we would be in the midst of a deadly virus. Because of ykw my birthday celebration is on hold. Three people in Robin's office tested positive on Sunday for ykw. So everyone else in the office had a rapid test on Monday. Everyone tested negative. But they say the rapid test is not always reliable so everyone had a different test on Wednesday. That test can take 3 to 5 days for results. Of course, the office is closed and everyone is quarantined at home until they get their results. So far, Robin says everyone says they have no symptoms. I was with Robin on Saturday so Crow and I are also isolating ourselves until Robin gets her results. If she is postive then we will go for testing. Bummer.
Cal, when I get on my laptop later, I'll post a pic that Robin took of Winnie and Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson in Hocus Pocus. It's a cute pic. Yeah, Hocus Pocus is on a bunch of times this month. I've still never seen it! No, thank goodness, Crow is not baking me a cake! Lol! I'll wait for the all's clear and then he can get one at Walmart for me! There are crickets in the basement. They are so loud that Crow has to turn up the volume on his tv! He says the crickets are driving him crazy. Lol! He tells Wilson to get rid of them but Wilson ignores him.
Lupe, we have freeze warnings out tonight! I hate that because my morning glories are absolutely beautiful! People have actually stopped and taken pics of them! As Cal knows, I have no farm knowledge, so why do you have a contract with the USDA?
Ra, nope, didn't watch either debate last night. We already voted by mail 2 weeks ago! Sick to death of campaign ads! I mute all of them. Your coat sounds so comfy!
Jo, hi to you from the Mountain State! We weren't as cold as you were this morning but I did have
my furnace on!
Neva, how you doing?
I think we will have a frozen pizza for supper! Have a nice evening! Stay safe!