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Banjo and Naughty Words - UPDATE February 5, 2020
05 February 2020
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No, it wasn?t Banjo saying the naughty words. Mink Banjo
Mink Banjo
She just wondered where the bologna was this time and then ran down the steps and into her hole in the snow.
Mink Banjo
Mink Banjo
It wasn?t the standing doe, either. She just uses body language, but she might be thinking naughty words, as she tells the doe to the right in the picture that she and her fawn are not welcome right now.
The culprit was the red squirrel with glaring eyes chattering naughty words to a fellow squirrel that he just had a tussle with. It is interesting in the tussles that they usually keep their heads away from each other and flail with their feet, front and back.
(editorial comment: here is a slow-motion video showing just that technique,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89RsAHzfTww)Red squirrel
Red squirrel
A nice caller today reminded me to say that pictures in these updates that are received via e-mail don?t enlarge when you are reading with your phone. Deer
To see the pictures full screen, you have to view on bearstudy.org. We have made it easy, you can click on the title of the update (tonight's is: "Banjo and Naughty Words - UPDATE February 5, 2020"). If you click on that heading, it will open in a browser where they enlarge to feel more like you are there.
I heard talk today of the usual spring bear gathering being in May. I don?t know the date yet. It is always fun to see everyone, but I?ll miss Emily and Ardell this year.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center