Obsver, you're welcome! Tell us all about your birthday!
Cal, we have so many moles in this area that the gardener guy recommends grub control this time of year. The moles love the grub worms. Sometimes they moles tear up the yard but not enough for us to put down the grub control. I'm with you about Dr Rogers just fixing the bear's mouth and keeping quiet about it! I can't stand the thought of an animal suffering if there is a way to help fix the problem. My goodness that's a long snake! I get the heebie jeebies just seeing a big old night crawler!
Lupe, that poor dog that got his head stomped by a donkey on Dr Jeff made me cry. So glad there was a happy ending! I was wondering about a couple of the alpaca farms around here and why they no longer had the animals. Probably for the very reason that there is a need for a rescue farm for all the unwanted ones now. Truly good people who work with and for Dr Jeff! I have the old fashioned garden phlox that originally came from my mom's flower beds. Mine are pinkish purple. I usually cut them back so they don't grow so tall and lanky but I didn't do it this year. Then with all the rain this year some are now over 4 ft tall! The butterflies and the bees love them. I love cone flower but I have the hardest time getting it to come back. Did you hear that France won in soccer? Crow didn't tell me, instead Robin texted me from the sports bar she was at watching the game! Lol!
Jp, thanks for the pic of Fern's cub! Wonder where Herbie is?
Have a nice day today! Have some ice cream and celebrate National Ice Cream Day!