Lori, thanks for the gifs of DN17. Looks like a strong and healthy fuzzball.
Baby pictures for our watchers . . . ;D
In the night, DNF wingflapped at something, and at almost daylight, MrN came to the nest where both were listening to owl calls in the distance. I think I heard the owl hoots during the morning hours, too. Confirmation from Explore???
First baby pic posted here shows a dry, fluffy, active bobblehead, so DN17 must have hatched during the nighttime hours.
Am I correct that one baby hatched March 24 and the second March 25? I had thought that hatching so close in time there wouldn't be the bonking since they would be closer in size than when eaglets hatch 3 days apart. Got that one wrong obviously. :)
The Norths perched in the Brush Pile Tree for a brief time about 8:00 this morning, then DNF flew back to the nest. Correct that it's the BPT?
About 10:00, cam ops got great closeups of one of the eaglets, guessing DN17 because of slight upturn of mouth corners as described by Ginger yesterday. Agree?
More pics from this morning before DN18 fledged. Who knows if we will see both eaglets back at the nest, together or separately. In past years, North fledglings have hung around being fed by the adults until later in the summer. They have sometimes come back to sleep at the nest, too.
EagleEyeDNN (Admin): 6/12/24 DN17 Fledge @ 7:28 am
Ohhhh, so difficult to watch that video! :( Hoping both eaglets are uninjured!Watching that it looked like both were in good spots and took off ok. I checked the live cam a few minutes ago and both were looking for it.
Owls briefly visit a branch near the nest area. Barred owls??
Here's a video from GABear of the nest platform and branch falling.Thanks for posting, Ginger.
What type of birds are diving little ones at NN? Had 2 or 3 diving at one around 6 a.m. And then relief when both were perched on remaining branch - cute capture. Now one left there alone and the irritating diver returns. Fast little buggers, hard to ID them.
White on tails as they fly by. Don't think they're dark enough for red-wings
Lisa, thanks for the AFT info. Are you going again this year? Sadly, again, I'm not.
The eaglets are sticking close together this morning, from perching near the old nest to the BPT, to soaring about an hour ago. Parents seem to be elsewhere so far. No, one of them showed up at the BPT about noon.
I hope you have a great trip, Lisa, and I hope you get another chance next year, STL!Lisa, thanks for the AFT info. Are you going again this year? Sadly, again, I'm not.
The eaglets are sticking close together this morning, from perching near the old nest to the BPT, to soaring about an hour ago. Parents seem to be elsewhere so far. No, one of them showed up at the BPT about noon.
I am :)
Thanks, STL! I love the sunrise pic, well, actually all of them! ;)Happy 4th of July to Everybirdie!
Sunrise pics with beautiful color, thanks to the cam ops for the closeups. About 7:00, eaglets met at DN12's fallen limb over the creek for some good leftovers, and a place to cast a large pellet and play with sticks (no pics for the casting and playing). At 9:00, both were perching in the BPT. No views of MrN or DNF yet today.
I hope you have a great trip, Lisa, and I hope you get another chance next year, STL!Lisa, thanks for the AFT info. Are you going again this year? Sadly, again, I'm not.
The eaglets are sticking close together this morning, from perching near the old nest to the BPT, to soaring about an hour ago. Parents seem to be elsewhere so far. No, one of them showed up at the BPT about noon.
I am :)
Numbered the pics in order from the rewind, didn't get times.
They used some sticks and nest material from the old nest, several large bags brought up on the lift and placed and scattered. Watching the placement of sticks & branches by John & Amy gave me so much appreciation for what the eagles are able to do.
No idea the purpose of the dark spray paint on the bare lumber. Maybe to deter squirrels from chewing the wood.
No one mentioned the mandatory token fish. ;D Thinking right on cue.
It's a good day to forage in the leaves and on the fallen logs under the nest area. The blue jay sorted through the leaves and finally chose several to fly away with. Do they do nestorations in the fall like the eagles?