Yippee for DN17, finally fledging this morning after watching DN18 make several flights from branch to branch and away from the nest and back.
Great pics and notes from BL and Ginger. I've been watching the rewind over and over trying to see who went where and when. It's confusing.
I believe a few minutes before DN17's fledge, DN18's branch broke and she-he flew away across the pasture to unknown location (only to join DN17 in the Spit Tree at noon). I think DN17 was already taking off when that branch snapped. Still pics are hard to determine, but someone with large-screen could see on video. DN17 was perching in the Spit Tree (is this T4?) about 9:30 after a flight from unknown nest-side-west location across the pasture.
There's a whole lot more to unravel, with maybe MrN bringing food to DN17 after ground capture, flying to the nest, and more.