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Author Topic: Beak Room 2025  (Read 75137 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1845 on: Today at 10:01:30 AM »

Good Morning Beakers....Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

paulie - Glad to hear you had fun.  :)

tsk - Oh wow, on Tim's both knees at once.  He must have been a trooper to do that!

karen - The storms were not at all bad here.  We got a light rain last night, just enough to make the yard a lil messy. 

Lani - Sorry to hear about Mike not feeling well.  I hope he feels somewhat better today.
Awww, Royal baby in your good night pic. 

clynn - The rare reddish-orange snowy Owl, gorgeous!  Hope you have a great day with the munchkins.

Phyl - Love the Irish greeting.  Thanks for the 365.

kb - That is a cool photo of the cardinal.

Puff, Lori, tig, oldguy and all - Morning  :)



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1846 on: Today at 10:18:01 AM »

I had to look see. . .

Ireland = little over 5 million people
Chicago  Have to include greater Chicago since South pop moved a tad out of southside and North pop moved tad north   = a little over 9 million

Boston = about 5.3

And, in the last 10 years or so the celebrants of Ireland have adopted some of our celebration to go along with own historical observation.  Crazy is contagious I guess.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1847 on: Today at 10:30:59 AM »

Happy St Patrick's Day Beakers!
Hello Eagles4, Lisa, Ezee, Eburg, Weasel, Jilltosa, Kb, Tsk, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, BL, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

This is what we call "Rim Country - the Mogollon Rim" that can be seen from our community.
Arizona is NOT what it Seems! "Exploring the Mogollon Rim" Jesse Drone Adventures


Mike feels better and is calling, so I'll post now in case I'm needed longer.

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1848 on: Today at 10:32:59 AM »

some bounce

Congrats Rory! Happy St. Patrick's Day...

One more day of rest for me

Céad míle fáilte all Beakers.

Pronunciation: The phrase is pronounced as "kay-d mee-luh fahl-tuh".

Rory is going to be tipping some pints and Jägerbomb's in a little while I'm sure.   :) ;)

His second Players Championship win, both wins on St Patrick's Day itself.   8)

Finishing up the honey do list and then off to tip some pints ourselves ...   ;D
« Last Edit: Today at 10:53:43 AM by BrokenLug »
U. S. A.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1849 on: Today at 12:17:09 PM »

The Forum was a big wonky for me 30 minutes ago. I couldn't see any photos or avatars and it wouldn't allow me to post or read my profile or messages.
Very strange  ???
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1850 on: Today at 12:32:35 PM »

KB   Unusual shot of a cardinal  :o

PUFF   You have a great day planned for yourself.  ;D  Maybe I'll join you in that Baileys  ;D

LORI   What our pets go through to amuse the humans  LOL   Love the super coffee at the bottom .

KAREN    Thanks for the reminder on all those involved in the recent tornados that went through several states.  Such a terrible natural disaster start to the New Year 24 :'(

PUFF   Wonder if they dye the River Shannon  LOLOL     Interesting stats on # of Irish folks

LANI     What can I say about those bull dogs in formal attire  LOLOL    I was fascinated by the Jessie's Drone video - Boy does he love what he does.  Learned that Mogollon is pronounced mow-gee- on and that Payson is considered the center of the state for all practical purposes ( I had thought it much further north.)   Have you ever done that Rim walk?  I'd be crawling out on to those ledges  LOL

BL   Didn't know that both of Rory's winds were on ST Pat's day  Meant to be!


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1851 on: Today at 01:07:12 PM »

Puff - I am not a drinker, but I would love to go to The Temple Bar Pub in Dublin on St. Paddy's Day.  I bet that would be so much fun, just to people watch. 

Lani - Thanks for the video, so pretty where you live.  Oh my, that ledge he was standing on.....no way!  Glad to hear Mike is feeling better.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1852 on: Today at 03:38:22 PM »

Darn Darn Darn (My Fair Lady image)  People keep interrupting my notes. . .
Trying to work with people to get my downed fence taken care of; at least I'm getting response calls.''

But then comes Jessie's Drone.  Permanent images forever ours.  I looked for you Lani or your house.  Maybe you were kidding about living in Payson.  I sure am sorry I didn't take an extra day in October but then I didn't know about the Rim Road.  Have  you been there, done that?  I've never been in that area of AZ. 

The views in a picture would be cool; the live drone takes that and blows the presentation away.  No words yet made would do the description of God's work even close.  When I was just there they had set the all time heat record of 21 days straight with a high of 120 degrees plus.  The hike on the Rim is not only adventurous, it also cools you down.  One more example of the hundreds of thrills and beauty of the USA.

tsk  I have some left over Bailey's still cooling.   ::)  I'd even give you a doggy bag of ISB and Corned Beef.
Have not seen or even heard of them dying River Shannon.

Lisa Bars are indescribable!!!  At the end of the "night" it's one big family of friends.  Everyone has smiles, all hours of the day .  I don't recall ever seeing a snarl or hearing a "darn".  Everyone sings along even when we don't know the words.  People watching is for sure a big pastime wherever and whenever I travel.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1853 on: Today at 04:36:31 PM »

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Beakers!  :D

some bounce

Congrats Rory! Happy St. Patrick's Day...

One more day of rest for me

KB, Oh pooh, I forgot!! I watched the tie on the 18th yesterday, but forgot about the playoff today! Congrats to Rory!  P.S. Erin Go Bragh! (Less!!)   8)  I love that!! LOL!, now I will always think of you, and that, on March 17th!!  ;D ;D

I was busy yesterday and today - a neighbor went into hospice this past week, and passed yesterday afternoon. Her husband had been stopping by regularly the last month or so to let me know her status - she had been having some ongoing serious health issues, and was in and out of the hospital a couple of times. But then she had 2 strokes last week, and was subsequently moved to hospice. I had been in conversation with a few other neighbors, getting, and giving, information. I caught her husband up and at home this afternoon for a quick visit and to deliver a hot meal, flowers, and a card, but mostly to deliver an in-person expression of sympathy with a hug. He will leave tomorrow to travel to her hometown, several hours drive away, where her services will be, followed by interment in a family plot there. I was glad I could catch him for a quick visit before he left. I know he finally crashed yesterday for some sleep after spending the last days with his wife at hospice. She died yesterday afternoon, on their wedding anniversary, and his birthday is today. Poor guy - he is so sad, of course.

Karen, enjoyed your post, and the bakers were Beakers... on the Farm.  ;) ;D ;D  Gotta love it! The Forum has a new little chuckle, thanks to your voice-to-text program... LOL. Don't change it - we need the chuckles these days! At least I do!  ;) :D :-*  So, many of the teams that you might not normally have expected to make the NCAA Tourney got automatic bids to play in it because they won their conference's season-ending tournament. All the various conferences had their own tournaments, and the winners all automatically get to play in the 1st Round of the NCAA Tourney- the Big Dance! Yay for all of them!!  :D  Oh, I know you have learned, for certain, that "it isn't over till it's over!!"  :D  The UNC Tarheels WILL play in the NCAA Tourney - in one of the "First Four" games, vs. San Diego State, and the winner of that game will be an #11 seed in the Tourney's 1st Round, vs. the #6 seed, Ole Miss. Go Heels!!  ;D  They will play that "first Four" game tomorrow night, 9:00 pm, Eastern time, on the Tru TV channel.

Lani, the internet monster got your post the other night!! Grr!

Paulie, I know it must be a total blast to go shopping with your granddaughter! That's a fun age!  :)

Lisa, thanks for reminding me of your other kitty's name... I kept on thinking "Missy" when I was typing about that Bandit incident, but I knew that wasn't right, but I couldn't produce "Misty" - close, but not close enough. Brain fart. LOL. But I might remember now, because in my mind, she is out to get Bandit, conniving in secret, LOL, and I will think of that scary thriller movie from way back, with Clint Eastwood -  "Play Misty For Me."   ;D 8)

Clynn, glad you discovered Kitty in the closet!  ;) :D :-*  Oh, have fun giving the Munchkins their surprises! I bet they are having fun at the "new" playground with Ed, too!  :D :-*

Phyl, love your wren - wrens are my very mostest favorite little songbird in the world!!  And they are such fun to watch, if you can - they don't sit still for a second... always on the go!

TSK, I forgot what you said about Saturday's weather - hope it cooperated with all the Chicago green river, St. Patrick's Day Parade, and other fun activities. Is Tim's compression wrap off now? I hope Lulu has forgiven him and will give him some extra therapy kisses for his hand.  :D :-*

Lori, love the Irish furries all dressed up!  :D :-*  Thanks for that yummy looking libation!  I don't even know what it is, but I'm going to enjoy it!  ;) ;D  Happy St. Paddy's Day backatcha!

Oldguy, are you cooking up a corned beef traditional feast for St. Patrick's Day? It seems like you always have something yummy coming out of your kitchen!  :)

KB and BL, I might miss the hatch closing and return trip from the ISS, but I hope to catch it on replay.

Gotta run...

Waving to All the Beakers!  :D :-*
« Last Edit: Today at 04:39:31 PM by baziunc »
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1855 on: Today at 06:08:25 PM »

Baz - Sorry to hear about your neighbor.  I will have to ask Jeff if he heard of that movie.  We just watched a good movie that Clint was in the other night called The Mule.

Puff - Love people watching.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1856 on: Today at 06:20:02 PM »

BAZI   Oh how doubly sad for your neighbor's husband with all the special dates around her passing.  How old was she?  Does he have family to help care for him?  So hard... Will offer some prayers.   I caught Karen's Farm as well.  I always laugh out loud!
"Bakers in the Farm"   ;D ;D ;D    Lulu hasn't missed a beat with Tim.  One sniff and she was OK with it all on Tim's hand.  As long as her reserved spot on his legs while he sits in his recliner is still available and got her treat ball at 7:45, ( she tells time) - all is well in her world.  ;) ;)

KAREN  We love you  :-* :-*

LISA   Thanks for posting Karen's link.  Play Misty for Me was a great thriller.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1857 on: Today at 06:21:25 PM »

some bounce

BAZ... Hugs
That was me BTW... Braugh (less)  ;)
I watched a lot of tennis last week too... Very happy to see Iga, Daniil and Aryna loose. Sorry about Coco, Sasha, Carlos...
I will be rooting for Michigan State (guys) and UConn (gals)

Back from dinner. Very uncomfortable... good to be back in my comfy pants and feet up. The Guinness was good.

camper'sTIG - South Central MN
Decorah follower since Apr 2, 2011
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1858 on: Today at 06:41:33 PM »

Happy St Patrick's Day Beakers!
Hello Eagles4, Lisa, Ezee, Eburg, Weasel, Jilltosa, Kb, Tsk, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, BL, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

This is what we call "Rim Country - the Mogollon Rim" that can be seen from our community.
Arizona is NOT what it Seems! "Exploring the Mogollon Rim" Jesse Drone Adventures


Mike feels better and is calling, so I'll post now in case I'm needed longer.

It was kind of packed at the Pub <-> to begin with

 ------  then the entire REDACTED County Police Emerald Society Pipes & Drums Band marched in playing booming loud in full parade regalia.

Having just come north out of NYC the boys are just nicely getting tuned up this afternoon.

The Pub was a mighty thumping when Pip & I bailed out early taking the rest of the day/night back to our place - SAFE- with some lads and lasses.

After having One of Each of our obligatory perfect Pint of Guinness and a Shot of Bushmill 21.    :)
U. S. A.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1859 on: Today at 08:17:02 PM »

Baz, Sorry to read about your neighbor And her poor sad husband. Oh nice of you to provide him a hot dinner, and a hug before he departs for his hometown.
I have to say that I tried to correct some of the errors printed as heard, or said bye and the typist, but they don’t stay corrected. Very weird.   So we’ll leave it at the funny farm
Thanks for posting the article on Saint Patrick Lisa I read it almost every year. Find it very interesting. Our party version of 317  Began in America.  I would love to have an Irish coffee but I don’t have any Baileys. I do have the whip cream, but somehow that doesn’t quite make the drink. I thought they were best served in San Francisco.
Tsk, i’m glad to hear  the Lulu and Tim  is
 going strong and the surgery did not stop her piper also tells time and can tell me when it’s time to have lunch and dinner funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I also carry treats in my walker and she pushes that when she wants one, she can roll it quite a distance.
Lisa, I love your coffee cup with the shamrocks and think that  Phyl  Posted a very similar version.
Take care, everyone and SEDS!