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Author Topic: Beak Room 2025  (Read 74746 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1785 on: March 15, 2025, 12:41:23 PM »


I love this video!...lots of babies...and a few ol seniors!....hello Tig....makes me wish I'd had more than one child.

Lani - how much does Sadie weigh?....just curious. As I can tell Ollie is shorter to the ground than Sadie but there are similarities...esp. Ollie ears. Ollie man which we now call Prince Ollie man...weighs 36-38 pounds...not pickupable for me anymore..LOL


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1786 on: March 15, 2025, 01:27:25 PM »

Good Afternoon Beakers.....Happy Caturday!!

We just had the biggest scare of our life....came home and Bandit did not greet us at the door. My house is small, so not alot of places for him to hide. We kept calling him and no meows. We were both walking the street looking for him, and in the woods behind the house. Came back inside to check again, calling his name and I finally said, Bandit want some chicken and we heard a meow...could not find where it was coming from. Finally Jeff realized, he was in my suitcase at the end of the hallway that was zipped up! We have not idea how he got in there, but he could not get out...LOL PHEW!!

I hope all Beakers who are having this wild weather are OK!

BL - I will gladly take a bubble wrap outfit.   ;D  Thanks for the SpaceX info.

Lani - Wow, you got alot of snow!  Great pic of Sadie.  So happy for Sauce's, and their new fluffball.

tsk - Enjoy your great niece's ice skating show.  Oh, distant crashing noise at 1am, that is scary!

Puff - Helpful Hints chat  ;D ;D

((tig)) - Prayers for you, and hope you get good news from the walk-in clinic on your fall.

clynn - Love your colorful Caturday pics.   Oh yikes, the tornado sirens going off.  :'( 3rd chick at BB.

Phyl - Looks like you are having the bad weather now?


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1787 on: March 15, 2025, 03:13:59 PM »

No bounce, er, bad bounce
I was helping Camper soak up some spilled water this early morning in the kitchen. I goofed and put too much of my weight on my cane which was on a towel. It slipped out and I went down on my butt. Bounce. No pain on tail bone but in surrounding muscles and lack of total support. I'm icing with rest. I'm worried about compression or organ damage though, so I think I'll wake Camper in a bit and head to the walk-in clinic.

What a dumb move. I have a smart hubby tho. While I was sitting and we were discussing how to get me up, he had a great idea. I scooted over to the back door and he laid a couple of our heavy door rugs(mats) over the threshold and onto the porch. I scooted out to the steps and stood. I was lucky it was 50 degrees with a light mist at the time. Pics to come. He was like... "What?!?" I told him the Beakers need to see. Lol.

Update later
Prayers appreciated

Tig, so sorry! Prayers with hugs, and hope no serious injury, though the bruising on its own is enough! But way to solve the how to get up puzzle!  And, I was glad to see you chuckle over needing Camper to take pics 'cause "the Beakers gotta see." LOLOLOL. That's a great example of my oft-used phrase... "I had to laugh to keep from crying."  ;) :D :-* :-*
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1788 on: March 15, 2025, 03:18:03 PM »

Ok' so Pip and I can get a wholesale deal on some of these.

We were going to ship them out to all Bakers for X-Mas, but now we're thinking we should expedite the order.   ;)

Seriously I hope you're alright Tig

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1789 on: March 15, 2025, 03:42:41 PM »

no bouncing allowed...  8)

Tnx, all, for the good wishes and prayers.
Yes, BAZ, I laughed... and then I cried.

They did x-rays and sent me home. 2 hours have lapsed. No phone call. Hopefully no news is good news. Will see.

Meanwhile... here are the pics
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1790 on: March 15, 2025, 03:47:21 PM »

Lisa- cats can give a good 'scare' that's for sure. Glad Bandit could be found and is fine.  We've been having severe weather last night and all day today experiencing heavy rain Thunderstorms , skies are dark gray. Trees started the day out with no leaves. But, now leaves are visible from my 2nd story back windows, esp. the redbud tree almost in full bloom now.    Any way...storm and all continues thru tonight, into Sunday with tornados possible.  Right now,  I can hear the rain against the windows with little visibility.

Lani - you got tons  of snow!  Nice snap of Sadie, she looks so happy. Leprechaun kitty is looking festive for Monday

((tig)) -  🙏 s  do hope you get good news while at  walk-in clinic . All the best.  Oooops!. Just saw  your new post.  No phone call let's hope.  What an accident !  Mercy!

CLynn- super colorful Caturday pics.  Iowa so flat tornados aren't surprising ---  take care.

{{{Puff}}}- news about Bob   

Tsk - How is Tim today?  your niece's ice skating show sounds like fun---I love watching ice skating

KB- Yes Jim and I  will be watching SpaceX Falcon 9 docking w/ ISIS too.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1791 on: March 15, 2025, 04:22:57 PM »

Lisa, Oh no, That's Scary!!  I'm so glad y'all found Bandit when you did!!  :-* :-* Whew! I hope your other kitty is not a sinister, plotting murder-cat!!  :o ;)  Just kidding about that part...

Lani, those are great pics of Sadie and your new snow!!  Sadie says, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Come play with me! C'mon! It's fresh snow!!"   :D :-*  LOL on Pi Day confusion. Some people try to make it difficult, but it really isn't.  First, measure a circle's circumference (the distance all the way around the outside edge of the circle), and then measure the same circle's diameter (the distance all the way through the middle of the circle from one side to the other - the width of the circle, so to speak). Now, divide your circumference number by your diameter number.  The number you get from that division ends up being 3.14... every single time! no matter how big or small the circle is that you measure.  Every circle's circumference, divided by its diameter, will always give you 3.14 for the answer to that division problem. It doesn't come out exactly even, but that's what the first three numbers round out to - 3.14.  And because of that mathematical oddity, someone named that resulting number of 3.14, like we name Eagles, LOL, and they named it Pi. It turns out the word Pi is the Greek letter whose symbol looks like two columns with a stone across the top, written in cursive. LOL! But why did they decide to call it Pi? Oh, that was because that Greek letter, Pi, is the first letter of the Greek word for perimeter (which would be a circle's cicumference).  Okay, somewhere along the way, people got reminded of that 3.14 number (called Pi) every year on March 14th, because March 14th is often written as 3-14, or 3.14.  So they called that date Pi Day for fun. And for extra fun, silly people who like puns, decided to call Pi Day the day to eat pies, of all kinds - including pizza pies! Hence, lots of places put pies and pizzas on sale on March 14th, which is also written as 3.14, which is also the number you get when you divide a circle's circumference (its perimeter) by its diameter, and that's called Pi.  ;) 

Reminds me of a song. There's always a song!  ;D ;D

"Now friends, let me tell you what I mean
You got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pockets in a table
Pockets that mark the difference between a gentleman and a bum
With a capital "B" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool"


Listen here: haha!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI_Oe-jtgdI  - oh yeah... right here in River City - Trouble, I say!!
;D ;D

« Last Edit: March 15, 2025, 04:34:56 PM by baziunc »
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1792 on: March 15, 2025, 05:01:07 PM »

baz - Funny you should say that about other cat (Misty), she was running around the house, playing with a ball like she was the only cat in the house.  Never had a care that we were in a panic about Bandit being missing. 

Phyl - Looking at the radar, you be safe!

((tig)) - Fingers crossed all is good with the x-rays.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1793 on: March 15, 2025, 05:41:31 PM »

kb, that is a beautiful video....

Lisa, my cats do that to me often, I call and call, check upstairs, downstairs, outside up and down 2 more times. Then one will come out of nowhere looking at me like 'were you calling me?'  I found one in an overnight bag sleeping one time. It is funny that cats act like nothing is odd when we are in a panic over the other cat! I remember when we were looking all over for Sophie and finally heard her up on the roof of the family room! Sam was oblivious!

Lani, looks like Sadie loves the snow! I am so glad you got some more moisture, maybe you will get your spring flowers in the forest after all!

tig, hope nothing serious with your fall! Now be more careful! 

baz, one of my favorite pies:
Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. ~ Unknown


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1794 on: March 15, 2025, 06:10:58 PM »

Did all of the Beakers keep their powder dry and teepees intact over the past 24 hrs ?
U. S. A.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1795 on: March 15, 2025, 06:40:17 PM »

LANI   That cat looks none to happy  LOL   Tim gets to take his big compression bandage off tomorrow.  YAY  and can shower without a bag on his hand.  :D   What a nice dog park and Sadie said "Mom where did we get all of this white stuff ?"  LOL ;D

BL   I will be sleeping for that docking but did watch one a couple years ago and was surprised it takes two hours before the hatch is opened!   Once again nothing in my backyard except gentle rain and thunder off in the distance.   Supposedly snow by tomorrow AM but I doubt it  LOL

TIG  How did it go with the xrays?   Those pics were exactly how I pictured it. ;) ;)

KB   Got teary with that video.  How sweet - pure love.

LISA   A St Patrick's day kitty  ;D        LOLOLOLOL  Poor Bandit.  How on earth could you zip a suitcase with Bandit in it  LOLOLl Coincidentally, last night I came downstairs from my nest to say good night to Tim.  Lulu was not in his lap.  I said where's Lulu?  I looked in the kitchen and here she was locked out on the porch and looking in the French door window!!!  Tim said " Oh I didn't see her out there when I locked the door"   ::) ::) ::)  Your story beats them all.  I will tell Tim. ;D

BAZI   You are a wonderful human being for providing that very accurate and organized explanation of Pi day !!!   Clapping Emogi



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1796 on: March 15, 2025, 07:39:51 PM »

tsk Your report of our local weather conditions to bl was what I've been thinking all day.  Except I didn't want to make the weather gods to get even for saying they were wrong.  Just a bigger wind than necessary - but nothing that should be labeled dangerous or worrisome.  Lots of things stayed south of us and has now moved east.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1797 on: March 15, 2025, 07:59:54 PM »

Tsk it's not like opening the screen door to let the cats come back in.

Slow Steady Safety.

This funny thing called the vacuum of space.

You get the hard dock just once and you get it right.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2025, 09:22:08 PM by BrokenLug »
U. S. A.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1798 on: March 15, 2025, 08:33:48 PM »

We went down a music rabbit hole and some how ended up here.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2025, 09:12:58 PM by BrokenLug »
U. S. A.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1799 on: March 15, 2025, 10:24:14 PM »

Watching docking...about 400 meters away from the station. I had to ask Grok what is the turn around time for the 2 astronauts. Grok said 4-5 days before they will leave the space station with return time of only 6-19 hours. So, won't expect a return before March 19-20.

approach is starting.