TSK - yep, I understand. I hate the height of most chairs = too short. It is a good thing to climb up if there is a ring on the table for a place to rest feet. It was a rectangular table last night, so no ring. Not comfy.
KB - anyone? - I plan to give the tulips that are already coming up some water and not worry about the overnight cold since they are in a raised bed near the house.
Do you think I should water the fern rhizomes I transplanted or just leave them for now, as they appear to be in their dormant state?
I don't think watering will hurt at all tig...the topsoil has been unfrozen for some time. Even though we have several days ahead with nights in a hard freeze I don't think it's long enough now to worry. Daytime highs will all be above freezing.
I have heard several people are watering not just specific plants but their grass. I'm unwilling to turn the inside water on and off with freezing nights ahead, but believe me I thought about it.
I also didn't mow my back yard yesterday though I sure wanted to, to check the mower out, and I do that often early to "air out" my yard and pick up stray leaves, sticks, and bark before the spring rains return.
But, I didn't want to leave gas in my mower with our evening temps coming up.
Probably would have been okay but I bit my tongue so to speak.