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Author Topic: Beak Room 2024  (Read 544814 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4725 on: May 23, 2024, 06:27:19 AM »

May 11, 2024: 'Day Trip to Decorah!'

Story and photos by Robin Brumm

Saturday’s weather was supposed to be perfect, so guess where I went? You guessed it, I went to Decorah to see Mom and DM2. I also wanted to see if I could confirm how many eaglets were in the nest. So I packed up my stuff Saturday morning, and headed to Decorah.

May 11, 2024: DM2 on the nest

When I got to the nest, I noticed one parent in the nest and the other parent on the broken branch where N3 used to be. I looked through my binoculars and it appeared that DM2 was on the nest and Mom was on the broken branch. I didn’t see any eaglet heads, so they must have been napping. I took a few photos of DM2, and then turned to take some photos of Mom. All of a sudden, she put out her wings and did the heraldic pose, or sun pose.

May 11, 2024: Mom in a heraldic or sun pose
Eagles are so majestic when they do that pose. It always takes my breath away. After quite a while, Mom flew off the broken branch and started to fly over the nesting area. DM2 flew off the nest and joined her. They both circled around in the area and would come together and then fly apart. Then they would come together again and fly apart. Eventually, Mom flew to the nest and DM2 flew off in the distance.

May 11, 2024: Mom feeding D40

When Mom got to the nest, she started feeding. As much as I want there to be 2 eaglets, I can confidently say that there is just one eaglet this year. I am so happy that Mom and DM2 have an eaglet this year. It’s been awhile and Mom is such a good Mom! Looking at D40’s plumage and the approximate egg laid date, I think that s/he is about 2 weeks younger than the eaglets at Decorah North Nest. After the feeding, Mom settled down in the nest with D40. D40 did a couple of wing stretches and walked around the nest a bit before laying down. After a while, DM2 came flying to the perch tree to wait for his next turn to watch D40. One thing I notice is that when the eaglets are still young, I do a lot of sitting and waiting for something to happen. Hopefully in a few weeks there will be more action, like flapping and hopping in the nest.

By this time I had been there for several hours and I needed to head for home. I always love watching Mom and DM2, and I miss seeing them on camera every day. Not only would I watch pretty much all day during nesting season, I also used to check the cam most evenings, to make sure everybirdy was safe at home and tucked in. I have to admit, when the Decorah Eagle cam goes to highlights, I will often watch them, because the highlights are Mom and DM2 videos. That means, I get to see close ups of Mom! She is still very beautiful and makes me smile.

RRP appreciates Robin’s generosity in sharing her photos and reminds you they are copyrighted and may not be downloaded without her express written permission

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4726 on: May 23, 2024, 06:38:41 AM »

BL  Pip may have an idea!!  Sorry about the bass...

EAGLES  I had heard that the winner has to commit to a contract with Idol for a year I believe, leaving others to establish their careers maybe a lot earlier than if they had been winners. Don't know it that is true or not.  Certainly many winners have made names for themselves.   Good for Mom to continue with the PT if it makes her better.

OLDGUY   I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine moving 11 cats!  Bellamy and the lap guitar - new one !  Thanks for the update on Greenfield  :'(

PHYL  Throwback Thursday!  esp the chalk clef maker!!  e-g-b-d-f- ;D   Thanks for posting Robin's report with pics!!!

CLYNN  Snowing on Iris  :o  Yikes


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4727 on: May 23, 2024, 07:09:25 AM »

Clynn I was ready to add my 2 cents about the multi chalk holder but it must be a Chgo gadget?  I remember it too tsk as drawing the staff lines in music - although I don't have a clear idea of why students were given a lesson where we needed that.

I also thought many times "what cicada?"  That is until  took a look at my trees - and closely at the yard in its entirety.  Billions  and billions, especially if you first come across the empty shells after they emerge.  Once they emerge I have one busy walking aid - Stick helps me squash the buggers!  AND as of yesterday they have also started their chirping.  I guess they're ready to ENJOY!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4728 on: May 23, 2024, 08:08:58 AM »

Puff, I was in school all over the place and I remember teachers using that chalk holder. I don't ever remember it being used for music, like you, we never got that deep into music. Maybe it was used in specific music classes where they actually taught music. With just 3 pieces of chalk it was perfect for teaching cursive!

I found the pictures I took for Bella a few years ago when she found a cicada on a tree ay the park. not sure they are in the exact order...

Phyl, thank you for posting Robin's Blog, glad she has the patience to wait for hours to get a glimpse of Mom!

tsk, looks like it has stopped snowing at Hellgate!

Then I found this pic of Dunrovin!

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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4729 on: May 23, 2024, 08:15:19 AM »

Morning all and Happy Thursday.

Sounds like a mostly storm free day for most in the beak?

Busy May: Ollie annual and heartworm injection this morning. Not my favorite thing in the world to do given he's a poor car driver.

Spring flowers are not disappointing. The backyard has other than lilac and viburnum yet to open.


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4730 on: May 23, 2024, 08:41:29 AM »


Oh for sure ... cursive and especially music... Grade school thru college!

Thanx for the post from Robin

(( E4E ))

camper'sTIG - South Central MN
Decorah follower since Apr 2, 2011
"May Bob now soar with the eagles and dive with the falcons. You've left a living legacy behind on the earth" (barbells126)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4731 on: May 23, 2024, 08:46:49 AM »


Very beautiful bird song...convo going on too.

Anyone know what bird this is or have one of those apps?


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4732 on: May 23, 2024, 08:48:36 AM »

Good Morning Beakers

oldguy - Thanks again, Brien does feel so much better after talking to someone.

baz - Good advice!

tsk - Calling social security was the first thing I told Brien to do.  Mama had received her check directly deposited the week before she passed, so I assume she was allowed to keep her check? 

Phyl - Wow, on the fastness of them taking the check back.  Glad you afternoon thunder boomer was down graded for you.  Love all the old school pics you posted. 

karen - LOL!!!! The sauna weather!

BrokenLug - Thanks again!  :)

E4E - Not easy when I am here, and he is down there, but we are trying to work thru it.

Lani - Thank you, and oldguy is always very helpful to all of us here in the Beak.  :)

clynn - Pretty cuppa pic this morning.  Oh no, snow for Iris!

Puff, tig, kb and all - Morning  :)

Off to the mall across the bridge.  Wish me luck there will be no traffic.  The Naval Academy is graduating tomorrow, and the Blue Angels have been flying over doing their test run for tomorrow.  Love the sound when they head over this way to make a turn back to Annapolis!

And a pic of sweet Sydney decked out in her Buc-ee's dress that we got her.  A trip down South means a stop at Buc-ee's!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4733 on: May 23, 2024, 09:12:43 AM »

Yup Lisa... lots of strange rules. I remember calling property tax folks after Mom passed as she was due a refund. They said if she had passed a few days later, after they had cut the check, the funds would be hers. Unfair, IMHO.
camper'sTIG - South Central MN
Decorah follower since Apr 2, 2011
"May Bob now soar with the eagles and dive with the falcons. You've left a living legacy behind on the earth" (barbells126)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4734 on: May 23, 2024, 09:14:56 AM »

Hmm, I remember Scott died on a Sunday early morning.

I called Social Security on Monday morning...they already knew!...so we started the process for survivor benefits then.

Frankly, in today's world I think institutions know pretty fast. Can't hurt to call either but might not have to.

Maybe it's cause he's a veteran?


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4735 on: May 23, 2024, 09:17:35 AM »

Oh! I forgot to tell y'all... I heard from medical staff yesterday. My heart monitor results showed no major concerns. I'm not supposed to worry.
Yeah, right. Lol. I'll try...
camper'sTIG - South Central MN
Decorah follower since Apr 2, 2011
"May Bob now soar with the eagles and dive with the falcons. You've left a living legacy behind on the earth" (barbells126)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4736 on: May 23, 2024, 11:48:51 AM »

Bearstudy - Exciting Bear Sightings

17-year-old Lily was seen with four cubs!
. The spotters know Lily, and they sent us this picture showing her light muzzle that they took in Lily’s territory with a litter of four—the same size litter as she produced two litters ago. We’ll have our eyes and ears open for follow-up sightings. Lily makes my heart sing.

Another exciting sighting today is of 25-year-old RC and her yearling son River. RC is identified by her white check mark on the right side of her chest that gave her the name RC, which stands for Right Check. She is also identifiable by the pattern on her muzzle, a tiny notch near the tip of her right ear, the dip in her back, the scattered white hairs on her forehead, and her manner. RC is the oldest daughter of Shadow, and the second most productive member of Shadow’s Clan with 30 cubs, compared to 24-year-old Donna with her 31 cubs. Shadow herself had at least 26 cubs with a possible additional litter during the six years before we knew her. We’re wondering if River is the last cub RC will produce. Her mother Shadow’s last litter was a single cub. The oldest three black bears to give birth that I’ve heard of were 26, 26, and 28 (Shadow). We don’t know how close to those ages other mothers produced their last litters. If RC produces another cub, she will be 26 at the time, tying the record for the second oldest black bear to produce a litter.

The third exciting sighting was Snowball who chose to pose for a picture showing off her beauty framed by the needles of a tall white pine, the favorite kind of refuge tree in this region.

Carolyn the Bear and cubbies

First Cubs of 2024 - Cam footage donated by neighbor of WRI

Good morning Beakers!
Morning Lisa, Ezee, Eburg, Weasel, Jilltosa, Kb, Tsk, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Eagles, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, BL, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4737 on: May 23, 2024, 01:17:17 PM »

PUFF  In my Catholic grade school upbringing we had music class!!! - maybe 6,7,8, grade - Don't remember exactly.  I aced that class as I was already taking piano lessons..LOL

CLYNN   Good cicada pics.  :)  Freaky Montana snow storm in May!!

KB  That's an early blooming rose.  AMAZINGLY  my Merlin app did not have a match to that bird - Think it is a kind of wren?

LISA  Am sure that check is hers.  How cool to hear the Blue Angels today.  Sydney - Such a sweetie - with her bare toes  LOL

TIG  No major concerns is a good thing TIG!!!  Go for it.  LOL

LANI   That's a great bear report.  A Lily sighting.  How wonnderful for Lynn.  Snowball is so cute   ;D


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4738 on: May 23, 2024, 01:41:37 PM »

Thanks, tsk - for trying anyway! shrub roses in front bloom off and on all summer.

Lani - love the updates on the bears....good news.


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #4739 on: May 23, 2024, 02:30:28 PM »

Good afternoon! 93 Degrees!
Think the unidentified bird is a baby if that helps withe the id!
Thanks Robin!  Your patience pays off!
Lisa, never heard of that place!  After my driving time! Love Sydney’s  bow!  Is her car seat sitting in a chair?
Tsk, my  public  grade  school taught music.
Love those school desks band would like one now!  You could use it in front of the tv and keep a basket if styff under the seat, drinks on the arm or writing surface.  Had one of these pencil sharpeners in thegarage in Alabama!  A great appliance as sometimes nothing will work other. Than a pencil!   May
Ook for one!
Great bear report!  Thanks
Have workmen here  replacing latch on the fence a d putting a new screen door  on the porch!  Bbl