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Author Topic: Decorah North Eagles 2024  (Read 71056 times)


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #420 on: July 11, 2024, 07:28:50 AM »

Early morning pics


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #421 on: July 11, 2024, 03:10:16 PM »

The eaglets have had a busy day.  Both flew to the creek bank north of the Claw Tree and were eating something old, perhaps a raccoon carcass.  When an antlered deer came across the pasture to the creek right next to them, they both flew away to the north.  But as soon as the coast was clear, one came back to eat more.   Cam ops are doing the best possible job of showing what's going on from the distance across the pasture where the cameras are located.   More to come . . . .


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #422 on: July 11, 2024, 03:24:21 PM »

Add a Kingbird to the fun.  This one is waiting for an eaglet to come close and one finally did this afternoon.  Watch on the rewind if you can, about 2:15, DN17 flies across the pasture with a Kingbird right along, to a big tree perch just south of the old nest!

Shortly after, MrN (I think) brought something  edible to a spot on the far creek bank, with both eaglets in hot pursuit.  DN17 claimed the food, MrN flew away.  Mantling, stealing attempts, tussles in two trees, then eaglets on the ground fighting over leftover bits.  DN17 flew away and by this time there's not much left for DN18, who also flew away.  DN18 landed in the "Cow Corner Tree" where DN17 was perching already, and that's the story up to 3:00.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #423 on: July 12, 2024, 01:22:52 PM »

Foggy sunup, typical this time of year.  DN18 obliged by perching near the old nest for some great closeups between 5:30 and 6:00 this morning.  Kingbirds are active again today, even flying with DN18 across to the creek.  One of the parents perched in a dead tree north of the Claw Tree about 6:45 AM.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #424 on: July 12, 2024, 01:27:27 PM »

Before 8:00 this morning, the eaglets were together in the BPT.  Sounds in the background disturbed them and they flew away to the north.  There was a person walking along the pasture side of the creek and a dog yipping, then sounds of a vehicle backing up (beep, beep, beep).  This is a working farm we must remember!  Cam ops gave a panning view of the old nest about noon. By 12:30, one of the parents was back in the BPT.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #425 on: July 12, 2024, 07:16:25 PM »

New fence with attached carcass for eaglets.  Previous post not posted.  Strange.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #426 on: July 13, 2024, 09:24:00 AM »

Amy emailed me that the farmer is putting up the fence to keep cattle away from the creek bank until it can be stabilized in area of erosion.  It poses a danger to cattle that might get in and not be able to get out.  She also said that the prey is NOT a lure, but it might have fallen and caught on the wire. RRP is keeping track.  Eaglets are there again this morning after a short perch on the old nest branches at daylight.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #427 on: July 13, 2024, 02:17:45 PM »

Better activity than eaglets at the fence post, starting about 9:30 and lasting until 10:00 this morning -- definitely watch this on rewind or video!  Parent made a food drop in the pasture not far from fence but way in the distance.  Both eaglets flew in, and also a Sub-Adult!  Lots of tussling, not much involvement by MrN or DNF, and the sub-a got the better of it.  Loved how the eaglets kept trying and kind of working together to drive off the sub-a.  It finally flew away.   Best pic of the day --  MrN or DNF and both eaglets on the same branch in the BPT, all calling, at 2:00 this afternoon!


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #428 on: July 14, 2024, 01:37:54 PM »

This morning, the raccoon pelt at the fence post isn't interesting to the eaglets.  Might have been removed.  Must have rained overnight; eagles wet in daybreak views of DNF (I think) in the BPT and DN18 on the Perching Branch.  About 6:15, DN18 flew to the Twiggy Tree and joined DN17 there for several hours. About 11:15, DN18 flew to the BPT and DN17 stayed in the Twiggy. 


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #429 on: July 14, 2024, 05:06:32 PM »

If you like watching the cattle, the whole herd is out -- on the rewind about 2:30 this afternoon.
Great closeups of a butterfly on the blooming thistles near the old nest.  Anybody know what kind?
Parent (MrN ?) and both eaglets in the Twiggy Tree (yes?) just before 5:00.

Have a great evening, everybirdie.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #430 on: July 14, 2024, 05:21:10 PM »

Texas Question Mark Butterfly?  In Decorah?  My search.  Yellow body made the difference.  (I'm sure it's not called the "body" though - right tsk  :-\

« Last Edit: July 14, 2024, 05:23:23 PM by Puff »


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #431 on: July 15, 2024, 11:40:51 AM »

Puff, I think you are right about the butterfly being a Question Mark.  Funny name, huh.

The eaglets spent the night together on the Perching Branch near the old nest and were there through daylight.  Both flew away, but DN18 kept circling back through the morning hours.  Might be activity by farmer in the creek area that keeps the eagles away from there.

Goldfinch on the thistle earlier, but too far for a pic.  How about a gray catbird instead?


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #432 on: July 15, 2024, 04:47:25 PM »

Cattle in the creek near the new fence, coming out on the pasture side.  The far banks are really high.  About 3:00 this afternoon, MrN perched in a leafy tree not far north of the Twiggy Tree, and after 3:30, DN18 made a nice fly-in (see on rewind) to the Perching Branch. Flew away to unknown location as of this posting.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #433 on: July 16, 2024, 12:28:45 PM »

MrN spent hours in the Twiggy Tree, from daylight to 8:00 this morning.  Watch deer crossing the creek near the Brush Pile about 8:00.
MrN dropped a carcass (guessing rabbit) in the pasture at BP about 8:30 and DN18 got there first, followed by DN17.  Each eaglet got part of the carcass, and by 8:45, DN18 had flown away and DN17 carried the last of it to the Claw Tree.


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Re: Decorah North Eagles 2024
« Reply #434 on: July 16, 2024, 03:54:17 PM »

Haven't seen the eaglets since this morning's pasture feeding.  MrN spent a couple hours in the Spit Tree from noon to about 2:00. Cattle crossed the creek at the area of the new fence about 2:30.  DNF brought a raccoon carcass to the BPT and ate most of it from 2:45 to about 3:45 when she took the last chunk to the Claw Tree.   MrN sighted in the Twiggy Tree at 3:45.