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Author Topic: Cheers 2023  (Read 139410 times)


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1260 on: December 15, 2023, 07:50:26 AM »

Good morning

Dentist appointment didnt go so well. It was just for a cleaning  and I couldnt get it done.  Good thing I mentioned to them I had Knee replacement surgery.  I need to be pre treated before I do any kind of dental procedure to help prevent an infection.  Gums tend to bleed  and debri.   can end up causng n infection in the new joint.  So they asked me if I needed to be pre treated. No one told me.    They called the surgeons office to find out  and I do .  It's 4 amoxicillans 1 hour befor my appintment  so they did the xrays and checked for cavities.  I resheduled my appointmnet to the 12/28 they will do cleaning and a filling then   Ihave to do this for life.    fun  I cant believe no one told me this I ev en looked at the discharge papers and the only thing it said was to tell dentist I was on blood thinners which I am done with the blood thinner. 
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1261 on: December 15, 2023, 09:29:30 AM »

I have the same issue here, LB.

Six month delay until 2024 because of medical issues and my June stay at Good Sam. 

I was starting on the hip problem.  Decision was to try injections first, then maybe replacement.  Only got in one treatment before things happened.  Then there's the extraction/pain of a molar.  Both become an issue because of medications and 6th month checkup to see current tests outcomes.  Current big bump in the road is the medication.

I hope it brings good news in a couple more weeks.  I'll be praying for both of us.



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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1262 on: December 15, 2023, 07:05:06 PM »

LB, Good news about your cardio appointment.

Wow to your dental appointment. I had no idea you'd have to take an antibiotic before appointments due to new joint and for life.
Your explanation why makes sense. Interesting though. Geesh. It's very good you told them at dental appt!!


Puff, My heavens you too! There's so much involved. While you're praying for you and LB ... I'll be praying for both of you.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1263 on: December 15, 2023, 07:53:05 PM »

It looks like the east coast is going to have major rain/wind storm running from Florida up the coast to Maine this weekend.  Check out your local forecast to stay updated...

Oldguy here in Beakroom just posted this today  for the gals that live along eastern coast.  Maybe, an FYI LB and Paulie
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1264 on: December 15, 2023, 07:53:17 PM »

 SEDs Everyone !     

So glad your Cardiologitst appt went well {{{LB}}    antibotics before dental appts makes good sense for you.  ;) 

Same for you as well {{{Puff}}}                  

Hi Paulie 
"Every new day begins with possibilities."
President Ronald Reagan  at  the 1985 Geneva Summit



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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1265 on: December 16, 2023, 08:59:03 AM »

It looks like the east coast is going to have major rain/wind storm running from Florida up the coast to Maine this weekend.  Check out your local forecast to stay updated...

Oldguy here in Beakroom just posted this today  for the gals that live along eastern coast.  Maybe, an FYI LB and Paulie
Phyl, Yep to the rain/wind storm in my area. Same for LB I think with her being more near the coast. Thanks for posting Oldguy's info. A good time to stay inside and hunker in.

How is your nose tip healing? Coming along good for you I hope.
Does Maggie like her new raised bowls?

LB, Do you have any weekend plans? This Monday you resume working from home. Do you have a desk with pc set up for when you work from home? 


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1266 on: December 16, 2023, 10:48:43 AM »

Good mornng almost good afternoon.
I got a late start slept to 700 yippe  could have stayed in bed longer but copper was calling to go out.  I then colored my hair and waled coppr. Just finished my knee stretches. need to do 1 more time today. I forgot to do it yesterday and thursday well I did onece yesterday but not the 2nd time :(
Yes getting the rain storm tomorrow into monday the heaviest will be at night. 

My computer and monitor is on my kitchen table.  which is ok due to that I mostly eat on the couch  I never committed into getting a  computer desk and chair because I wasnt sure this was going to be a permanent thing. Now I just need to get the money to get one. I also have the room for it but will eed to change things around in LR which is fine.  I also dcdebate to wait for a new desk to see where I end up living next. you guys know I am always slooking for  new place but everything is too friggen expensive.   The cmpuer on the kitchen table works out fine  next to  a window  and I hear the tv. It's not in view but thats ok its only daytime tv anyway unless I am not busy :)

I guess its time for me to go back to work I m running out of movies to watch.  LOL The ones I start I havent been liking for the last few days . LOLL harder to find a good one 

I also logged on to  work computer to file emails I had over 3000 emails  woah!!!!!   I also wanting to make sure my sread sheet was correct since the person who was covering me was not doing it the way I wanted it.  it was good, she finally listened
« Last Edit: December 16, 2023, 10:52:54 AM by LBLNJ0668 »
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1267 on: December 16, 2023, 10:14:54 PM »

LB, Over 3,000 work emails?!! Whoa is right! Good that your spread sheet was correct.
You made me laugh about time to go back to work because you're running out of movies to watch. Lots of repeats are listed too I bet.
Great you got to sleep till 7am.

Ummm forgetting to do your knee stretches is a no-no. Maybe set a timer to do them. You've come a long good way with your progress so don't let not doing them interfere with your flexibility. Forgetting to do them though sounds like your knee is feeling better so not reminding you to exercise it.

Sounds good having your computer on kitchen table. Hey whatever works for you is best. True you always have your eye looking for a new place. On the national news today it said sometime next year interest rates are to go down so hopefully that helps with rental fees too.

The rain and winds in my area aren't to start until later in the day so get Copper's walks before it starts for you.



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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1268 on: December 17, 2023, 08:59:46 AM »

Good morning copper woke me up at 430 so wdnt back to sleep to after 800.   My knee is hurting down below knee cap to left the usual area. I think its a muscle/tendon. it always hurts there   

I heard rent in NYC is starting to go down a little not sure if in NJ but now I have expanded my list because now I am 55 I can look at the communuties 55 and up Pretty much you cant get anything under 2000 unless no washer dryer or bad area.  Unless your lucky.  I keep having hope though I need to hit the jock pot soon.   

I am actually looking forwrd to starting work tomorrow I think   I am going to miss hav ing all the free time on my hands even though I never took advantage of it  :( 

Paulie I did my exercises yesterday !!! going to do a quick walk before it rains  it looks damp out but dont think it is raining yet. if so just misty 
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1269 on: December 17, 2023, 09:22:26 AM »

Good Morning,

LB, Oh geesh to 4:30 waking up. True might be muscle/tendon that hurts. The damp weather doesn't help either with rain expected.

Very nice that's you can look at 55+ communities now but wow that's high rent. Hopefully rent fee continue to drop a lot. You'll hit your jack pot eventually for sure.

Good you're looking forward to work tomorrow. Considering all that you dealt with during recovery after your surgery then all the progress you made and now can drive to go places I think you took as much advantage of your free time as you could. Remember the first two weeks you didn't have free time due to recovery and PT OT. You did good I think.

Excellent you did your exercises yesterday. Good idea to walk Copper now. Same here gray and misty but no rain yet. That's to start later today. Flood warnings are already posted. 

All quotes are good.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1270 on: December 17, 2023, 09:37:31 PM »

LB, I'm sending you best wishes for you returning to work tomorrow. Good that you can work from home. It's raining heavy here and at your house too. You're going to get back into the groove with work fast.

Oh! This evening we finally watched the latest 2 holiday episodes of Virgin River. Charlie and I did. Loved it!! We didn't want to see it end.
I wonder how long until the next episodes will be on.

I hope you sleep good and for work tomorrow.


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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1271 on: December 18, 2023, 06:52:18 AM »

Good morning, did not sleep well at all. I  just dosed all night long. Gettn ready to sign into work a little nervous but exited. and tired.  LOL Raining here still someone said we got 5" my area but not sure if they were going by the tri state weather and not local. Thanks for the wishes Paulie hopefully its a good  day and week
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1272 on: December 18, 2023, 09:17:36 AM »

LB, You're welcome of course. Darn it to you not sleeping good. Good your excited to resume work and normal to be nervous.

That's a lot of rain!

Since you're going to be busier with work don't forget your knee exercises and stretches.  ;)

I hope you have a good day and week too ... and you sleep better tonight!



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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1273 on: December 18, 2023, 06:43:55 PM »

Thanks for reminder about doing stretches and exercises and of course I forgot  but I had PT  tonight and did a few extra there.  I will set reminders to do exercises.   Work was ok.  A little busy but only one of my co workers wee out and I hd to do his work.    if it wasnt for that it would have been slow.  PT  I have been getting one of the assistants all the time lately and I dont like her. she maes wait cause she disappears and today she rushed me in some of the stretches bringing me the equipmnt needed to do the stretches and would set me u when I wasnt done witht he one I was woking on.  The when I 5 minutes left sh had the nerve to tell me not to rush because it was my last exercise.  WELL. if you didnt rush me the last 1/2 hour I wouldnt have had to leave 3 minutes early.  grrrrrrr
"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others... why wouldn't we?" www.edgarsmission.org.au
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Re: Cheers 2023
« Reply #1274 on: December 18, 2023, 08:41:24 PM »

LB, You betcha about the exercise reminder.

Sounds like you got right back into routine with work and you even did a co-workers work that out out of office. Oh geez work has been slow for a long time time.

Good you had PT tonight but the assistant you've been having definitely does not sound efficient. Can you request someone different?
It's not right she disappears then rushes you. Nope. Not okay.
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