Lani, let me know if you get that thing - that's hilarious!
(((Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)))
Lisa, dang, your mom! Hope she's well soon! Prayers for her quick recovery. Yep, Baby Bro is already two! OMG is right. LOL. Yes, and you will only turn around a few times, and your new grandbaby, Sydney, will be 2 years old, too!
Clynn, yep, my Littlest Greatniece starts kindergarten soon - same grade as Bella.
It won't seem like much of a change for her this year, I don't think, because she is going to kindergarten at the same school she has been going to the last 2 years. That cat sofa, LOL - I think Walter Santi could use that, too.
TSK, yep, Baby Bro loved all the b'day fun, except the birthday song! LOL! He's sooo funny! His expressions are a hoot. But that particular expression had a little help from his chin boo boo. He fell at home on the garage concrete floor a little over a week ago and busted it open. Weekend evening... oh yeah, dontchaknow... it's always nights, weekends, out-of-town, or holidays when things like that happen, it seems, LOL. Luckily, one of their immediate neighbors is an ER physiscian, who took a look at it and said a walk-in emergicare shop should be able to handle it okay, no plastic surgery approach needed, thankfully, so off they went - got there at 9pm, 3 stitches, home at 11pm...
Looong evening for them. LOL.
Waving to All the Beakers. Off to run to the store to get some kind of Saturday-style snack or bev... that I shouldn't!
Oops, came back to add what I forgot the first time... - "The Circle Game" - Joni Mitchell
A fav of mine... Later, gators.