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Author Topic: Beak Room 2023  (Read 1009309 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8760 on: September 05, 2023, 07:11:59 AM »

 My sincere apologies for taking so long to post this photo. I’ve been dealing with a summer cold and sinusitis.
But...Well, well, well     The little 'buggers' , CR 58 , 59 and 60, my best educated guess.  Have made an appearance upon returning from the forest and survival training aka 'Flight School' as we call it.
Guarantee, I was most lucky to have caught them when I did.
The older two  #s 56 and 57, I haven't seen since fledging and leavening for 'Flight School'.

I'll wager this is the last we see of the third clutch.  As I've not seen a bluebird in almost two weeks.
However, should they grace us with their cheerful presence I'll endeavor to grab a snap and post.

Late afternoon and sadly too dark exposure :(.
The 'boys'  have matured much and  seem to look well.

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8761 on: September 05, 2023, 07:17:21 AM »

PHYL   Started watching "Alexander the Great"  Maybe too much conquering for me - will try and finish tonight.  Have the rest set to record..  Graduation for the BB's  :(

KAREN  Was Piper up to any shenanigans today?  Didn't start being a stinker til she was with you for a while... ;)

EAGLES  Not knowing much about the Yom Kippur war except for the peace treaty under Carter administration, it was so interesting to see the mind of Golda Meir.  Helen Mirren will likely get an Oscar nomination...

LORI   Destini really getting into it  LOL  Love the pets filling in for the humans day off  ;)   Daniel the shop cat was so funny esp the narrator.  ;D ;D ;D

LANI   Do you do "face time" with Aly?   I bet you miss her so much.  :-*   Another hard worker  ;D


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8762 on: September 05, 2023, 07:36:50 AM »

Good  Morning?    Baz, be sure to read Phyls post on the new antibiotic!
69 now with humidity of 93%!  Temps will be 88-89 and low 90s for at least weeks!
Lani, I think my love of the black bears comes from teddy bears and nursery rhymes!  They seem so cuddly!  Thanks for posting the reports!   I am sure the banyan tree will make it.  While I have never seen this one in person I have seen at least one ib Key West!  Very fascinating and almost mysterious looking trees!
You will have a special Christmas!

Lori, good to see you!
Tsk, you are right about Piper!   Nothing yet today!  She has a baskey full of stuffed toys.  Some with and some without squeakers!  Rope things, big and small.  Balls and a few bones!   Nothing new but these have been thruthe washing machine!   She has nothing to do with them!
Going to do a few chores around here!  Bbl


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8763 on: September 05, 2023, 07:38:27 AM »

Good Morning Beakers

tsk - Sounds like an interesting wedding.  I am feeling a lil better today, so Jeff and I are going to head out to BJ's.  Aww, life on the Banyan tree!

karen - That is so true what you said, until u have experienced the hot and humid south you do not know what hot is! I remember the first time I took Jeff down to New Orleans, and we walked out of the airport he was like OMG..I can't breathe.  Piper is a big helper! 

Phyl - Glad to read that you and Jim are feeling better.  Thanks for the pics of BB's and Black ealges.

baz - Thanks for that info on Charter.  I just thought they were not around any longer, since our cable company has changed hands so many times in the past 25 years.

E4E - Glad you had a nice day with mom & sis.  :)

Lori - Love all your labor day pets are "in training", especially Ms Destini!

Lani - Awww, the other hard worker, so cute!  Hard to believe Christmas will be here soon.  Beautiful good night pic!

My sweet girl turned 1 month old yesterday  :D


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8764 on: September 05, 2023, 07:50:13 AM »

  Can't quiet get into the 'Autumn' thing as trees still have green leaves. And, the calendar still says Summer --- the temps are hot and humid.

Hi Tsk  Yes, poor  Alexander the Great got a too obsessed.  It's Julius Caesar tonight.  Back to last night---  Afterwards, I stayed on the channel and Lawrence Fishburne hosted a  program with the latest  on Cleopatra. The Nat Geo Digital  had the same in their issue two mos. back---most interesting. I sure hope that young archaeologist is on track!
Pets to Lulu.

Howdy Karen that new antibiotic is literally  a 'Godsend'. I think washing  pet toys removes the 'animal' scent. Maggie's toys have never been washed---mostly 'cuz that will destroy the catnip inside.  ::)   Pets to Piper.

Lisa 'Happy One Month Anniversary' Sydney.  May you have another 89 years and 11 mos.   ;)

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8765 on: September 05, 2023, 08:05:01 AM »

Good Morning Beakers!


High 93 today, 80 tomorrow! Hopefully done with the 90s, none in the forecast! 70s next week!

Lisa, oh what a beautiful little bundle of joy Sydney is, she gets cuter with every picture! One month old! Don't blink, soon it will be one year!

Phyl, awww, your Bluebird kids came to let you know they are still here and perhaps say goodbye! You and Jim are great caretakers of your Bluebirds, always making sure they have a nice place to raise their families! Very interesting on the new antibiotic being developed! This world needs it very badly!  The Black Eagle chick is getting more black feathers. I checked back through FB posts, I guess they are not naming the chick this year for some reason. I found this lovely picture taken by Buster Shipster of Makatsa, very rarely seen, taking a drink of water.

Lani, I am also so glad to hear that the NABC bears have plenty of food this year, hopefully it will keep them close to 'home' and safe. Christmas, less than four months away, I have always said that when school starts it seems like Christmas is here before we know it!  All we are hearing about now is Kelsey's birthday, she always tells everyone she sees that her birthday is Friday, and that this year she will be 30! Older than Mom, who is only 29! Yes, she tells everyone that! She wants to eat at The Machine Shed and she wants tie dye cupcakes, which she will not eat! I am working on it...  ;D ;D  Oh my, Scottish Bonnett pepper! I can barely tolerate jalapeno!

Lori, love all the hard working critters, especially Boss Destini on her skid loader! Hope both of you are well and happy!

tsk, good news on the Banyon Tree! Hopefully it will help the people of Lahaina heal...  I am with you on the peppers, although I do like a very small bit of jalapeno in my salsa!

baz, great bit on Coyote vs, Acme! I always felt sorry roe Wiley coyote when I was a kid watching the cartoons!  I always though either he was dumb or that Acme was owned by the Roadrunner! Sorry about tennis, I know you love watching the games, I would be mad too!

Atlantic Road, Norway


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8766 on: September 05, 2023, 08:06:46 AM »

Lisa, I will never forget landing in Mobile pre the attached deplaning ramp and standing at the open door of the plane , feeling like I was instantly thrust into a steam bath!    Jeff is right but oh, the charm of it all!
Sweet little bany!

Phyll, these toys have been used by many, over many years!  In mint condition and trust me, no cat nip!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2023, 08:11:38 AM by karengramke »


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8767 on: September 05, 2023, 09:27:48 AM »

Phyll, these toys have been used by many, over many years!  In mint condition and trust me, no cat nip!

LOL. Too funny..
 I wasn't suggesting catnip for dogs. I don't think their sensory receptors are geared for the stuff.  :P

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8768 on: September 05, 2023, 09:42:59 AM »

CLynn luv the coffee cup; tks for the FB post/pic of our chick's mom, Makatsa.  Now that Kelsey's 'let the cat out of the bag' about age...I'm confused...how can a 29 yr old mom have a 30 yr old daughter ? LOL  :-* I'd eat a 'tie-dyed'  frosted  cup cake--..Too soon for me to think about Christmas or Thanksgiving . The guy on the ladder  :o
Awesome road joining islands in Norway.

Bazi  I's still catching up on your posts.
Sorry 'bout your tennis match; good article on  Coyote vs, Acme.

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8769 on: September 05, 2023, 10:09:16 AM »

Lori -  Cute hard-working Destini in her Skid Loader yesterday - hope you both enjoyed Labor Day!  Loved all the cute graphics!

Lani - Hope Aly makes it home for Christmas - but I know you would love to see her and Shannon much sooner!!   Like the pic of the 'hard worker' kitty!

Tsk - Thank you for letting us know how the Wedding day went - too bad that the RSVP's weren't very accurate!  Oahu & Kauai will be wonderful.   Thank you for posting the Banyan tree status - such a lovely sight to see some green.   I don't know much about Golda Meir, so I need to educate myself about her.

Phyl - Cute morning pic!  Love the pic at the Roodekrans nest - beautiful chick!   Interesting article on the Antibiotic - thank you for posting link.   No worries of your BB pic getting posted late - love seeing your BBs no matter when you post!  That was a special pic you were able to snap!!

LisaG - Enjoy BJ's  ;D  Precious pic of your little Granddaughter - thank you for sharing. :)

Clynn - That will be nice when your temps cool next week to the 70s!  Love the pic of Makatsa by Buster Shipster - thank you!  Special birthday for Kelsey on Friday!! ;D   Amazing pic out of Norway!   Yikes - the 2 ladders stacked  :o

Karen - Piper has quite a happy & active personality! ;D

Everyone have a nice day.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8770 on: September 05, 2023, 10:27:06 AM »

Side note on all the posts re hot peppers -  You can really get your money's worth if you go south on a cruise to MX or Carib.  I think there's an unspoken competition between the locations and islands.  Doesn't really matter type of peppers, they can all be made/doctored/grown for HOT HOT HOT.  They play with the recipe ingredients as much as they do.  Ton is a hot eater.  Even giardiniera on his Italian foods.  He grew his own from seeds from our landscaper.  Or, another Italian neighbor made and sold his own.  I just never enjoyed an hour of burning sensation.  My only use of hot sauce would be when I dipped a butterknife into a bottle of sauce and added whatever stuck to the blade when I was making one of my Caesar salads.  Stuff is that hot from south of the border.  Bottle lasts forever, saves a lot of $$$ 'cuz it doesn't even cost that much (unless you add in the cost of the cruise/trip).    ;D

A side note for the side note -  When we married was when he got plants to grow his own peppers (I plant varied colored bell sweet peppers).  A row (as in debate) started when he thought I was throwing out his hot peppers.  Finally made him understand that you can't plant them in the same vicinity -  the plants all end up being hot peppers.  Bell peppers were given space in the garden; hot peppers were planted in pots and stayed on the patio.  He always remembered to water his peppers.  :P
I make a good Caeser - all toll about dozen ingredients. Ummmm, maybe tonight!


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8771 on: September 05, 2023, 10:42:13 AM »

some bounce
Last minute request to switch my dental appointment from Thursday to this afternoon. So I am mowing now as planned. But then I have to jump in the shower and get ready to leave for my hour drive to the dentist. Oh boy!
camper'sTIG - South Central MN
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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8772 on: September 05, 2023, 10:42:42 AM »

Chris and I saw the Atlantic Road on a new series of tv shows the other day....We watched Norway...many other countries to come....on Disney Plus...streaming series...11 dollars per month I think. The road is described as the most beautiful road in the world..they also showed how it started and the one mailman who makes the 8 mile? (one way) or so trip every day.

In the same way that the Air America shows on Nat Geo showed all our states.

The Norway show was beautiful and even though I'm 95 percent Norwegian, have most of my relatives visit there, I still found stuff in the show I didn't know....the architecture of the old churches all made of wood is phenomenal...in the Telemark region.

anyway, I highly recommend.

puppy finds a baby chick to put his head on..

Weird feeling about today's weather...this morning's air and sky portend for me anyway the potential for strong storms this afternoon....been through enough of them to recognize it...as they say: we shall see.
A cold front will bump heads with this heat so rain, wind, and hail predicted..
Cooler temps coming.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8773 on: September 05, 2023, 10:53:08 AM »

Two buds on my anthurium....am sure hoping this time they open fully....in the past they haven't...but now it's a bigger plant so we shall see...obviously, I bring it inside in the winter.


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Re: Beak Room 2023
« Reply #8774 on: September 05, 2023, 10:55:34 AM »

Phyl - Thanks, and I wish I had another 89 years and 11 mos.

clynn - Your temps sound like mine this week, but still in the 80's for next.  I got your snail mail today.  Thank you so much, and yes, trying not to blink.  ;D

karen - LOL, a steam bath!  When we got outside the airport in New Orleans, Jeff looks at me and my mama and says, why are you all not sweating like me? 

E4E - Thank you!   :-*

Puff - I bet that Cesar is delish!

tig - Safe drive to dentist and good luck!

- Hoping you get some cooler weather.