Kb, glad no one was hurt when the roof collapsed.
Baz, Yep, I know Sister Jean's story. She is amazing and a legend to be sure. Love the article and the book should be a great read, thanks for posting.
Lisa, awww Misty loves toys.... Milo and Norman don't like to play with toys, they want the real thing. I should split their toy stash and send it to our Beakers cats.
All this talk about Pie makes me hungry for one.
Oldguy, Eagles should be on about the same time as you and me, I'm looking forward to her answer to you about Los Lobos... Maru and the push cart... love the reaction of German shepherd as the kittens are coming towards him.... the second dog video was tissue time...
Clynn, love your "Waving back at ya" to Baz!
Harley lazy boy story... awww what fun pics with the munchkins! Special delivery in the mailbox! Cute little Budgies in the birdcage
Love the giant chair, it would have been cool to have them sitting on it. awww Miss Bella found an eagle to cuddle with. Looks like they are having a blast!
Tig, it was a nice break for the two of you.
Tsk, Glad to read you're getting out to do errands. I know you're taking it slow and easy, but what you've achieved since your surgery.... I need to pick up Irish Soda Bread too... I'm making corn beef and the fixings for St Pat's dinner this Friday. Shannon's coming with Mike's Cozy burgers.
T40 and Lori! Happy Pi Day!
Lori, I hope you and your dad are better.
Good night!Sweet Eagle Dreams, Tsk, Oldguy, Lisa, Lilbro, Eagles, Baz, Lori, Karen, Puff, Pink, Clynn, Kb, Tig, Blschue, Phyl, BL and Pip, Godiva, Peep, Jaspurr, Ezee, Eburg, Lindy, RubyRed246, ssrl, Firetruck, Weasel, Jilltosa, Maxie, Masswatch, Paulie, DeborahG, MpMom and Pete, laniebelle, OnEagleWings, NWarg, Garmohoff, Nrstooge, WendyC3, Tigeag, T40, Ginger, Cwellsla, Nanimal, Bggolden, Nora, Rewrap4u, Eaglesrock, Teamcarnes, Seabeeinch, Walton, Sparky, Tulsaducati, Omasawyer, izzysamlikeseagles, bustopbird, Neva, Yank, Linda.L, smrf, nhJane.
Thinking of and missing, Peep, Jaspurr, Jilltosa, Wilson, Godiva, MpMom and Pete, Marrymo, Keystone, TxTeacher, Smb, Naimoj, Thyla/Anne, D7Birder, Indy, Neva, Smb, Alice, and those who have not been with us for a while.
Prayers For Tsk, Eagle's Kris, Lori and her grandma Clute, Puff, Tsk's friend Pam and Hubby, Pink's mother, Karen, Maxie and Larry, Camper's daughter, Ed's sis Gina, Tsk's Barb & Tom, Baz great niece and family, Tim, Peep's friend's family, Clynn's DIL's mom, Ed's friend Greg, Tsk's friend, Clynn's friend Kay, Puff's brother, Masswatch hubby Jamey, Pip's Dad, Ezee, EagleFanDave, Tim's Uncle, Paulie's granddaughter Madison, Emy and family, Clynn's mom and Ed, Lori's grandmother, Tim, Tim's son and grandson, WW JW, Keystone, Jilltosa, Eaglesrock cousin Michael, Thyla/Anne, Neva's family, Weasel and family, and All here in need of healing and comforting.
Prayers for SWFL Dad and eaglets, and Harriets return.
Sauces Family.🙏Special Prayers For Tsk, Phyl, Jim and Maggie, Karen, Blschue and family, Eagle's Kris, Lori and family, Phyl's BIL Danny and brother Dan.
Special prayers for All God's creature great and small, For SWFL Harriet and nest, NEFL Samson and Gabriella, Black Bear Ted, Lucy, Reggae, Taffy Apple, Maggie, Little One and all those like her, Dunrovin Harriet, Hellgate Iris, TRR rescue babies, Eagles's Star, The Fairy Penguins, Berry Mom, Juliet and Romeo, Lucy and Larry, Alaska Bears and Wolves that they be saved, Decorah, E2/D1, Dr Rogers and Black bears Shadow and family and Wildlife Research Institute, and All God's creatures great and small.