Purple Martin,
Progne subis
The Purple Martin is the largest swallow in North America, and in the eastern United States, it is almost completely dependent on human-made birdhouses for nest sites. This is perhaps the earliest spring migrant in Tennessee arriving by the first of March and can be found nesting in every county in the state.
After the breeding season in July and August, adults and fledglings from large communal roosts, often near large bodies of water, but also in urban and suburban settings where they can find sanctuary from predators.
One roost in downtown Nashville discovered in 2010, contained tens of thousands of individuals (see Fun Facts below).
Most Purple Martins in Tennessee depart by early September for the wintering grounds throughout the lowlands east of the Andes in South America.
Description: This large swallow has a large head, broad, pointed wings, and a short, slightly notched tail. The male is entirely bluish-black; the female is bluish-black on the back, dingy gray below with a darker chest and a gray collar on the neck.
Juveniles are like the female but are paler on the belly, and dark gray-brown on the back.
Length: 8"
Wingspan: 18"
Weight: 2 oz
Voice: The call is a collection of rich, liquid, gurgle notes, often given in flight.
Similar Species:
Other swallows are smaller and slimmer, and none have a dark belly.
European Starlings have a similar shape in flight, but are not as buoyant, and have a long bill.
Habitat: Breeds near human settlements where birdhouses are provided, especially near water and large open areas (see links below). In winter, feeds in rainforest clearings and agricultural areas, and may roost in village plazas.
Diet: Flying insects
Nesting and reproduction: In eastern North America, Purple Martins have nested almost exclusively in nest boxes for more than 100 years. Historically they would have used natural cavities, especially old woodpecker holes, but now are found in multi-compartment birdhouses, hollowed-out gourds, and rarely cracks and crevices in buildings. European Starlings and House Sparrows often compete with Purple Martins for nest sites.
Clutch Size: Usually 3 to 6 eggs, with a range from 1 to 8.
Incubation: The female incubates the eggs for 15 to18 days.
Fledging: Both adults feed the nestlings, which fledge in 28 to 29 days. After fledging, adults and juveniles gather in large communal roosts, sometimes with thousands of individuals.
Nest: Eastern Purple Martins primarily nest in "martin houses" and gourds hung from poles. Both adults build the nest of twigs, plant stems, mud, and grass. Nest Box Instructions here.
Status in Tennessee: The distribution of Purple Martins in Tennessee is dependent on the location of artificial nest sites. They are a fairly common summer resident in towns, suburbs, and farmsteads across the state.
Human management of colonies is often required because European Starlings and House Sparrows can out-compete martins for nest sites. Their population appears to be stable in Tennessee.