European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris
There are over 200 million European Starlings in North America today. They are all descendants of the 100 birds released in New York's Central Park in the early 1890s by a group dedicated to introducing all of the birds mentioned in Shakespeare's plays into America.
The play that featured the starling was Henry IV: "Nay, I'll have a starling shall be taught to speak nothing but 'Mortimer'..." Starlings are very good mimics and were a popular cage bird in Europe.
They first appeared in Tennessee in 1921, and by 1970 they had spread to upper Alaska. European Starlings now breed across all of North America and only the Canadian birds migrate south in winter.
Starlings became established so easily because they are habitat generalists able to exploit a large variety of habitats, nest sites, and food sources.
They will eat almost anything from French fries to an array of invertebrates, small vertebrates, fruits, and seeds. While they do eat some insects that are harmful to crops, starlings are thought to do more harm than good. They steal grain, ravage crops, and out-compete native birds for winter fruits.
Regardless of how loud and obnoxious the huge winter flocks can be, their aerial displays performed before roosting are beautiful and impressive.
Description: This stocky, Blackbird has a short square-tipped tail, a long pointed bill, and walks rather than hops. In flight, the wings are short and pointed.
The feathers are glossy black tipped in white in winter giving the bird a speckled appearance.
These white feather tips wear off by spring leaving a shimmering green-and-purple glossy plumage. The bill is dark in winter and yellow in spring. The male and female look the same; the juvenile (May-August) is a drab gray-brown all over.
In the fall molting, juveniles may have patches of gray and black.
Length: 8.5"
Wingspan: 16"
Weight: 2.7 oz
Voice: The song is a variety of trills, whistles, chatters, and twitters. The European Starling is known to mimic other birds including Eastern Meadowlark, Brown-headed Cowbird, and Eastern Wood-Pewee. They give a variety of calls including a sliding wolf-whistle. Females also sing, but mostly in the fall.
Similar Species:
Blackbirds have slimmer bodies, longer tails, and shorter, thicker bills. No blackbird has a yellow bill.
Juvenile and female Brown-headed Cowbirds are similar in color to juvenile starlings, but cowbirds have a longer tail, a slimmer body, and a much stouter and shorter bill.
Habitat: Found in a variety of habitats especially near people in agricultural and urban areas.
Diet: Broad diet of many kinds of invertebrates, small vertebrates, fruits, grains, seeds, and garbage.
Nesting and reproduction: European Starlings are cavity nesters and may negatively impact several native birds including woodpeckers,
Great Crested Flycatchers, Tree Swallows, Eastern Bluebirds, and Purple Martins by competing with them for nest sites (see fun facts below).
Starlings in Tennessee appear to only occasionally produce a second brood.
Clutch Size: 3 to 7 eggs with 4 to 5 eggs most common.
Incubation: Both adults incubate the eggs for 12 days.
Fledging: Both adults feed the chicks, which fledge in 21 to 23 days. Unlike many birds, the fledglings are fully feathered and fly well when they leave the nest. They are independent of the adults in three to four days and form flocks with other juveniles.
Nest: Inside the cavity, adults build a nest of grass, fresh green vegetation, or pine needles and may also include feathers, paper, plastic, and string. Nests can be located 2 to 60 feet above the ground, but an average of 10 to 25 feet.