Congratulations to Big Bear Jackie & Shadow, confirmed PIP!!! 

INITIAL PIP CONFIRMED❗️🥚Jackie& Shadow Loudly Announce It To The World💕@FOBBVCAM 2025-03-02 VIA CALI CONDOR Mar 2, 2025 BIG BEAR LAKE
Original live video courtesy of @FOBBVCAM
The opinions presented on this channel do not necessarily reflect the opinions of FOBBV.ℹPip Watch 2025: Initial Pip confirmed 3/2/25 at 15:09.
Congratulations Jackie and Shadow and the entire eagle family! We’ve been waiting for almost 3 years.❤
Jackie and Shadow’s previous chick Spirit pipped exactly 3 years ago to the date.
🐣Hatching is a long process that may take a few days:ℹThe eggs have many beautiful and interesting markings (dirt, fluff, blood from lay, imperfections etc.). This is completely normal, but may make the correct Pip Identification difficult. If you suspect a pip, keep an eye on that spot. A real pip grows over time & becomes a larger, more obvious Pip Site.
ℹBEWARE OF PWI: "Pip Watch Itch" manifests as an urgent need to study all egg rolls frame-by-frame & pronounce every dirt speck or fluff a Pip. It is highly transmissible, occurs seasonally, and has no known cure.💊😁
🥚Egg1 laid 1/22 17:05, Egg2 laid 1/25 16:44, Egg3 laid 1/28 17:43
ℹResident Bald Eagle male: Shadow (unbanded) since May 2018. Estimated hatch year: 2014
ℹResident Bald Eagle female: Jackie (unbanded) since September 2016. Estimated hatch year: 2012
🔴LIVE Recap & Observations