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Author Topic: Jewel and her cubs  (Read 1980049 times)


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29550 on: February 27, 2025, 12:30:07 PM »

hi joho i tried to google that lodge too i did see history showed some really old photos you have very good memories there not anything to do with hunting. i just cant stand hunting  someone going out with means to kill and animals and hunt them! only one person in my family on both sides hunted my uncle john shot poor birds dragged my two cousins with him and they hated it. like i said really made my grandmother mad. but your wonderful lodge sounds really peaceful you must of saw lots of wildlife.  i am happy our taxes all done picked up sent off we did okay i saw on news get your in with all the firing of irs people and lots right here in kc got it.  bad to work for federal gov. i heard on news when i went to town child in texas died from the measles child was not vaccinated  hear that kennedy. cant believe his is a kennedy and got in.

hi PA paulie!   :) joho that is so cute  yes my feral cat she is lucky but i feed all my cats most were feral at one time too. she still will not let me pet her but she is getting closer to me when i go to the barn if she in her dog house there she sticks her head out so i have to go back get some cat food put it out then go to the barn tell her its on a plate. when she does decides to let me pet her i will get her inside. she is smart but i can hear coyotes sometimes pretty close if she stays close be alright it was alright for the others. some of them hay i think i love you let me inside some came in the barn thru hidey hole momma cat she ate fast and hard very very hungry had 4 kittens outside the hidey hole i saw kittens big enough to eat cat food i had a carrier out there and petting her and got her fast into that carrier brought her in my room. we set live traps got each kitten one by one brought them in my room put them all in my big walk in closet. took her to vet in the morning got her fixed she has all boys. anyway that was almost 2 years ago.  hope that ice will be melting at our cabin be real careful. i will try to go over to cheers and read your post say hi i remember long ago cheers never i called her never asked if she could a use picture i had posted at jewel with all the horses had back then.

they are bringing gravel i gotta go
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29551 on: February 27, 2025, 12:35:29 PM »

joho i was looking for falcon cams and saw this one kansas topeka so i looked since kansas my childhood home no birds but nice cam shep posted there said nice cams and i said hi shep yes nice cams

KANSAS, Topeka Falcon Cam
« on: February 15, 2025, 09:56:24 AM »
Nest Cam

outside cam

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29552 on: February 27, 2025, 12:40:12 PM »

joho i found the Great Spirit Bluff Falcons - Cliff View  :) i had not seen this cam for awhile
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29553 on: February 27, 2025, 10:02:21 PM »

Paulie, I found the Althom pictures.  Thanks. Yes, Warren is way up there pretty close to Erie, and not real far from the New York line.
I remember those little cabins, the hills, and the river views.  The one picture off to the right side that shows  the autumn leaves over the curving dirt road is exactly where Joan and I took our first walk together as man and wife on our honeymoon.  It was in September and looked just like it does in that picture. God I miss her.
I love RRP and their many cams too, but I don't know what Cheers is.
Cal I look at GSB Cam a lot.  especially in the morning, because the operator will often pan around and show the sunrise and boats etc. on the river.  I even got to watch some coyotes once just walking around on the river ice.  They were like playing etc.
I will say good night now GBU all.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29554 on: Yesterday at 04:26:44 AM »

hi you guys its 44 here we have to leave soon head to the city liberty hospital so i can get that CT i need to change into my good clothes not my barn clothes

joho i got a text from ROMTech is said dr niemann ordered this for me its my PT and i will be doing it at home not have to go anywhere

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Range of Motion After 2 Weeks


patients using PortableConnect recovered range of motion 2 weeks post-op

Standard Care


Range of Motion After 2 Weeks


patients using standard Care recovered range of motion 2 weeks post-op

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Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29555 on: Yesterday at 04:29:48 AM »

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29556 on: Yesterday at 02:03:34 PM »

Trump, Zelensky Did Not Sign Minerals Deal, Says White House

yay president zen! make a deal with trump musk vance dont think so

joho where are you? pa paulie you seen joho?
I've never met an animal I didn't like, and I can't say the same thing about people. Doris Day


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29557 on: Yesterday at 05:02:00 PM »

HiEV1  Finally got on here.  Been busy trying to keep up with politics today.  Also, had the nice class lunch too.  Most of my day has been taken up with phone calls to get refills, and to phone company trying to find out what effect a rouge text had.  I got an odd text adding me to a group of eight it said.  When I called the ref number I got a machine telling me that I could not call this number.  Then for a while my phone acted up.  I was trying all morning to get it resolved.  I did not click on the text.  I deleted it as fast as I could.  The phone company said I did the right thing and that my account looked to be OK.  Except that my payment is overdue.  This took a little of my time, because I was flabbergasted to be delinquent on an autopay system.  WHAT!!!!  He kept saying he was obligated to tell me I was late.  I kept saaying how could this be??????  They blackmailed me to get into this system by charging me an additional $5 per month for normal mail billing.  So to find I out I am called delinquent on the day they usually grab their money.  What the Heck????
Plus getting refills added time too, because I called the doctor before 9:30.  I thought 9 was starting time, but no 9:30.  By the time I got done with the phone and doctor it was time to get ready and go to brunch.  Brunch was good.  I had soup and salad at Olive Garden.  We had a good group of 8.  This is a little sad for a class of 52. 
I am not sure what will come of Ukraine.  It does not look good.  Maybe Europe will recognize the threat to themselves and step up to replace our support which seems to be failing with Trump.
It is unbelievably warm and windy.  The temp is 61 degrees at 6 PM.  I left the garage door up all afternoon.  Had to sweep a lot of leaves out just now. Plus I left the left over salad and breadsticks in the car all afternoon while I napped.  I like to hear Jim Cramer.  He is on now so Iwill go.  See you tomorrow God willing. 
GN and GBU guys.


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29558 on: Today at 04:44:32 AM »

Fisher, Birds, but No Bears Yet - UPDATE February 28, 2025

Barred Owl 2025
Of course I wouldn’t expect to see a bear for well over a month yet, but I can’t help but miss them.Barred Owl 2002
Barred Owl 2002

But an owl with a B name, a Barred Owl showed up a couple days ago for an ID picture that’s not as sharp as I’d like. But it reminded me of an exciting time in July 2002 when a barred owl flew up to a white pine in the dark close enough that I could use a flash for a detailed picture of this mostly nocturnal owl that I hear more than I see.

listen to a Barred Owl (stock audio)

The male fisher came several times lately, showing slightly different hues depending on the light. He is used to seeing me in the window at my desk on his way to the drumsticks or beef fat. He even stopped for a look calmly enough, but he is skittish if I get up.

 Fisher Male    Fisher Male
Fisher Male in different lighting

The bald eagle made six swooping grab and goes in one day without me being able to get a single picture. Each swoop is startlingly unexpected at high speed with no pause as he grabs and is disappearing through the trees with food in his talons by the time I can grab the camera.

Pine Siskins
Pine Siskins

Pine siskins continue to grow in number. Maybe it is the increased competition for sunflower seed hearts that makes them desperate enough to land on me, up to 14 at a time on my arms, hand, chest, and head, looking me in the eye at times and then are back to showing me close-up how they chew each seed into crumbs to swallow. If a raven or eagle flies over, they fly off as a flock to either fill the high branches of trees or more likely are off as a twisting and turning cloud of birds.

Crow Pair
Crow pair

The first crows I’ve seen this year returned from 100 to 200 miles south—a pair sitting together on a dead branch of a white pine.

Seeing the days getting longer and temperatures coming up, makes me think of spring and new cubs.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29559 on: Today at 05:05:11 AM »

hi you guys its 33 here 30 in longyear 44 and raining in ice i got to the hospital yesterday morning we got there early went in thru er door no one there well behind the glass did not even pay attention to us got to radiology before 7 am tim he was very nice came and got me at 7 am i had to lay down on a table it was hard to lay flat on that but i did and tim said would take 3 minutes oh i can do 3 minutes and i was so tired from night before i almost dozed off he helped me up i would of had to tried to roll off that table to get up then we left so that is done.  i sure do wish pres zen was my president instead of that putin lover musk lover pos. no pres zen you do not have to tell that sorry sob you are sorry it was not a freebee anyway pay for it with your minerals but good you left cant argue with a sick mind you just cant

hi joho happy you are okay and scary reading about your stuff. i have autopay on our phone bill had for years my internet and landline is small company and never had any problems same charge every month if they would raise it would let me before hand i never had to pay anymore for the autopay.  you be careful when you are online and paying stuff autopay should be just that autopay.  i do think eu needs to step up and help ukraine for sure. we have made countries not care for us anymore except russia iran north korea iran china isnt that just awful and scary my dad and grandfather fought for this? four years of this and be done with trump and i bet musk and vance too. i hope people have woke up and election time for senators and etc vote out republicans course dem needs to get their act together and get someone in there that people will want to vote for. my first mom and dad in law and i loved them so much i called them mom and dad went to school in small small town in birch tree mo we went there once a year with them i took my little dogs very nice area they went to their school reunion every year not a big class to begin with but ended up being only like three of them

hi paulie


Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. Dalai Lama and mb


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Re: Jewel and her cubs
« Reply #29560 on: Today at 07:54:43 AM »

5:21 Good for you Cal.  You made it through the first step.
Everything finally worked out for me yesterday.  Today I was having my cereal when I realized I had post dated all four of the checks I wrote yesterday I put 4/1 instead of 3/1.  So I cut open the envelopes and marked over the 4 to be a 3 and added my initials.  Then I taped up the envelopes and will drop them in the mail when I go to Faith Baptist Temple and Drugmart.
 I am going to the the church for a pancake fund raiser.  It is a little country church on the corner of Root Road and old route 10, Lorain Road.  I have been driving by this little church in Fields Corners since I was 13 years old.  I have always been curious and wanted to go in there. the church is very old.  It has been renovated many times in my life.  It has lasted much longer than Fields Tavern next door where the locals would often raise hell.  The Tavern has been leveled and is now part of the church's parking lot.  Good has prevailed over evil you might say.  At least in Field's Corners, Ohio. LOL.
Hi Paulie
I am ashamed of my President.  So greedy and self centered. I grew up very poor. We needed help that I don't remember getting.  I still feel we should support those less fortunate than us.  Including those being bullied like Ukraine.  I  don't see how we can embrace the most evil countries that have ever existed and be proud of it.
 In many ways, Obama is responsible for Trump's rise to power.  I vividly remember when Obama was on stage at the Kennedy Center and taunted Trump by saying if he did not like what Obama and his people were doing he should run for president.  Well look how that worked out.  Thanks Obama and company.
Well that's enough soapbox for this morning.  Sorry for the bitterness.  Every day seems more depressing than the previous.  Plus my good old paper says it will only put out four days per week now.  I have again outlived "The Thrill of Living", as Bruce and Willy say.