Dog & Quad ... 37:21 64° (2:20 pm) Somewhat overcast and windy. They tell us it will become more Spring like in the next few days, Hope so.
Hello everyone.
Hi Joho. It's okay to have a lazy day sometimes, you've spent a lifetime doing what you were supposed to do. As for that haircut, there's still the ponytail option. You could get a couple of tattoos to go with that and make the long hair look like it was the plan all along. 😊 (I'm just joking with you.) 😉 ... besides, then you might have to get a motorcycle to complete the look.
Hi Cal. Thanks for the puzzle and report on what Dr. Rogers is up to, each day. I appreciate it. It is pretty amazing how these animals come to trust him as much as they do.
Do you carry your phone with you into the barn?