ed, Pretty Girl, the Bobcat, and a New Bird - UPDATE February 14, 2022
Brown creeper
Brown creeper
"Pooch Pal" caught this 3½ -minute music video of Ted active in his den yesterday. Makes me want to go see him again.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDD4oGvVQlMPretty Girl was back! She even got up on a snow mound outside my window to see if I was at my desk. But it was only tracks I saw plus the disappearance of the turkey skeleton that had some meat on it. There were also tracks of the bobcat, and a sighting of it less than two tenths of a mile away leaving the property at about 3 PM today.
I miss seeing Pretty Girl, but the fact that she was here the same day as the bobcat makes me less worried that she will be killed by it. At the same time, though, I’m wondering where she goes for so much of the time. I’m glad she still visits when she does.
Yesterday was our first sighting of a brown creeper this winter. We don’t see a lot of them in winter because we are the northern edge of their winter range. This little sparrow-sized bird spirals up the trunk of tree after tree looking for insects to pluck from crevices with its long, narrow, curved beak. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one out on a branch—only on trunks.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center