Moments of Tension - UPDATE August 2, 2021
Cubs coming into view by Zerwick
Cubs coming into view by Zerwick
The cubs mother
The cubs mother
Cubs racing up white pine
Cubs racing up white pine
This little drama began when group member Lorie Zerwick snapped a cell phone picture of two cubs walking out of a white pine grove. Their unknown mother soon following after running off a young male that was too close.
In this year of berry crop failures, bears are undoubtedly traveling far, and we are seeing bears that are not members of the local Shadow’s Clan.
Mother looking up white pine
Mother looking up white pine
Mother climbing white pine
Mother climbing white pine
Cub joining family
Cub joining family
Suddenly, for no obvious reason, the cubs raced for nearby white pines and climbed high. The mother retreated to the grove of trees. When a cub huffed its anxiety, the mother looked up the tree and shortly climbed high to the cub. We all felt sorry for the cub that was in a nearby tree by itself. Would it dare to leave the safety of the tree to join its family? To our surprise, the cub did just that. From its high vantage point, it scanned the forest floor, slid down, tore through the underbrush, and picked the right trunk to join them.
Seeing how bears solve problems and express their emotions in various situations is always intriguing.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center