Lucy’s Family Back Together, Plus an Opportunity - UPDATE July 30, 2021
Lucy's two male cubs
Lucy's two male cubs

For nearly a month, 5-year-old Lucy has scarcely been seen. Early in that time, a trail cam caught her traveling with only one male cub. Meanwhile, her other male cub remained in this area, trying to join other families. By this time of year, mothers are hardly willing to accept new cubs. We were surprised that mothers let him tag along with them a bit. We never saw or heard of a mother harming him, but we did see a mother warn him sternly that he was not to interfere with her family’s feeding. I can only imagine how this cub felt when he finally saw his true mother and sibling. Today, we saw Lucy resting at the base of a big white pine with the cubs resting together on a high branch. A half hour later, they were feeding together on the ground. A few hours later, they disappeared, apparently together.

Chloe, Charley Brown, and Lincoln appeared together after being absent several days. They were desperately hungry and remained most of the day. It was also nice to see Daisy’s three male cubs.
As a lead-in to the following, scarce natural food has created record sightings and especially good opportunities to learn black bear personalities, vocalizations, and body language. With condolences to family members that had to cancel due to a death in the family, the August 9-12 Black Bear Field Study Course is left with only five participants. The website still says that it has eight, but it now has room for three or four to make 8 or 9., depending on lodging requirements. If this fits your schedule, email Judy Thon at
[email protected] for registration information, etc.
Thank you for all you do.
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center