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RRP's Birds: Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, American Kestrels, Ospreys, Turkey Vultures, and More! => Bald Eagles 2025 => Decorah Lounge 2025 => Topic started by: paulie on January 01, 2025, 10:10:28 AM
Happy New Year!!
I wish Everyone a healthy and pleasant 2025!! :)
Yes, I mean Mel. Her voice is whiney. LOL I had PT yesterday. I am almost done. I just need to master stepping up and down. I am hoping it's just a couple of more weeks. New year new deductible for insurance!!! LOL I am actually going out to dinner tonight with a group of family friends and my father dinner is at 8:30. My tooth started hurting me yesterday ran to dentist they found nothing wrong. I think its the tooth next to the one that is hurting me. I will go back Thursday if it still hurts. Oh and I went walking today. I mile!!! MY lower back started hurting and hips my knees were great!!! Maybe by the spring I will be walking 2 miles. :) Hopee everyone has a good and safe new years
Hi LB, Happy New Year!
Your going out to dinner last night sounds very pleasant.
Good you saw the dentist.
Your walk yesterday sounds really good and great about your knees!!
Happy New year Everyone!!!!
i saw the cow just now. I sure hope this is true.
Any way just wanted to post this to LB, Paulie and all here.
Hi Phyl, Thank You! Happy New Year 2025 to you too!!
I wish you, Jim and Maggie a healthy and pleasant 2025.
HI Paulie,
The dentist was a waste. no cavity no need for root canal. he said something about the root coming close to the gum line and sensitive. he put something on there to desensitize. but didn't work I switch to toothpaste for sensitive teeth not working.
Dinner was good. I may walk again today
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year LB, Paulie, Cheers Family and Friends! :-*
HI Paulie,
The dentist was a waste. no cavity no need for root canal. he said something about the root coming close to the gum line and sensitive. he put something on there to desensitize. but didn't work I switch to toothpaste for sensitive teeth not working.
Dinner was good. I may walk again today
So sorry the visit w/ dentist was a bummer. There has to be 'something' that will help your comfort. Glad the dinner was 'good'. Hope you get some
walking in today. Think I'll start back walking in March.
good morning back to work but from home next week in office. Don't eat is the solution with tooth. lol
Hi Karen and Lani!! Happy New Year's to you both also!!
Hi again Phyl.
Hi LB, I wonder if you might be clenching your teeth together and not realizing it. Happened to me years ago when under stress.
Work was really stressful for a while. I had terrible pain. I went to dentist. He asked me if I was stressed about anything. Yep!
I got a plastic mold that you boil then cool then place in mouth to form a mold over teeth. I used it sleeping. It worked. Pain went away.
Nice you're working from home this week. Going into the office next week should be interesting with new manager.
Awwwwsome!!! ND beat Georgia!!
Now ND plays Penn State at semi-finals!
Born and raised in PA and I haven't ever liked Penn State football.
Soooo GO ND! :)
Yes! Go N.D. !! 8)
good morning the new manager doesn't really affect me maybe decisions that he will make that may affect our department Its suppose to snow MOnday but I think where I am its minimum.
Good morning our storm for monday is dwindling its staying more south. so tired for the hype for a week and it turns to nothing all the time. They are already bringing up a storm for the end of the week with possibly 1-2 fr. LOL probably will be the upstate NY area
Good Evening,
We're at cabin. Arrived early yesterday afternoon. Whoa it's cold! Feels like temp is 5. We had a mini blizzard this morning. Snowed off and on after that. The woodstove is definitely getting a workout.
We were planning to return Monday but looks like we'll return tomorrow because of snow storm in forecast here at cabin area and also at home.
LB, Same as you some report not so much snow then some yes more snow. Either way I'm ready for Spring!!! :)
Gotcha about that new manager.
Yes! Go N.D. !! 8)
Hi tig, Cool!! 8)
good evening off to work I go tomorrow. not sure if happy or not. lol only 1 in or so tomorrow. They are already trying to scare us for next Saturday sayin gpossible 1-2 ft. my prediction is rain or nothing lol
good evening
good evening
good evening
good evening
good evening off to work I go tomorrow. not sure if happy or not. lol only 1 in or so tomorrow. They are already trying to scare us for next Saturday sayin gpossible 1-2 ft. my prediction is rain or nothing lol
Hi LB, Do you mean off to work in the office this week? I think so.
How's your tooth pain?
Same here for this weekend. No more hype for heavy snow. Storm is supposed to stay south. Thank goodness!!
Yes! Go N.D. !! 8)
Hi Tig, Half time. Go Irish!!
We're back from cabin. Brutal bitter cold there and snow then more snow. Knees hurt like crazy while there. Glad to be home honestly.
Came home to retina specialist follow up appt for macular degeneration. The dilation and couple of routine exams given were easy but geez louise to the exam with the retina Dr. That was brutal. Was soooo glad when it was done. Good news though after exam so don't have to return for 6 to 8 months. Prayers answered.
Tig! TD!!
;D Awesome football game last night. Go Irish! ND!!
Exciting game last night...
Hugz all
good evening... yes was in office. home this week. will need to go to office Thursday though for a meeting.
I forgot Paulie my teeh is doing better, I switched to toothpaste for sensitive teeth it took almost a week .
Hi Tig, Agreed and Hugz back to you.
Hi LB, Good about your tooth/teeth and that toothpaste. Nice you can work from home this week except for Thursday. It's supposed to get colder this week. Ugh.
Howdy on a Sunday afternoon,
After temps in 20s and single digits for two weeks today it's 39 right now. Nice!! Back to 20s later this week darn it.
I took the trash cans to the curb and it feels like Spring!
Knees and hip don't hurt as much either with the higher temp. Thumbs up!!
Good evening
Good morning
Hello to 2025 forums - thanks Amy
here is my list of bookmarks that I post each year for the 2 lounge forums and the 2 Decorah forums. These bookmarks will automatically go to your last read post in each forum.
Decorah Eagles 2025 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2926.new.html#new
Decorah North Nest 2025 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php/topic,2925.new.html#new
Cheers 2025 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2928.new.html#new
Beak Room 2025 Forum - https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/forum/index.php?topic=2927.new.html#new
good morning
Hey LB! Thanks for the help. That was easy!! LOL I can't believe I didn't figure that out this year.
Yesterday's quotes: #2 Lol Oh and #4 is good too.
How's PT going? And the stairs?
Hello oldguy, Thank you.
Hi Paulie and LB, ;D
Paulie, so glad you found Cheers! I was lost on Monday when Amy made her changes. I was wandering from thread to thread.
And I felt like I do when I go into the garage and I can't figure out why I'm in there. ???
And I'm doing that a lot lately. LOL!
Well, Cheers! ;D :-*
We weren't alone Lani A couple others have also confessed to being at sea. Started working on the switch Tuesday. Determination an aids from LisaG and OG got me what I wanted yesterday. Now let's hope I remember the new paths - and then can replace some more. Too much for the old mind.
Good evening, I just finished PT yesterday. I had 2 more visits scheduled for next week, but h let me finish. He said I won't get any strong or anything I am at the max. I should continue doing exercises at home.. I have walked a few days this past week. a little over a mile each time. MY back starts to hurt after while so I will slowly increase the how long. I do curbs and a few steps when I come across them . I don't come across too often
Some reason I was in the 2025 age when I came on yesterday. I went out to make sure I can find it. It was a little different so had trouble a little.
good evening. TGIF
Hi Paulie and LB, ;D
Paulie, so glad you found Cheers! I was lost on Monday when Amy made her changes. I was wandering from thread to thread.
And I felt like I do when I go into the garage and I can't figure out why I'm in there. ???
And I'm doing that a lot lately. LOL!
Well, Cheers! ;D :-*
Hi Lani! ;D Yes ma'am found Cheers. Sounds like a lot of people were wondering around!!
Oh my gosh you have me laughing about wondering why you're in garage! LOL
I hear ya!! Happens to me too. ;D
You take care. :-*
We weren't alone Lani A couple others have also confessed to being at sea. Started working on the switch Tuesday. Determination an aids from LisaG and OG got me what I wanted yesterday. Now let's hope I remember the new paths - and then can replace some more. Too much for the old mind.
Hi Puff! Good one ..... "Being at sea." It's good all of us wonderers found where we were going. ;D
Good evening, I just finished PT yesterday. I had 2 more visits scheduled for next week, but h let me finish. He said I won't get any strong or anything I am at the max. I should continue doing exercises at home.. I have walked a few days this past week. a little over a mile each time. MY back starts to hurt after while so I will slowly increase the how long. I do curbs and a few steps when I come across them . I don't come across too often
Some reason I was in the 2025 age when I came on yesterday. I went out to make sure I can find it. It was a little different so had trouble a little.
Hi LB Congrats to no more PT and being done sooner!! Good to continuing exercises at home and walking.
Do you have difficulty doing curbs and a few steps? Do your new knees feel tight or sore doing that?
Good you found Cheers too. ;D
Well the National Weather Service has sent code red warning for my area for snowstorm heading here then super frigid temps.
It's to start tomorrow morning at 4AM and go till 10PM. Then it's heading to you LB.
You know what I'm going to say, right? Yep! I'm ready for Spring!! ;D
hey, I got lost in the day I walked 1.5 miles earlier today. Got it in before the rain and yes, I do the curbs instead of avoiding them. lol They are stiff. It's hard to do since I haven't done them for so long. I don't have any step in my apartment. WE are getting storm tomorrow too..... anywhere from 0-8 in depending on who you listen too. I am Monday because of MLK It will be in single digits Tuesday and Wednesday and yes, I am in office. My work schedule will change in a week or so. I am now hooked on 2 guys who do dog rescues. They are o fb ad one does stories on You tube, Rocky Kanaka and the Archer house. Archer House lives is a 225-acre sanctuary. He rescues dogs and farm animals. He has over 125 dogs all live in his house which is huge. He is i Oregan. Rocky is in California. Why don't they have places like this in NJ. MY dream I would love to have the 225 acres to rescue animals Oh and he has cats too. I can spend all day watching their videos
good afternoon. I got another 1.5 mile walk in today before weather got bad. it was flurrying and drizzling. we are supposed to get 5-7 in. We'll see
hello didn't get much maybe 2-3 inches. I had trouble starting my car this morning probabbly too cold I eventually got it started. Hopefully it will start tomorrow morning I go to the office tomorrow
good evening and good night
good evening
hello didn't get much maybe 2-3 inches. I had trouble starting my car this morning probabbly too cold I eventually got it started. Hopefully it will start tomorrow morning I go to the office tomorrow
We got 7 inches at my house. Cabin via the Ring camera front of and rear of cabin .... oh my lots more snow!!
The temps at cabin have been minus 25. The flooring is guaranteed to either 25 or -25. We were going to go this weekend to get wood stove going and check/be sure the well water tanks, pipes etc and flooring are good but can't. Will explain below.
Oh my since Monday! Severe cold temps. This morning feels like temp minus 15. Schools had 2 hr delays. Should have allowed kids to stay home in my opinion. Way too cold at bus stops.
Lucky you only 2 to 3 inches LB. Good your car started. Has it continued to start hope so. It's brutal cold. Of all weeks for you to have to go into office. How do both your new knees feel in this bitter cold?
I've been MIA because my husband Charlie's ICD/implanted cardiac defibrillator shocked his heart again. Scary because it's happening more often now. He's had it since 2008. Used to shock only on occasion for years then once a year but happening more frequently.
Last event/shock was last October. Don't know if I told anyone here. We were at cabin. Just him and me when suddenly he got a shock then his heart shocked second time 5 minutes later. Not good! I had to call 911 in very rural area and taken to hospital 30 to 45 minutes away. Anyway all turned out good. Awesome staff at that hospital in western PA.
His most recent shock now only 3 months after the last. He had 2 V-tach episodes that his heart corrected on its own but the third did not correct rythmn on its own thus the defib shock he got. Luckily I was standing beside him. The shock knocked him off his feet .. knees buckled and down he went. I tried to catch him but when it happens it's fast. I hate the yell he does when he's shocked. It's terrible.
Well thank you for allowing me to 'unload' .. feels like journaling .. getting this out because I don't allow him to see me stressed as I'm to be helping him and my family too. Felt good unloading here. :) :-*
((( Paulie )))
Glad we're here to help you relieve some of the stress/angst paulie. Lots of relief is a good way to cope - that along with prayers, and hugs, and caring friends. We'll be with you and Charlie.
And, if it's OK to be last . . . HAPPY HAPPY OG
Paulie! Sorry to hear about Charlue! Hang in there and share any time! ((( Paulie and Charlie)))
Paulie Sorry to hear about Charlie, I hope he is doing OK Will he be going to the doctor?
Tig, Puff, Karen and LB, Thank you very much. You are each good friends! I really appreciate it. :) :-*
LB, Yes he has appointment tomorrow.
How's it going at work? Is the girl you called trouble maker still there?
Update: So far so good. He's been resting. Charlie's cardiologist is upping his heart rhythm med and has also ordered a program change in his device/ICD. It's called a therapy increase amount of burst. This has been done in the past. Basically it means the timing from when the device senses the faster heart rhythm, the time will be extended before the device shocks the heart allowing the heart to hopefully return to a slower rhythm on its own therefore eliminating a shock. This was done after his two shocks last October.
Hopefully this newer adjustments helps more.
A procedure called oblation (burns off scar tissue in heart) was discussed a year or two ago but now the Dr suggests not doing procedure due to condition of heart and Charlie's age. Whew! Time to change the topic.
How has each of you been doing with the severe temps and snow?? We're all ready for Spring I'm sure.
Tig, You're in Michigan correct?
Puff, How's it for you in Chicago?
Karen, Did it snow? You're in Georgia correct? It doesn't normally snow in Georgia does it?
New Orleans and Florida got hit hard!!
I haven't been to Beak Room since last time I asked about Eagles4evr. I hope she's still not around any of the fires as they've been spreading south. I don't have time to go to read tonight. Hopefully I can tomorrow.
Take care and SED
Just a dusting of snow last two dates paulie. I know it's been mentioned before - but today I actually saw some young teenager using a leafblower. Just a trace. Temps keep using single digits at night, but stay at double digits most of the day. Right now 11 - 0 forecast for tonight. The whole area is promised high 30's for weekend.
Concerns still for you both.
Hi Paulie
We are in Minnesota
Last cold morning today
Talons crossed the expected warm up won't bring too much snow
Hope all goes well with Charlie. I forgot to answer about my knees they are fine in the cold. No pain. Only if I sit too long they stiffen. I guess a gentle reminder for me to get up and move. LOL I am hoping to walk tomorrow. I am up to 1.5 miles or more. not quite 2 miles yet but soon Gotg to strengthen up my back it starts to hurt when I get close to 1.5 miles No walking this past week only cause I was in the office :) I actually dont mind the cold. It was brutal in the morning though
good morning
Just a dusting of snow last two dates paulie. I know it's been mentioned before - but today I actually saw some young teenager using a leafblower. Just a trace. Temps keep using single digits at night, but stay at double digits most of the day. Right now 11 - 0 forecast for tonight. The whole area is promised high 30's for weekend.
Concerns still for you both.
Hi Puff, Good to just a dusting. Nice to a teenager using a leaf blower! Your temps sound and look like what it's been like in my area in PA too. Brrrrr Crossing fingers you get high 30s and same here too. I hope so. Who would have thought we'd be hoping for high 30s!! ::)
Only two months yet. Feb & March then we should be able to get outside in fresh air to begin cleaning up our gardens and feeling the warm sun!!
Aww thanks about being concerned. Yesterday Charlie's appointment to have adjustments to ICD went smoothly. He's feeling more relaxed with that being done. His cardiologist also has specialty in Electrophysiology. Very nice for his patients with ICDs.
I spent yesterday afternoon driving to different pharmacies to find the higher mg heart rhythm med Charlie's to take. Found it eventually!! ;D
The pharmacies were calling each other to locate because he was to begin it asap per Dr. Listen to this. When I arrived to the one that had the med (which I had to use Google to find due to it's location and I had no idea how to get there) the technician told me my initial pharmacy we use that's near our home found a bottle on the shelf. They didn't see it when I was there. Do I want to go back there to get it? Ummm No. You have it at this pharmacy so I'll wait while you fill Rx and I have it in my hands. :)
Hi Paulie
We are in Minnesota
Last cold morning today
Talons crossed the expected warm up won't bring too much snow
Hi Tig, Oh Minnesota! Well still you've been having severe cold temps too. Nice to last cold morning today for you!! Send the warmer temps south please. :)
Oh true about warmer temps. That can bring snow. Is it predicted for you?
Hope all goes well with Charlie. I forgot to answer about my knees they are fine in the cold. No pain. Only if I sit too long they stiffen. I guess a gentle reminder for me to get up and move. LOL I am hoping to walk tomorrow. I am up to 1.5 miles or more. not quite 2 miles yet but soon Gotg to strengthen up my back it starts to hurt when I get close to 1.5 miles No walking this past week only cause I was in the office :) I actually dont mind the cold. It was brutal in the morning though
Hi LB, Thanks. It did. All's good with ICD adjustment and med.
Oh wow! Nice that your knees are fine and no pain in the cold!!
My ortho Dr is pushing for me to get left knee replaced. Now the right one is hurting. Not sure how much longer I can put this off. I'm trying tho. Lol I go in March for more Euflexxa gel knee injections.
You go girl walking 1.5 miles. Kudos to you! You'll accomplish the 2 miles in time. Strengthening your back/core is important yes.
That's right you like the cold. And wind!! You work from home this week?
This is not a good way to start the week - complaint!
Today it was daily Bayer baby aspirin bottle. Who knew how hard it is to open - push down and turn used to be a no-brainer. Over half an hour is the last time. I got the OK to remove splint on arm/wrist Friday. Ortho gave me some therapy while there and a group of papers for arm, wrist, hand, fingers. Nothing on childproof bottles! Time and patience will be the mantra for a while.
But thank God my for handy man, Mark.
I made a call last week - a bit more serious. I had a refill on the eliquis, 3 bottles, 180 doses. My must-have script at this point - and no way to get any of them open. But after all the $$$ and being needed drugs I was in tears for real. But thank you God, Mark showed up! Calmed me down and opened all 3 bottles before starting on my original projects. Wrist/arm is still in worse shape than I thought. Some other obstacle I have to take into account trying to live the life. And Mark said the opening of the bottles was on the house, no charge. :-\
Just ordered some other scripts - when I pick them up I'm going to ask Mike my pharmacist if there is a service provided when needed. Anyone have a hint?
Also thought back to BL and his CA trip. Heard about the medication issues going on there. Imagine their project there when even the drugstores and warehouses are gone. I need to bite my tongue.
Hi. I just invested in a new laptop. Got it pretty cheap too and I love it. All my files on old computer transferred over automatically through the cloud. :) I am impressed. I am so unknown about computers stuff and amazed how improved this is compared to years ago when you had to connect wires to transfer etc. Puff I find it hard to pen child proof med lids too. :( Working from home this week. Thank god because my company internet is funky and I couldn't do anything at work my program I use kept crashing got nothing done. I tested my home connection Friday when I got home and it was perfect. sucked how they didn't allow me to work from home.
I have dr appt tomorrow dreading cause of my weight gain :( Just so stressed with what's going on with my nephew (the alcoholic) I think he is just trying to kill himself. He is so mentally disturbed. They prescribed him medicine that helps physictics (sp) and Prozac. If he drinks while taking this medicine it can kill him , not sure why they gave it to him knowing he is an alcoholic.
He shows signs he doesn't want the help. Its just matter of time. He lost everyone who cares for him
Puff... I believe the pharmacist can use easy open bottles. Just ask. My one med is in a foil pack where I need to peel off the paper and then pierce the foil. Very frustrating. They won't repackage. I think they're just lazy. Anyway. I hope to be finished with the med in a few months.
Good luck
Good morning
Puff, Oh my to those script bottles. Ditto to what Tig said. Requesting the easy open bottles is a God send.
Good news about removing splint from your arm and wrist!
Rough start to your week, Puff. Hope today was better. You've got this! ;)
Hi Tig
LB, How did your Dr appt go today? Was is post-op appointment?
Great news about your new laptop and price and that you love it. Good about all files transferring. You did good! :)
Working in office with funky internet sounds frustrating.
Oh my LB about your nephew. Agreed he should not be drinking while taking that medication. Even if he doesn't want to drink while taking the med he probably cannot help himself due to being so very addicted to alcohol. If he's lost everyone who cares for him can contribute to his drinking also. It's a double edged sword. People did care and tried to help. He pushed them away. What next? Frustrating. He will have to want to help himself to stop. You've tried your best.
How's your younger nephew doing? I remember he was facing mental challenges and not following protocol suggested or accepting help.
Thanks Paulie my younger nephew is doing better, he wants the help but you have to do on his time he gets overwhelmed very quickly responsibility is new for him. I am there to help him. He is realizing the responsibilities and he doesn't make enough money
My dr appointment was with my primary she asked about my surgery and reviewed my scrits etc. I also asked her if anything I can do with my nephew (alcoholic) other than guardianship its a long expensive tedious process. and even if we forced him in it wont work. until he wants the help and clearly, he doesn't sadly she said for him to open his eyes he needs to go homeless that will be the only chance of him wanted to get help
good evening
Hi LB, Good news about your younger nephew and God bless him. He is overwhelmed all while still grieving the loss of his father.
You are an excellent aunt to him.
You're still grieving your brother. How are you?
Sounds like your appt with your primary went well for you and very considerate of you asking for suggestions to help your older nephew. Hopefully he'll want to help himself eventually.
This is hard on you and must be difficult for your father who also is grieving his son watch his grandsons go through their difficulties.
I just said a prayer for each of you.
Quotes I like all four of todays.
Good morning, my grief for my brother is anger. I am so mad at him his kids for doing nothing for them when they were children and even adults. The younger nephew tells me things and I get even more angry. I knew it was bad but not this bad. He was never a father and my SIL was never a mother.
Good evening
Hi LB, You anger is understandable. I remember in past years you commented about your brother and sil not being good parents during your nephews childhood to adults.
Your brother and sil were separated or divorced, correct? She passed away a couple years ago?
It's good your younger nephew is able to open up and talk with you. He's lucky to have you as his aunt. Sounds like some very not good things he told you.
God bless you, LB. You're doing your best to help.
How's your knee? Still doing PT at home? Oh! The temps are to be warmer starting tomorrow. You'll have pleasant days to take your walks. I hope you're working from home this week.
Hi Paulie, I am done with PT!!! I finished a couple of weeks ago. I work in the office next week but I am going to ask him if I can do the 3/2 every week now. The part that had someone obligated to be in office is gone. Asking now cause the next 2 weeks I am supposed to be in the office every day/ I have a dentist appointment Thursday so he said I can work from home that day It's going to be cold today and tomorrow than warm up Monday but that's it then cold again.
good morning
Paulie-I fell on the 20th AM got tangled in the vacuum cleaner cord on the floor and down I went hard! Landed on my weaker r. knee abnd then my left elbow. The elbow recovered in a couple of days. The right knee all black lcome following Tuesday AM.
Went to ER that same Monday and have followed instructions to this date
Was using elastic ACE- untill that just make my skin rash up. So using a support sleeve and cane . I've spent over two weeks in a recliner and ice
Still swollen at impact about size of small egg. Very warm and red still.
Keeping elevated and continue using icepak alt. 20 mins or so.
Appt to see Orthopedic surgeon this Wednesday PM. We shall see.
I;ll PM you the snap shots Jim took I had sent TSK as she inquired what the knee looked likd. A desctiption won''t due justice.
Good Evening Cheers..SEDs all.
good evening
Hi, I hate the flu. Started feeling UGH Sunday. That's why I've been MIA. I got flu shot too last October. Apparently for different strain.
I'm going to read posts now then heading back to cozy comforter and sipping Coke.
Hi Paulie, I am done with PT!!! I finished a couple of weeks ago. I work in the office next week but I am going to ask him if I can do the 3/2 every week now. The part that had someone obligated to be in office is gone. Asking now cause the next 2 weeks I am supposed to be in the office every day/ I have a dentist appointment Thursday so he said I can work from home that day It's going to be cold today and tomorrow than warm up Monday but that's it then cold again.
Hi LB, I asked if you're still doing PT at home. I know you stopped going into clinic for PT. In an earlier post you said the PT therapist gave you exercises to do at home.
Good luck and best wishes getting the 3/2 work schedule approved. I hope it is approved.
Hi Tig! Hugz to you too! Good I'm sending mine virtually to you. No spreading of germs allowed.
Paulie-I fell on the 20th AM got tangled in the vacuum cleaner cord on the floor and down I went hard! Landed on my weaker r. knee abnd then my left elbow. The elbow recovered in a couple of days. The right knee all black lcome following Tuesday AM.
Went to ER that same Monday and have followed instructions to this date
Was using elastic ACE- untill that just make my skin rash up. So using a support sleeve and cane . I've spent over two weeks in a recliner and ice
Still swollen at impact about size of small egg. Very warm and red still.
Keeping elevated and continue using icepak alt. 20 mins or so.
Appt to see Orthopedic surgeon this Wednesday PM. We shall see.
I;ll PM you the snap shots Jim took I had sent TSK as she inquired what the knee looked likd. A desctiption won''t due justice.
Hi Phyl, Oh my heavens! Your last fall was in an upstairs room when you tripped on a throw rug if I remember correctly.
You need bubble wrap girl!!
I'm sorry this happened to you. No one needs a fall like that. After looking at the pictures you sent I understand why you're still icing in a recliner. Good the swelling has gone down some.
Good luck and best wishes for your appointment with orthopedic Dr tomorrow. Hopefully Dr will say knee gel injections can resume eventually vs a knee replacement. I remember many months ago/last year in a post here you said you don't want a replacement or something similar.
Prayers for your healing.
Paulie Sorry you got the flu. still have not heard about 3/2 it will get approved but he's taking his time.
Yes I have the exercises to do at home. Have I been doing them no. lol
good evening
good Morning
Paulie Sorry you got the flu. still have not heard about 3/2 it will get approved but he's taking his time.
Yes I have the exercises to do at home. Have I been doing them no. lol
Hi LB, Thanks. Last night I finally began to feel better. Feel much better today.
Good your 3/2 will get approved eventually.
Did you get snow and ice storm today?
I did here. Started this morning as snow then ice. Schools went virtual and lots of closings and delays.
I used the day to make a big pot of beef stew. Temps rose eventually and it melted. Good!
Another snow/ice storm predicted for this weekend.
Oaulie, sorry to read you were Down with the flu glad to see you’re recovered at least well enough to cook a big pot of stew a delicious thing for dinner during cold weather take care
Good evening, I am ready for bed. Yes, Paulie snow ice snow and rainstorm. I was working from home anyway cause I had 1/2 day and dentist appt. It was slush on sidewalks when I left next storm is sat night not sure how much they are all over the place also Tuesday and Thursday all these storms were tiny I want 1 big one
Oaulie, sorry to read you were Down with the flu glad to see you’re recovered at least well enough to cook a big pot of stew a delicious thing for dinner during cold weather take care
Hi Karen! :) Thank you and yes it did taste good then I snuggled under a warm comforter and Zzzzz.
The national weather on TV said Georgia had temp in the 70s recently. Nice!! You and Piper enjoyed that.
Good evening, I am ready for bed. Yes, Paulie snow ice snow and rainstorm. I was working from home anyway cause I had 1/2 day and dentist appt. It was slush on sidewalks when I left next storm is sat night not sure how much they are all over the place also Tuesday and Thursday all these storms were tiny I want 1 big one
Oh wow LB, You sound worn out. TGIF for you. Good you were working from home. I forgot about your dental appt.
I hear ya about the nick picky multiple smaller snow and ice storms. Same here next week again too. I'm with you .. lets have one BIG one and get it over with.
I hope your comfy and relaxing tonight and can enjoy a relaxing weekend. With the nasty weather get under a comforter blanket and watch a good TV show. :)
Quotes: I'll go with 1 but all of them are good today. Good choices.
Looking at #1 quote with the cabin. We've been wanting to go for the past couple weeks but couldn't because of weather or things here at home. Weather there is much colder and snow and ice much worse on mountain. We wanted to go this weekend but nope because of weather here at home and worse at cabin. We'll get there eventually. Should just stay there all summer. You'll find me on the front porch. ;D Geesh I just remembered the porch Christmas decorations are still on railings and door. Oh well.
our fresh tree is still up... for about another week. working on taxes and then snow removal this weekend
good morning I tried to unclutter some things this morning. went through all y old make up and threw them out. Going to make some chili today and freeze. also going to go for a walk. No matter what I have clutter. LOL One day the kitchen counters will be cleared. My father is having his usual Superbowl party tomorrow. I will be going. I took off Monday. Not sure how much snow tonight we will be getting some say 1-3 in others say 3-5 I give up I'll find out when I wake up tomorrow.
Good morning we got about 1/2 in, of sleet ust took off my car and shoved a path in between cars so when I get home tonight its clear
our fresh tree is still up... for about another week. working on taxes and then snow removal this weekend
Hi Tig, Nice! You mean your Christmas tree, correct? What will you do with it afterwards? Plant it somewhere?
Taxes ... Ugh. How much snow do you have to remove?
I'm waiting for ice to melt with some snow under it from last night's storm. Trash day tomorrow so I have to get the two cans to curb. Another ugh.
Who are you and Camper rooting for tonight? Me an easy one. Phila Eagles
good morning I tried to unclutter some things this morning. went through all y old make up and threw them out. Going to make some chili today and freeze. also going to go for a walk. No matter what I have clutter. LOL One day the kitchen counters will be cleared. My father is having his usual Superbowl party tomorrow. I will be going. I took off Monday. Not sure how much snow tonight we will be getting some say 1-3 in others say 3-5 I give up I'll find out when I wake up tomorrow.
Good morning we got about 1/2 in, of sleet ust took off my car and shoved a path in between cars so when I get home tonight its clear
Hi LB, I hear ya about clutter. lol Mmmm to you making chili.
Nice you walked yesterday before storm. Do you still throw peanuts to squirrels?
That's right! Your father has Super Bowl party. Hey wasn't it last year's party that you had wine and then more wine? ;)
Are you rooting for a particular team?
Nice you took off work tomorrow. Sleep in .. relax tomorrow. You deserve it!
Your father sounds like a fun guy! Especially at his age going on cruises, throwing parties etc. He's 89 or around there, correct?
Be careful driving home when temps drop and there'll be icy spots from melting today.
Hi Paulie
As following my Mom's German tradition, our fresh tree goes up as close to Christmas as possible and stays up through the dark of January. We return it to the farm and they mulch it to benefit new trees.
Hi Paulie
As following my Mom's German tradition, our fresh tree goes up as close to Christmas as possible and stays up through the dark of January. We return it to the farm and they mulch it to benefit new trees.
Hi Tig, That's interesting and very nice!! I hadn't heard of that tradition before. Returning it to the farm for beneficial purposes is awesome too. Thumbs up!!
Hi I spent morning cooking, I made chicken fajita, meatloaf, and protein pancakes. I rooted for KC . My friend lives there so was rooting for her team. Plus a giant's fan does not like the eagles!!! no wone but 3 cosmos. lol, Yes my father is 89 and going strong. He had more people at his party this year.
I also shoveled most of my father's driveway because the people who do the shoveling (he lives in an adult community) were a little slow we were worried they wouldn't get there and do it in time for all the company to come. It was fun I didn't watch the game I spent time drinking and socializing.
Yes I still feed the squirrels. one was chasing all the others away this morning. a little bully!! One is sitting here waiting for more food
Hi LB, You've had a busy morning. Sounds delicious!
Gotcha to you rooting for KC. I was for Eagles. It was quite a one sided game.
You had a fun and good time at your father's party. Good! Very nice of you to shovel for him too. Exercise!
Cool you're still feeding squirrels. Me too here at my house. Aww to the one sitting here waiting for food.
Good evening
Good morning working from home due to a road I use is closed both ways due to power lines down . I signed up for alerts to get these notifications LOL
Hi LB, It's good you signed up for those alerts. Nice you didn't have venture out to find out. Did you loose power because of downed lines? Maybe not since you were able to work from home unless laptop and phone were charged 100%.
I'm sooo tired of this weather. We got snow last night. Tonight supposed to be mixed with sleet then Saturday something else.
Like you said. Let's have one big storm to get it over with.
The down power lines were by work. But far enough away so they still had power. so my new schedule will start week of the 24th. I hope. He wants to tallk about it once again nexgt week !!! Then I can change my hours from 7:30- 4: 00. MY hours now is 8:00 to 4:30. I come in at 7:30 anyway to beat the traffic
Happy Valentines Day Cheers Family! :-*
Wishing Cheers friends a 'Happy Valentine's Day" !
Good evening
Happy Valentines day ALL
Happy Valentine's Day!
LB, Lani and Phyl, Thanks for the pretty Valentine's wishes.
Wishing all who visit here a Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you had a nice one.
LB, I hope you're having a good weekend so far.
My area today got snow then sleet then supposed to turn to rain. My deck was full of action feeding the Blue Birds, a Northern Flicker, Downy Woodpecker, Chickadees, Wren and some squirrels. I took some pics. Will try to post later.
good evening, My weekend is ok. It's snowing only a coating and will turn to rain shortly then all rain tomorrow. There is talk of a bit storm Wednesday night into Thursday, but I have heard that before and we only got about 2in. we'll see what happens but not worried about it. I got our usually birds cardinals finch's I didn't se the blue jays though and of course my squirrels LOL
Good morning I work from home next week and the following week I think I start my new schedule and time. I am off that Monday 24th. My father is having surgery to get the rest of his thyroid removed. I am nervous. then 6 weeks later he will do an iodine treatment if the test works. the spots in his lungs may not be from the thyroid cancer which is worrisome but its definitely slow growing This poor man.
My nephew is coming by to dump some furniture in the dumpsters in my apartment complex. lol I am tired.
Thursday possibly a big snow storm but my prediction is going with how the winter went so far. a coating to 1 in LOL :P Time with tell I am hearing anywhere from 3" up t 2 ft. LOL
Good afternoon so now for snow on Thursday. they are saying 0
good evening
good evening
good evening
Good morning I work from home next week and the following week I think I start my new schedule and time. I am off that Monday 24th. My father is having surgery to get the rest of his thyroid removed. I am nervous. then 6 weeks later he will do an iodine treatment if the test works. the spots in his lungs may not be from the thyroid cancer which is worrisome but its definitely slow growing This poor man.
My nephew is coming by to dump some furniture in the dumpsters in my apartment complex. lol I am tired.
Thursday possibly a big snow storm but my prediction is going with how the winter went so far. a coating to 1 in LOL :P Time with tell I am hearing anywhere from 3" up t 2 ft. LOL
Hi LB, Sorry for delay in coming here. Life ..... ups and downs.
Anyway Prayers for your father on the 24th. Years ago Charlie had a nuclear procedure done on his thyroid to remove it. All went good. He takes a daily medication now and all's good. Prayers definitely for your father.
Good about your new schedule soon too.
Which nephew was coming to your complex with furniture? Did he come by?
TGIF for you tomorrow!!
Hi Paulie,
My new schedule is not starting next week. it will but he wants to discuss it for the 100th time. LOL go figure. Yes my nephew came the younger nonalcoholic one came by . My father is just getting the other 1/2 of thyroid removed The iodine treatment will be in 6 weeks. The alcoholic is in Florida not sure what's going on with that. He has a friend there who bought him the ticket. at first not coming back but now he says he has to do for now he has responsibilities. Not sure what responsibilities cause he does nothing but drink. He should just stay there!!!
good evening
good evening
good morning
Hi Paulie,
My new schedule is not starting next week. it will but he wants to discuss it for the 100th time. LOL go figure. Yes my nephew came the younger nonalcoholic one came by . My father is just getting the other 1/2 of thyroid removed The iodine treatment will be in 6 weeks. The alcoholic is in Florida not sure what's going on with that. He has a friend there who bought him the ticket. at first not coming back but now he says he has to do for now he has responsibilities. Not sure what responsibilities cause he does nothing but drink. He should just stay there!!!
Hi LB, I'm delayed reading because we went to cabin last Friday morning. Oh my I've got a story to tell you then.
Geesh to your boss wanting to keep talking not no initiating your new schedule!
Good and nice that your younger nephew came by and you could help him. My goodness to your older nephew being in Florida but now returning. I see why you think it's better for him to stay there.
Okay and thanks for explaining more about your father. Prayers for him.
I have some errands to do but I'll explain the cabin later. All turned out okay. It's weather and ice related.
I hope your Monday is going well.
Okay. Ice story. We went to cabin Friday morning. We knew there was snow there from the Ring cams in front and back. What we didn't know was about the ice.
Solid ice under the snow and solid ice in the back of cabin yard area. Couldn't drive up long S shaped driveway to cabin. My SUV slid sideways and toward steep bank. I slowly backed down and to other side hoping to get traction but slid to other side a bit. That was scary because there is a drop off on that side. I put it in park and used parking brake.
Charlie and I got out walking carefully up to cabin. Problem was it's a side of mountain so had the slope/hill with snow with crust of ice on it to walk on upward to get to cabin. We turned our feet to walk sideways. Was solid and we didn't even leave foot prints. Geesh that was a long walk. My knees still haven't recovered!
I notified my son and sil about the icy driveway and best not to come. They thought I was exaggerating. Well they found out I wasn't when they arrived! My sil pulled up behind me and thought he could go up around side of hill around me with his heavier SUV. Nope! He slid down and a bit sideways too. Stopped and parked and walked up to cabin too. When my son arrived there he tried to drive up but decided soon not to so stopped towards bottom of driveway and parked. After he parked his heavy Dodge Ram pickup slid down a bit still on its own.
The area to side away from cabin where the firewood is stacked was like an ice skating rink so the guys got the 4-wheeler from the shed and used it to get firewood and drive around to all the areas where they have trail cams.
That was crazy nasty and scary. We all left Sunday at the same time ensuring we each got out and headed home safely.
Well that's the latest story. We're all glad to be home. :)
wow on the ice. Did it melt some when you left? I would have fell!!!
Hi LB, I wish! But no to any melting before we left. Temps were too cold. I've kept an eye on the front and back of cabin today using the Ring cams. The yard in the front and part of side in the rear have melted a little bit because of temp of 42 there today.
The thick ice in the back yard is still a skating rink and so is the driveway.
All quotes are good.
PAULIE What an ordeal! Scariest when Dodge slid down on its own when parked! Glad no one or vehicle was hurt/damaged.
Oh my!
What a 'scary' experience that icy hill ...Especially when the parked pickUp slid
down the hill all on it's own. :o
So glad Y'all and vehicles got through it safely.
Good evening
Good Morning,
tsk and Phyl, True and Thank you. Whew!
LB, Has your boss talked you yet 'again' about new schedule?
Weather here now rainy and turning blustery cold again. Both my knees are feeling it and hurt. You don't have to say that any more. :)
Are both your knees bending nicely now?
Good evening, new schedule starts next week . we can come into office anyday as long as 3 days. My hours are changing to 7:30 to 4:00. My original hours were 8:00 to 4:30 but i have been coming in t 730 for years but still had to leave at 430. I came in early to beat the traffic and no matter what I did to try to get to work at 800 it was always 7:30 LOL gets cold here again Sunday. will get colder tomorrow afternoon
good morning
good freezing morning
good evening
Good evening, new schedule starts next week . we can come into office anyday as long as 3 days. My hours are changing to 7:30 to 4:00. My original hours were 8:00 to 4:30 but i have been coming in t 730 for years but still had to leave at 430. I came in early to beat the traffic and no matter what I did to try to get to work at 800 it was always 7:30 LOL gets cold here again Sunday. will get colder tomorrow afternoon
Hi LB, How's your new work schedule going this week? Wow! You and co-workers can pick and choose any 3 days to go into work each week? That's awesome! Your new hours are nicer for you. Good for you!
Did your father's surgery go well? I hope so.
Temps here are colder again too. Except this Wednesday 58 to 60 with thunder storms then temps down a bit again.
This past weekend was a busy one at my house with family and a birthday dinner one day too that went into night. Was pleasant.
Hi Paulie,
Yes my father surgery went well. He does his radiation treatment April 9-13 Issue with his girlfriend that was drama. Still may be . work schedule is going good.
Hi LB,
Good news about your father. Yay. Hasn't his girlfriend had issues for many years? I remember you mentioning things before.
I hope you chose to work from home today in this nasty weather. Heavy rain here and very strong winds plus storms this afternoon. It's heading east. Maybe the heavy stuff will miss your area.
#s 1 and 2
Yes, I am working from home today because the commute home would be horrible. I walked earlier and was enjoying the wind. :) This girlfriend is different. she is a pain, but we never had issues. It's a long story in what happened.
Good you were home today. That's right you enjoy wind! Well today was a good walk then. Lol Oh this is a new girlfriend! Your dad makes me smile. :)
#s 2 and 4
she is not so new.He's been with her for about 8 years,
My dad makes me frown for the last week or so
Oh to 8 years. Then she is the same one I was thinking of before.
I'm not asking why your dad had made you frown. Just saying give him a hug. :)
What's happening with your sister?
Did you get the high winds? They're still howling here. It sounds worse outside now tonight than this afternoon. Sounds like blizzard winds.
Yes to the winds died down a little but will pick up some tomorrow. no hugs for my dad he's not a huggy person. Nothing is going on with my sister. she's the same only thinks of herself
Hi LB, I hope you have a good weekend.
good morning
good evening
good evening
good evening