Paulie-I fell on the 20th AM got tangled in the vacuum cleaner cord on the floor and down I went hard! Landed on my weaker r. knee abnd then my left elbow. The elbow recovered in a couple of days. The right knee all black lcome following Tuesday AM.
Went to ER that same Monday and have followed instructions to this date
Was using elastic ACE- untill that just make my skin rash up. So using a support sleeve and cane . I've spent over two weeks in a recliner and ice
Still swollen at impact about size of small egg. Very warm and red still.
Keeping elevated and continue using icepak alt. 20 mins or so.
Appt to see Orthopedic surgeon this Wednesday PM. We shall see.
I;ll PM you the snap shots Jim took I had sent TSK as she inquired what the knee looked likd. A desctiption won''t due justice.
Hi Phyl, Oh my heavens! Your last fall was in an upstairs room when you tripped on a throw rug if I remember correctly.
You need bubble wrap girl!!
I'm sorry this happened to you. No one needs a fall like that. After looking at the pictures you sent I understand why you're still icing in a recliner. Good the swelling has gone down some.
Good luck and best wishes for your appointment with orthopedic Dr tomorrow. Hopefully Dr will say knee gel injections can resume eventually vs a knee replacement. I remember many months ago/last year in a post here you said you don't want a replacement or something similar.
Prayers for your healing.