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Author Topic: Beak Room 2025  (Read 71048 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1740 on: Today at 08:15:22 AM »

Lori Davis


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1741 on: Today at 08:57:19 AM »

Good Morning Beakers.....TGIF!!!

karen - Glad the dentist has a plan for your tooth.  LOL, on your talk to text.  My lady doesn't like my voice at times too!   ;D 

tsk - Misty is very skittish of anyone coming in the house, even her people when they leave.   ;D  Hope Bradley gets good news on his upcoming appointment. Lulu is a good weight. Oh yikes, 50mph winds  :o

oldguy - Interesting about the Walleye.

Phyl - Thank you.  Yes, the food was so good.  I did go to the grocery store while I was there, and brought home some fresh muffuletta bread to freeze and some olive salad to make them at a later time. Thanks for the 365.

BL - Thanks for the weather awareness alert!  Thanks for the tunes.

Lani - Thank you.  How much snow did you get?  Glad to hear that you have cancelled your meeting.

baz - Thanks  :D

clynn - Jeff says, you are on vacation...eat what you want.  ;D  Wow, Big Bear got lots of snow!  I have not seen any of our osprey arrive yet.  They should be coming soon. 

Lori - Bandit says, thank you   ;)  Hope you have a beautiful day, too!


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1742 on: Today at 09:10:42 AM »

Paulie, I remembered to ask Mom about the maternity ward in the AF Hospital! She said they didn't have to make their own bed but they did have to go get the babies to feed. She also said they would bring in a huge load of fresh diapers from the dryers and the mothers would fold them. Mom has a picture from when I was born and it looked like this one:[/size]

clynn, Nice pictures your mom has of where you were born. Good memories for her I'm sure. Sounds like moms getting their babies was the same in all military facilities.  I hadn't heard about folding fresh diapers. I bet they smelled good!  :)


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1743 on: Today at 09:18:33 AM »

I'm waving to all in Beak Room. I've had a busssy week. Some days busy with guys doing some electric and plumbing repairs we hadn't planned on when we had home warranty yearly inspection. We have been putting some things off but decided it's time to just do it!

Lani, I thought of you regarding repairs because you commented you and hubby are having to pick and choose what to do too.
Well these repairs make the french drain at cabin look like maybe not happening. Not sure yet.

My youngest granddaughter 10 yr is coming to have a sleepover weekend. Not sure yet what we'll do to keep busy.

I wish everyone a pleasant day and weekend too.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1744 on: Today at 09:49:48 AM »

Funny thing about falling clynn.  Well, not funny, but unique can happen.  My house is two layers, raised ranch is what its called.  Five rooms upstairs, two rooms down.  Also (cuz you're trying to form pic) and large rec room, laundry room, 2 bath.  There's 7 steps up to main floor, entry level foyer, 6 steps down.  Staircases on both stairs.  My own OT arrangement is to have as much of the daily stuff upstairs as possible to eliminate stairs.  Ergo, upper level looks like a rummage sale.

My fall (also called learning experience) actually happened on the entry floor!  I know the reasons for falling, all my fault (rushing, multiple thinking, multi tasking, no concentration, flooring of slate with non-slip soled shoes frosty temp = DOWN).   BTW  I am making progress  - Managed 4 times with using the car seatbelt yesterday.

Out to fix one of birds' feeders.  Slipped down the pulley line, probably 4 or 5 feet above ground.  Squirrel found it right away. 

tsk and all - right about the wind.  Kicking up already.  Will double check my feeder lines.  No snow though, only much rain later.  Did anybody see the eclipse last night?  First time about 1/2 hour into - couldn't even find the moon.  Complete at 1:30 - 2:30 of course I wouldn't see anything.  Slept the rest of the night.  Nobody here or local news even mentioning??

Big Bear on Fox again this morn.


Head monitor Sally on interview said the nest is about - ready - 135 feet high; tree about 150-160 feet tall. 
Another addition - who climbed the tree for installing the cams?  Would Amy/John do that?
« Last Edit: Today at 10:06:23 AM by Puff »


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1745 on: Today at 10:18:56 AM »

Good morning beakers!    HeLth coming in a few minutes early today so it’s a good thing. I am up with the door open.
Hopefully the storms do not do much damage anywhere. I would much prefer colder temperature in snow than the warmer temperatures and rain and wind. The risk of tornadoes are scary. When is the things I hate about Spring.
Think I saw the start of the eclipse last night, but that was not sure if it was that or clouds.

Thanks for posts. Be back later.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1746 on: Today at 10:50:51 AM »

Good Morning Beakers!

Phyl, your hip gave out causing your fall? Oh my! I pray that your doctors can get you back to normal soon! Falls scare me...  Our stairs have a landing, 2 steps then a 90 degree turn. The other morning I was coming down and after I turned to take the last two steps down, I mis-stepped and took them both at once! I landed on both feet with a big thud! Ed and Kelsey both came to see what was going on.  Now I am more careful going down... Love the good night sheep pic! And how is Miss Maggie doing, and of course Jim?

No...my hip/s are fine. I tripped on the vacuum cleaner cord  as I wasn't watching what I was doing.  I just said the PT thinks that. 
At any rate I'll do 'exercises' at home. I won't go back to Star PT.  She wants me to do 'things' that my PC and neurologist says not to do
...this way I can keep my lower back  from danger... so-to - speak.  Anyway, can't wait to get back to walking. Been away from that so long.

Maggie is doing well for a geratric kitty. She's do for a check up...over $600...not sure if I can afford those any more.  :'(
Jim's gettomg tired of working---anywhere. But he knows what'll happen to us if he stops.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1747 on: Today at 10:59:26 AM »

Big Bear Bald Eagles home of Jackie, Shadow and 3 littles...

Big Bear had another big storm last night here is Jackie being the protective awesome Mom she is...

This morning so far we can only view 2 eaglets... it looks like the smallest one is not visible... no official word yet.  These storms are very difficult for the animals in the wild everywhere, but especially in Big Bear.  Prayers for Jackie & Shadows little ones and pray the 3rd baby is ok.   :'(

3/14 Recap   
During the first feeding session today only two chicks were visible. We cannot see the entire nest bowl because the view remains partially obstructed by snow. We are observers of nature and do not know the entirety of the current situation.

March 13th... 📝Daddy Duty Report: Shadow attended the nest for: 47 minutes, 3 visits. ONE Coot and ONE Bird were delivered!
📝Meals and Mutes: Jackie and Shadow served 1 feeding. All chicks got bites.

C1 (Nest Cam)🔴 9:02, 10:14 J shakes snow, chicks visible; 12:35 S#1 stick; 12:42 Jackie up all chicks visible; 12:43 S out; 14:13 S#1 coot; 14:15 J out; 14:47 J#2 coot; 14:51 S out; 18:50 S#3 bird (webbed feet, likely a duck); 18:51 S out; 

C2 (Wide View)🔵 8:51 S to basement; 9:04 S off basement, S on ST; 10:13 S off ST;

🐥😋Feedings: 18:14 J all chicks got bites (18:19:54+ Chick3);

Courtesy of FOBBV https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
The opinions presented do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Friends of Big Bear Valley (FOBBV).

Lori Davis


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1748 on: Today at 11:03:07 AM »

Puff- I saw the piece Fox did  on Jackie & Shadow  this AM too.   Sally who monitors the nest is a wealth of info and
enjoys talking about them with Dana Perino.

Lori- thanks for photo update on JAckie and Shadow. The snow is dreadful IMHO.  J and S are dedicated parents and I'm hopeful
the three eaglets will be fine.  🙏  s

Hi Paulie.

Tsk- windy here today. The trees are leafing and greening by the hour.  Soon will be time to mow and all the other
work that goes with it.   :(      I get a pass  on that now . Kinda feel bad about not helping Jim. But he has 'guys' who mow
which just leaves the weed.

Reminds me to nudge Jim to check the bluebirds nest boxes for activity. And get some snaps.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1749 on: Today at 12:33:52 PM »

TGIF Beakers!  ;D
Hello Eagles4, Lisa, Ezee, Eburg, Weasel, Jilltosa, Kb, Tsk, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, BL, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

Hi Baz, Yes, I canceled meeting. It did stop snowinging  Several ladies would have been traveling from Pine, it's a dangerous drive in bad weather.... Good Luck sent to NC!!!

Phyl, beautiful Pyrenean valleys ... I watched the Big Bear piece on Fox too. Praying for sun there.

Clynn, I've been counting the weeks for Iris and praying for Finnigan's return too.  :-* ... I'm praying for warm sunny days to melt the snow at Big Bear nest! Sweet Family, Big Bear has the best views!

Puff, My fingers don't work very well when texting on my iPhone so I use the microphone... It is very frustrating when the words or meaning is changed, so I'm extra careful before I click send.  ;D

Hi Lori! Love Bandit's birthday posts... thank you for Krispy Kremes! They are perfect on this cold snow covered day here in Rim Country..... Love the Big Bear pics, I pray for a warm sunny day for this beautiful eagle family.  :-*

Lisa, Happy birthday Bandit!! 8)

Paulie, I understand. There's always something that needs to be repaired. I was just looking at the area where we store our trash bin. We need to repair the top part of the fencing around the bins. The hot sun really does a job on the wood.  :-\  So, another thing to add to the to-do list. Take care.  :)

Karen Have a good day  :-*

« Last Edit: Today at 01:49:05 PM by Lani »
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1750 on: Today at 12:41:47 PM »

CLYNN   Live squirrel TV  LOL   You were lucky for all those years to have dental covered by Ed's ins. Glad you weren't hurt on the stair misstep!!  Taking care of Barb's house while they are in Fl.  I need to go in the basement to do various chores periodically.  I've fallen twice off the bottom 2 steps.  I've now put yellow tape on the bottom step while they are gone so I know where the last step is.  I've told no one.  One of those times I did not have shoes on and their steps are painted with no runner.  I slipped :(  Wish Big Bear didn't have so much snow!

PAULIE    Nice granddtr visit - Some good kids movies out now.  Does she like to shop?

PUFF   You've got lots of stairs to manage!  Like the progress on the seat belts!!  ;D

PHYL   Is Jim anywhere near retirement age?  How much longer to go?

LORI   You're the pet tracker LOL  Happy Birthday Bandit. ;D   How are the grandmas doing??

LANI   Cute snowy paw waving .  Tim yelled to me - " Fox has a Jackie and Shadow on TV."   I said  yup - Know them well  LOLOL

BOY    The wind is really blowing out there now.  Was going to take my walk but now am reconsidering...


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1751 on: Today at 01:59:59 PM »

 :o ::) ;) ;D :D :D

Today is March 14th - making this 3.14. HAPPY PI DAY, Beakers!!!  :D

Spell it any way you want!! On purpose, or by accident!   :D :D

Beakers, I am all A-OK with any and all misspellings in the Beak Room! I am just happy you are all here and feel like conversing about all things we like to discuss and cuss here. You can spell it, or misspell it, any which way you like!!  :D :-* :-* :-*

I did NOT get up in the middle of my Eastern time night to find the moon disappearing in my shadow, and between and behind the cloudy skies!!  ;)

Everyone please stay aware and prepared for any possible severe weather that may come your way today, and over the next several days, as it moves east across the country. The National Weather Service issued a special statement about it being a multi-state severe weather system with all possible severe hazards, including severe long-track tornadoes and damaging straight-line winds up to 75 mph, and extreme fire danger in many areas. This system will last the next three days as it moves east across the country. Be alert to all potential severe weather forecasts for your area, and be prepared to take quick action to be safe. I personally recommend postponing any travel in areas where the threat of severe damaging weather is expected anytime around that travel time. Do it later, after the threat has passed. It's not a good idea to be anywhere outside, or on the road, even in your car, in that kind of severe weather. Just stay alert, informed, and prepared, and most of all, stay safe, Beakers!  :-*

Meanwhile...  ;)  I'm headed to the store to get a large, hot pizza - on sale today only!! - $3.14 off the regular price!! For Pi Day!! Woot!!  It will go down good with the basketball game tonight... with a glash.
   ;D ;)

« Last Edit: Today at 02:04:32 PM by baziunc »
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1752 on: Today at 02:02:53 PM »


Checked with insurance today...they cover knee replacement totally, including recovery program https://tcoexcel.com/
Sweet. I see the doc next week to start the process.

We just saw the Black Bag movie. Enjoyable

I'm making a pizza for pi day.
AMENDED... On second thought... I'm doing the same as BAZ !!!  :o
« Last Edit: Today at 02:20:48 PM by camperstig »
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