It's 46 degrees here!.....above zero that is can guess where I've been the last few hours...
Shortening snow piles, chopping ice and picking up poo front and back yard after that so very long cold spell.
Been a tough 3 days with Ollie man. I only now can breathe and rest a little. He gets the "gaggies" periodically and because that means he's nauseous for whatever reason he wants to eat grass, er um, no grass, or snow or just recently and not since a puppy he chose to eat almost a half of my very large basket of plastic flowers/leaves in my bedroom.
I didn't even wake up that night (2 days ago) and hear it. Since, he has vomited then up 6 times.
My vet wasn't in yesterday so spoke at an emergency hospital and they had a 3 hour wait. They told me to check his respirations and if they were in the 10-30 per minute range they would upon first arriving hold him for more critical patients for another 3 hours no matter when/if we arrived.
I spent most of the day with him yesterday breathing with him and counting and laying next to him. Each time he vomited he seemed a little better. But, at some point he could hardly walk.
He threw up a small amount of plastic flowers this am and is walking normally and acting much more normally.
Now to get him to eat ice cubes and some food. He did eat a little of my smelly gouda cheese last night.
Whew, our dang pets. They sure can cause us heart break. I'm pretty sure he's now on the mend and happy none of the sharper edges of branches he didn't apparently eat.
Going to take er easy the rest of the day and he's sitting in the sun on our front porch soaking the warmer temps up.