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Author Topic: Beak Room 2024  (Read 545137 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3615 on: April 17, 2024, 06:18:32 AM »

and then to Decorah Eagles
Apr 17, 2024 6:12 AM
Camera Time: Apr 17, 2024 6:12 AM CDT

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3616 on: April 17, 2024, 06:23:53 AM »

endng finding  my favorite bald eagle nest ...Sauces Bald Eagles - Channel Islands
Apr 17, 2024 6:19 AM
Camera Time: Apr 17, 2024 4:19 AM PDT

with Audacity and Jack snoozing

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3617 on: April 17, 2024, 06:26:17 AM »

Mississippi River Flyway Cam
Apr 17, 2024 6:24 AM
Camera Time: Apr 17, 2024 6:24 AM CDT

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3618 on: April 17, 2024, 06:32:59 AM »

FOBBV Eagles 🦅Jackie & Shadow appear to bid their eggs farewell 😥 Together and in song💕🎶2024 Apr 11


 Apr 12, 2024
Video courtesy of FOBBVCAM https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org. The opinions presented do not necessarily reflect the opinions of FOBBV.

Shadow and then Jackie visited the nest just after sunset. It seemed they may be bidding farewell to their eggs after a very long post-viability period. They ended the evening roosting together and in song. Both a heartbreaking and heartwarming  process that we are grateful to have been able to observe.

Nest Cam:   

 • Big Bear Bald Eagle Live Nest - Cam 1 
Wide View Cam (Cam 2):   

 • Big Bear Bald Eagle Wide View - Cam 2 
Recaps & Observations: https://bit.ly/3Md8TSz
« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 06:36:03 AM by Phyl »

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3619 on: April 17, 2024, 06:47:17 AM »

Best sports commentary EVAH!....sound up.

1.6 inches in rain gauge.

Ugg, I dropped my laptop sideways on my big toe last night...my thermos of water in other hand slipped and dropped. In attempting to catch thermos, laptop fell out of other hand.

Can't really walk with that foot without pain...am mulling over whether or not I can take Ollie to his vet for his toe nail clip and purchasing his flea and tic meds later this morning.
Ice and heat and maybe a call to ask they help me get him out of the car and into a room quickly.
After all, they did that with Covid restrictions, sans human going inside.

Or else I'll just re-schedule, LOL...amazing how 3 pounds landing perfectly on a toe can hurt/swell.


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3620 on: April 17, 2024, 07:15:32 AM »

We did have some rain and distant thunder last night.  Gauge reports 0.6"

So at 2:46 AM I'm awakened to a symphony of bird songs!!!  Not even the hint of daylight yet.

PHYL   Good that Jim finally has a pulmonologist appt.  You didn't need phone issues to add to that  :(   Loved that Mexican/ art piece this AM.  I like colorful things  LOL    How sweet - that little fawn struggling with first steps. 365  :)    "Hysterical strength" Great term.  :o    Pretty dreary on the Flyway today.  Jackie/Shadow  :'(

KAREN   Wonder how CLYNN fared?

LORI  Sure hope your advice helps PHYL   WOW  Reading on, you were able to help PHYL   :-* :-* :-*

LANI   Ohio to Baltimore to New Orleans  YIKES  HUGS to Mike.  Tim did a ton of traveling early in our dating and marriage.  When he quit Zenith to get into the printing brokerage business all that stopped.  He was relieved.  Sure hope that eye on retirement keeps Mkle going.  :-*

KB  LOLOLOLOLOL   That was hysterical a true laugh out loud for me.    You got a nice rainfall  :)   Funny you should mention the injury to your toe. OUCH   SIL Barb in Fl dropped a table on the top of her foot while cleaning the other day.  Boy the pic looked awful.  I said to ice ( which she had started) and wrap figure 8 in Ace bandage.  Amazingly she had no pain  :o :o :o.  Went to get
xrays anyway and she was OK...


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3621 on: April 17, 2024, 07:21:50 AM »

some bounce

Ouch!  Hugs all

Off to the pool...
camper'sTIG - South Central MN
Decorah follower since Apr 2, 2011
"May Bob now soar with the eagles and dive with the falcons. You've left a living legacy behind on the earth" (barbells126)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3622 on: April 17, 2024, 08:17:46 AM »

Hello Beakers! Just checking in and trying to catch up in the Beak Room!

Mom is doing well we went to Evansville IN yesterday for a heart valve test, she is fine. There is some blockage but not enouh te require any surgery, so that's good!

I am meeting with the girls this afternoon, we are having a late lunch/early dinner at the Smokin' Pig in Grayville. We'll have a good time!

We're going to the greenhouse tomorrow, I want to get some new hostas. d said they are coming up!

Be back later!  Y'all have a good day!

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. ~ Unknown


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3623 on: April 17, 2024, 09:04:49 AM »

Good Morning Tsk and all!   I do not know what the weather was like in Albion yesterday but looks great today!  Clynn is about as far from Springfield as you are so  perhaps  not in as much wind!    Showers tomorrow .  Looks like a cloudy day there Saturday for her return trip!   I thought we might hear from her since Erin fixed her mothers computer  speed.   Hope all is well there and in DesMoines with Ed, Kelsey and the kitties!

Phyll, good luck to Jim today!  Did he get an appointment  with the cardiologist?
Good job Lori!
Thanks for all the nest reports!  Hope all do well!  Mrs. t seems better!
High  of 84 today.  Flood alert until 2 pm!  Later
Aha!  While I was getting ready for the housekeeper, there was Clynn!   Have a great lunch!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3624 on: April 17, 2024, 10:28:51 AM »

🦥Sloth Preschool Update:

JJ, two-fingered sloth: JJ is stable and gaining weight; soon to be entering Sloth Elementary!
Beanie, two-fingered sloth: Beanie’s hind limb mobility remains limited, so we continue to provide her with regular physical therapy, including acupuncture treatments. She is otherwise stable.
Fiesta, two-fingered sloth: Fiesta’s umbilical cord wound has almost completely healed, so we have removed her bandage, (which she has been very pleased about). She continues regular nebulization treatments to address her ongoing lung issues but has been doing well.
Bruno, two-fingered sloth: Bruno is eating better and gaining weight, but still has a reserved prognosis.
Tulip, two-fingered sloth: Tulip is officially spending nights outside the incubator with the other babies! She has had some loose stool but otherwise appears stable.
Nevada, two-fingered sloth: Little Nevada is steadily gaining weight, but is still spending nights in the incubator. She has developed wounds on both hind limbs, which we are cleaning with antibiotics daily.
Rose, two-fingered sloth: Rose has been having some mild digestive issues, so we are providing her with transfaunation. Otherwise stable.

Pixie, two-fingered sloth:
Premature Pixie was found alone in the Limón Province of Costa Rica. Appropriately named, she currently weighs 244 grams, making her the most miniature baby sloth we have ever had in our care. She is receiving nebulization treatments to address some breathing issues and to help open up her nostrils. Though she is eating well, due to how underdeveloped she is, she has a reserved prognosis at this time.

🌳Sloth Elementary / High School Update:

Mimi, two-fingered sloth:
Welcome our newest graduate to Sloth Elementary! Mimi’s disability doesn’t slow her down one bit. She is eating lots of leaves and is incredibly active.
Moose, two-fingered sloth: Moose spends most of his time on the play structure, practicing his climbing skills and napping in the hammock with his buddy Grover. He has a great appetite and is the strongest of the group.
Grover, two-fingered sloth: We are pleased to report that Grover has completely recovered from anemia. He is incredibly active and has a healthy appetite. 

Continues recovery:

Phoenix, two-fingered sloth: Phoenix is gradually becoming weaned off smoothie. He has a healthy appetite and has been eating many leaves in his outdoor enclosure.
Binx, two-fingered sloth: Binx is doing much better adapting to an outdoor enclosure and starting to eat more leaves. Stable and growing well.
Elmo, two-fingered sloth: Stable and gaining weight. Elmo is doing better in an outdoor enclosure but still has an attachment to its caregivers. We are working on it!


Natalia, Three-fingered sloth:
Natalia was found alone in La Virgen, Costa Rica after her mother abandoned her. Despite this, she arrived alert and responsive without any apparent injuries. She is currently at a healthy weight and remains active, spending much of her day in the trees of the Sloth TV Playground. She is almost ready to head to the Release Site to continue her rehabilitation process.
Marina, three-fingered sloth: Marina was found in the Limón Province of Costa Rica, dehydrated and alone on the ground. We have been providing her with fluids and monitoring her carefully. She spends most of her days in the trees on the Sloth TV Playground. She is almost ready to head to the Release Site to continue her rehabilitation process.

🎓Sloth University Update:

Coco, two-fingered sloth: We are relieved to report that Coco is once again stable. She has spent the past few weeks in the clinic gaining back all the weight she lost and is nearly ready to give it another go!
Pax, two-fingered sloth: Pax is ready for release! He will return to his wild home sometime this week, and we are so excited to see how he thrives!
Antonio, two-fingered sloth: Antonio is set to be released sometime this week! He is doing great in the largest of our pre-release enclosures and has surpassed Pax in weight!
Myrtle, two-fingered sloth: Myrtle has reached a stagnant point in her release process. She is showing signs of anemia, and we are closely monitoring her condition at this time. We are hopeful that she will make a full recovery with a little extra TLC.
Spike, two-fingered sloth: Spike is stable and eating well once more. He is growing stronger every day.
Ken, two-fingered sloth: Ken remains active and has been eating well. He is progressing steadily.
Roo, two-fingered sloth: Roo is stable and progressing well through rehabilitation.

Marina :-*

Fiesta  :-*

Good morning Beakers!
MorningKb, Tsk, Lisa, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Eagles, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, Jilltosa, BL, Eburg, Weasel, Ezee, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

Karen, have a good day!

Hi Clynn!! So glad your mom is doing well, test went fine and no surgery needed! Sounds like you're having a great time! Enjoy your visit with friends!!  :-*

Tig, enjoy the pool!  :)

Tsk, oh poor Barb OUCH! Glad nothing was broken, but oh what a bruise she will have for awhile.  :-\

Kb, poor Olive, love watching both.... OUCH your poor toe. That'll hurt for awhile.  :-\

Phyl, awww how precious the first step of a fawn  :-* ... glad Lori was able to help you and all is well.... interesting article on body's reaction to stress... thanks for a visit to a few cams... Big Bear eagles  :'(, the cold winter days are devastating for them.  :'(

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3625 on: April 17, 2024, 10:53:08 AM »

Good Morning Beakers

oldguy - Thanks for the videos, and glad you made out ok.

tsk - Glad to hear that you did not get alot of rain from the storm.

Phyl - Good luck to Jim at the pulmonologist this afternoon.  Yay, on your phone!  Good job, Lori!  Thanks for morning links and pics. 

karen - You're welcome.  :)

Lori - LOL, the IT team is all over the problem!

Lani - I hope Mike has a safe trip, and how cool he will be stopping in Baltimore on his way to NOLA!  Thanks for the pic of Mrs T and kiddos, and the TRR updates!

kb - OUCH!  Sorry that happened!

tig - HAGD at pool!

clynn - Sounds like you are having a good time...enjoy!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3626 on: April 17, 2024, 12:16:58 PM »

Jim has his 1st appt w/pulmonologist tomorrow PM.  Samsung decided that my iPhone's OS was obsolete and  this AM when I booted my phone up...it went straight to 'download to target'. This has been in progress since 9am. I don't think this will every stop. The print on the screen is so small I just cant' read it even w/ glasses...seems, I think, the key s are 'locked'.  :-\        I want to go to the ATT store and see what the fellas there can do.  I:m without a phone period. Jim has too much going on ...my neck has been 'seizing up' and difficult to drive much on my own.   ::)  Hopefully there's time tomorrow to see ATT.

Phyl, Hi there :) you can power down your phone and power back up, this should fix it.  You are in a diagnostic download screen for technicians.  If it won't power off, press and hold Volume Down and the Power or Side button for about 7 seconds until it restarts.  I hope that fixes it :) Good luck to Jim tomorrow and I hope all is well with little Maggie and you!  Feel better soon!  Lori

Dear ((Lori)),
thanks for hearing my plea.  :-* 
So that's what the fine print was saying! 
I got it restarted and then shut it down to charge at night.
Everything booted just fine this AM

HOORAY to Lori!

Just as simple as she said - Made for a good feeling for you this morning Phyl - I'm sure.   ;D

She deserves one of those special hugs I talk about.   (((Lori)))



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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3627 on: April 17, 2024, 12:48:10 PM »

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!..My New Orleans assistant taught me this saying decades ago.

Lisa: is this a thing in the South?.

My vet accommodated me big time...Ollie got his toes done and first flea and tic in him. What a good boy!

Now, my opposite side hip/femur hurt....that's normal when accommodating in gait for pain....

Heading for a nappy poo as didn't sleep well last night.

Puff - agree 100 percent


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3628 on: April 17, 2024, 01:08:26 PM »

Best sports commentary EVAH!....sound up.

;D ;D ;D on the sports commentary.

And, OUCH!! Sorry about your toe!
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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #3629 on: April 17, 2024, 01:26:22 PM »

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!..My New Orleans assistant taught me this saying decades ago.

Lisa: is this a thing in the South?.

My vet accommodated me big time...Ollie got his toes done and first flea and tic in him. What a good boy!

Now, my opposite side hip/femur hurt....that's normal when accommodating in gait for pain....

Heading for a nappy poo as didn't sleep well last night.

Puff - agree 100 percent

That is part of a nursery rhyme that was in one of my childhood nursery rhymes books when I was growing up... very familiar with it. Glad all went well with the vet visit.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."   ― A.A. Milne

"Hope for the best and accept what comes." ― President Jimmy Carter, on Aug. 20, 2015, during press conference at The Carter Center