Additions to the story just came to me. . .
Very first experience taught me something important - the judge gave the directives that from the get go you must go on the assumption that the accused is
not guilty. It becomes the opposing attorney's job to "prove they are guilty" beyond a
reasonable doubt. Think about both the next time you follow a news story of a case.
Last years case was a theft charge. Man accused of stealing from a TJ Max. From that we got to see the servalance setup a small store like that has working. The person in charge brought in film proof, slow motion, outside and inside the store. The film and testimony gave him a guilty verdict.
After the formal procedings the judge met with our panel in the jury room and we learned two other things. First, the accused had a record of other robbery convictions. That was not presented during our trial so that there was no predisposed assumption of guilt. It would affect the sentencing. Second, the judge met with us for a personal note of thanks for doing an admirable job for her on her very first case. Her long story of the journey brought emotions out from her and us.
OOOOO Third newbie. . .I got to see my tax dollars at work at the new and improved county court house - my tax dollars at work. AND, I got to watch the area falcons, hawks! Sitting in the car outside waiting for facility to open something caught my eye. Two somethings caught my eye. Then the next I saw perched on a ledge on the outside of the building. Talking to the county police during a break in the trial action, they gave me the advise to come back on the weekend when there's not that much traffic/people and visit the fields/bogs surrounding the complex for a real show.
Never made it back. Maybe I'll try to get there yet.