Tig, a big bounce in your heart for these next two days! Enjoy the pups!
Tsk, the dealership's repair shop may have the car ready tomorrow. That pup is so cute, I'd snap him up if I could. Sadie would have a buddy!
Lisa, awww I love babies, and your adorable granddaughter has gorgeous eyes, so alert and look at those perfect long fingernails, perfect for a pianist.
Love the crib sheet.
{{{Kb, Chris, Ollie}}} it's hard being a single parent. You've done a fantastic job. So glad you have Andrew to help.... I hope all goes well with the plumber tomorrow.
Ginger, that great news about Norfolk dad and Lady Jane! Thanks for letting us know.
Phyl, I'll have to see if I can find the movie Truely, Madly, Deeply on one of my streaming channels.
Hi Eagles, talon's crossed the car's repaired and returned this week. You and Kris take care.
Good night!Sweet Eagle Dreams, Baz, Lori, Karen, Puff, Tsk, Oldguy, Lisa, Lilbro, Eagles, Pink, Clynn, Kb, Tig, Blschue, Phyl, BL and Pip, Godiva, Peep, Jaspurr, Ezee, Eburg, Lindy, RubyRed246, ssrl, Firetruck, Weasel, Jilltosa, Maxie, Masswatch, Paulie, DeborahG, MpMom and Pete, laniebelle, OnEagleWings, NWarg, Garmohoff, Nrstooge, WendyC3, Tigeag, T40, Ginger, Cwellsla, Nanimal, Bggolden, Nora, Rewrap4u, Eaglesrock, Teamcarnes, Seabeeinch, Walton, Sparky, Tulsaducati, Omasawyer, izzysamlikeseagles, bustopbird, Neva, Yank, Linda.L, smrf, nhJane.
Thinking of and missing, Peep, Jaspurr, Jilltosa, Wilson, Godiva, MpMom and Pete, Marrymo, Keystone, TxTeacher, Smb, Naimoj, Thyla/Anne, D7Birder, Indy, Neva, Smb, Alice, and those who have not been with us for a while.
Prayers For Tsk DIL Amy, SIL and grandson, Baz, Eagle's mom and sister, Tig, Puff, Jicaji, Tim and Tsk, Lori and her grandma Clute, Tsk's friend Pam and Hubby, Karen, Maxie and Larry, Camper's daughter, Ed's sis Gina, Tsk's Barb & Tom, Baz great niece and family, Peep, Jaspurr, Clynn's DIL's mom, Ed's friend Greg, Tsk's friend, Puff's brother, Masswatch hubby Jamey, Pip's Dad, Ezee, EagleFanDave, Tim's Uncle, Paulie's granddaughter Madison, Emy and family, Clynn's mom and Ed, WW JW, Keystone, Jilltosa, Eaglesrock cousin Michael, Thyla/Anne, Neva's family, Weasel and family, and All here in need of healing and comforting.
Special Prayers For Tsk DIL Amy, Baz, Eagle's Sister and Mom, Tig, Puff, Tsk, Phyl, Jim and Maggie, Karen, Blschue and family, Lori and family, Phyl's BIL Danny and brother Dan.
Special prayers for All God's creature great and small, For Clynn's Honey and Gunnar, SWFL Harriet, Star, Maggie, Little One and all those like her, Hellgate Iris, TRR rescue babies, The Fairy Penguins, Berry Mom, NEFL Juliet, Romeo and Samson, Lucy and Larry, Salt River wild horses, Alaska Bears and Wolves that they be saved, Decorah, E2/D1, Dr Rogers and Black bears Shadow and family and Wildlife Research Institute, and All God's creatures great and small.