The Bluebird Menu:
These cheery song birds usually eat grasshopper, beetles, spiders, crickets, and caterpillars.
And, a few side dishes like, flies, ants, wasps, moths, weevils. And, to the delight of homeowners---termites!
We’ve found spying with our binoculars, that during nesting season the amount of collected insects collect is much higher than some experts report. The hatchlings need lots and lots of protein and this is the best source for our sweet babies.
Food is usually spotted from our ribbon elms, willow and redbud trees all within a few feet or Nesting Box #1 and #2. Our BBs are often seen in our front yard pricking the lawn . There have been several occasions in earlier seasons with fledglings educating them in how to hunt and forage.
Upon a rare occasion, I’ve seen them catch insects in mid-air as is the true fashion of tree swallows.