FLEDGE WATCH FLEDGE WATCH FLEDGE WATCHDur has rounded the corner on fledging age. Puffins typically fledge between 36-55 days old (depending primarily on feeding conditions), and Dur is 39 days of age today. His downy feathers are pretty much gone and he's been exercising his little wings often. The frequent forays out of the burrow are also a tell-tale sign that Duryea is getting ready to leave the nest. Cue sad violin music!
But we shouldn't be too sad- Dur is a healthy little puffling with a plentitude of tenacity and toughness.
Again, he was the subject of a rough attack from a puffin interloper this week. He, of course, weathered it well. Then, some viewers pointed out that his breathing was a little bit off- he bounced back from that and is doing just fine.
I think it's a wonderful thing that this community cares so much about our puffling. Of course it'll be sad to see Duryea leave when the time comes, but let's all take comfort in the fact that he's at a good weight, he's feisty, and he has surely benefitted from the excellent care bestowed upon him from Willie and Millie.
And on the fledging note, let's all hope for the infrared to pull through- it's reliant on solar, and we all know that's been a bit of a bear this year. With the help of the IR cam, we should be able to see Dur's last moments in the burrow. Fingers crossed for a sunny day and for working tech!
-Audubun Celeste <3