From RRP's FB post:
Flyway Cam Videos
8/12/19: Falcon - This unbanded adult falcon looks too dark for Newman and (since it's unbanded) isn't Michelle. In many species of birds, non-territorial birds wander more than their counterparts with territories and families. This may be a non-territorial bird staging for migration along the Mississippi, or a 'floater' - a single adult - out wandering and exploring on a large summer territory. Either way, what a treat to see!
8/10/19: Beautiful Sandhill Cranes on the Mississippi River Flyway cam - Absolutely stunning footage of sandhill cranes preening, standing, stalking, and foraging. We don't hear the cranes, but listen for other birds in the background!
8/10/19: Mississippi River Flyway 8-10-19, Sunset screensaver - Relax. Breathe deeply. Sink into the river as the setting sun paints everything in blue, rose, purple, and gold.
8/10/19: Adult BE catches dinner, brings it to the perch - The bald eagle is cool, but I really couldn't get over all of the birds we see in this video! A huge flock of seagulls to takes off more than once, while another huge flock of American white pelicans sits on and near the sandbar. The presence of all of these birds is a great example of the importance of maintaining habitat. Literally millions of birds depend on the Mississippi river for feeding, breeding, staging, and migratory support. Without habitat and clean water, we wouldn't be watching any of them. Remember when seeing a bald eagle was an amazing event? We nearly lost them once. Let's not do it again.
8/9/19: Serious preening going on here - Having a bad day? Take a nice-time break with this video of a female Mallard preening - followed by a whole preening party at 3:20!
8/9/19: Great egret swallows fish - It's a good-sized fish and the egret has to work to get it into the correct position before swallowing it whole! Did you know: Snowy egrets were an important driver of conservation in the United States. You can read more about that here:
A view from the Flyway. The upper Mississippi is like nowhere else on earth! #DriftlessDreams