Cornflakes. 55 piece SixStar. 9:45.
The Lincoln Memorial. 48 piece USA. 6:02. I love the Lincoln Memorial! The hardest part of this puzzle was trying to find the tiny pieces that were "out there" somewhere waiting to be placed in their proper places when I thought I had finished and then realized the clock was still running.

Framed Fractal. 87 piece Crazy. 14:39.
LightPaint Mix. 41 piece Tetris. 12:17. That's it... I'm going to have nightmares now.

Lift off from a bed of jewels, 70 piece bulbs. 10:01.
Fractal Z. 87 piece Crazy. 13:23.
Fractal W. 79 piece Bricks. 20:30.
Quantum sailboat races. 41 piece Tetris. 7:26. I love those boats!
JP, thanks for all the puzzles!!