In 2022, World Migratory Bird Day was celebrated on May 14 in the spring, and October 8 in the fall. The theme for the entire year is about reducing the impacts of light pollution on migratory birds and the significant threats it poses. The Migratory Bird Program is encouraging everyone to participate in reducing the impacts of light pollution and join in the international effort to "Dim the Lights for Birds at Night!"
A Kentucky warbler being held by a researcher.
Kentucky Warblers, listed as one of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Birds of Conservation Concern, is one of many bird species that are night migrants and highly vulnerable to bird collisions. | Image Details
Nighttime Lights and Birds: What’s the Issue?
Artificial light is scattered across the landscape of the entire country, and birds are frequently attracted to lighting, especially during inclement weather events during migration. Unfortunately, lights can cause confusion, disorientation, and exhaustion - directly impacting their ability to migrate.
For example, birds disoriented by lights can circle structures for extended periods of time, leading to exhaustion or accelerated use of energy stores critical for migration.
In addition, birds attracted to lights on buildings and structures frequently crash into windows and collide into buildings, unfortunately ending in tragedy.
Eliminating or reducing unnecessary lighting can significantly reduce bird collisions, while simultaneously reducing energy demands and costs to building owners. Reducing nighttime lighting is especially important during peak bird migration periods, and periods of inclement weather.
What Can You Do?
1. Turn off your interior and exterior building lights during peak migration season!
2. If you can’t turn off all lights, consider turning off exterior lights – the flood lights that face up into the sky, roof-top lights that illuminate the surrounding landscape, or change your motion sensors to only be active when people are present.
What the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is doing to "Dim the Lights for Birds at Night!"
Our Northeast Regional Office in Hadley, Massachusetts, reprogrammed their automatic lights, so they'll be "lights out" from 8pm-5:30am. This simple action is protecting birds in the area and saving electricity! They're getting the word out and hoping other businesses and organizations will follow suit.
The National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, turned off their external lights and parking lights for World Migratory Bird Day. They also presented a virtual public lecture with Dr. Joelle Gehring on “Bird Collisions with Communication Towers: How We Can Reduce the Risks and Save Money.”
At the brand new Ankeny Hill Nature Center at Ankeny Hill National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, our staff worked with the construction company to have the lights turn off each night, at the building and in the parking lot, and made sure there is a manual option for staff to use as well. This decision was made to help birds migrate and keep light pollution down.
i heard this on the radio this morning kc mo downtown etc dimming all lights said vast amt of birds migrate at night