5:42 on dolphin,
I did go to Ashland Fair and horse races. Lost a little by betting, but was a pretty good day away all in all. The fair was very ag oriented. There were many barns with 4H displays. I did not see a lot of animals though. It was the opposite of the Wayne County fair where there were many many animal barns , and a huge new modern auction facility.
Nice country ride of about an hour in areas I have not seen a lot. Very rural. Lots of hilly farms. Very nice scenery. Weather was also very mild and pleasant. Lots of walking around the fair. Not at all crowded. More vendors than customers.
I was one of a very few wearing my mask. I did not feel comfortable in the grand stands. I did have lots of fair food after the races. Can't remember it all now. I do recall some peach pie, a hamburger, a Italian Sausage sandwich, coleslaw, water, and a huge pile of french-fries in a tiny tray. Could not finish them.
So I stopped at my favorite pond on the way home and fed them to the ducks and fishes. While watching the sun go down.
I called Debbie to see what she wanted to do today for her birthday. She said she was overwhelmed with work and did not want to plan anything. So we will go out later. I did send her a nice card with 20 scratch offs. Hopefully she will win something. If not at least she will have a nice card to open. I asked about Mary and how her move is coming along. Debbie says Mary's mover canceled at the last minute. So Mary rented a truck, and Debbie, John, Brian, Mary , and Matt did all the moving on Sat.
On Sunday Mary says Matt wants to go to Germany on Monday to meet his folks. His dad is a distance runner and has entered a marathon in Berlin. So yesterday off they went. I hope they have a relaxing trip. Matt has not seen his family for two years, and they are pretty close knit.
Well 2nd coffee is getting cold so I will say so long for now. No big plans for today. CUL GB EV1