Cal, you really are dry there! Hope you get some significant rain soon! We had a thunderstorm yesterday morning. It was a surprise. Weather guy had said showers late afternoon. We got less than a tenth of an inch. Didn't even get the ground wet under the trees. Other areas in the state got so much rain that there was flash flooding. Today is gorgeous! Low humidity and 75! Got some things done outside that I had put off because of the heat. I have the doors and windows open which means that Molly and Boo can hear what is going on outside. The across the street neighbor is having a yard sale. Every time either dog hears someone pull up there is barking. I've been yellling at them, quietly, to stop barking! Lol! Hope the closet mouse gets the hint and gets into the trap or leaves the house on his own! I love those iced oatmeal cookies! Those puppies have good taste! Lol! One time Boo got a flank steak off my kitchen counter and ate it all up! I came back into the kitchen and thought Crow was playing a trick on me and had hidden it! I learned the hard way not to leave anything out on the counter after that. A really nice guy from the auto club's home office called yesterday. He wanted us to get the wheel fixed at their preferred shop but Crow said no, the car was still under warranty and it was going back to the dealer. Guy said that would be fine just send him an email pic of the damaged parts and they would pay for it. Hope it is as simple as that! Good luck with the puppy training! I think spaying around here costs at least $200! Had to laugh at the dog shame with the dogs sitting in the car...Molly used to do that. She refused to get out of the truck so we would leave the truck door and the garage door open and we'd go inside. After awhile she'd be whining at the back door! Lol! She still loves to go for rides.
Jp, cutest pic of Star's kids and the little chipmunk! Bet I'd get sea sick riding in one of Columbus's boats!
Willi, cool boat! Thanks for the pic and the info.