August 24, 2015 day Shepnotes
No training today, wind, but here is an article on the trike
The New AircraftFAA nonsense is creating troubles for pilots and cranes.
For details read Joe's report
heavily edited by me! Aug. 24, 2015 by OM pilot and speaker Joe DuffWhen you use an aircraft to lead Whooping cranes on their first migration there is a lot to worry about.
concern for the bird?s safety
delayed migration
team dynamics
WCEP matters
thoughts of the new aircraft.
Delving into the manufacturing of LSA trikes and the FAA regulations becomes complex very quickly. Ultralights (the trike) powered by small engines the FAA required new construction standards. The old trikes don?t meet the new standards, so when the FAA gave us an exemption to fly them (for a year), they asked us to upgrade .. means more weight and that equates to more speed.
The heavier aircraft needs a bigger wing from North Wing. The
Washington state wildfires came VERY close to North Wing shop. North Wing is building 2 more wings for our 2 other aircraft.
Recently, the birds have been flying for 20 minutes or more at a time and managing to keep up with us. As they mature, their speed increases and we are now past that critical period when we need to fly as slowly as possible.