From RRP's FB page:
Raptor Resource Project
Bird kills, no 30-year take permit required! An amendment from the House Committee on Natural Resources to House Energy Bill H.R. 4239 effectively guts the Migratory Bird Treaty Act by absolving oil and gas companies from responsibility for bird deaths in oil pits, on power lines, and from other energy-related infrastructure, including wind power projects. Remember how upset everyone was about the 30-year turbine-related take proposal? This is much worse. Phone your representative and add your voice to Audubon and the American Bird Conservancy's protests. For links and more information, check the blog: Please respond and share widely!
I included this picture of Bob with Four who, like D14, D12, and Indy, was electrocuted by a power line. He would be livid.
More: Call on Your Representative to Defend Marine Mammals and Birds