Tig, Puff, Karen and LB, Thank you very much. You are each good friends! I really appreciate it.
LB, Yes he has appointment tomorrow.
How's it going at work? Is the girl you called trouble maker still there?
Update: So far so good. He's been resting. Charlie's cardiologist is upping his heart rhythm med and has also ordered a program change in his device/ICD. It's called a therapy increase amount of burst. This has been done in the past. Basically it means the timing from when the device senses the faster heart rhythm, the time will be extended before the device shocks the heart allowing the heart to hopefully return to a slower rhythm on its own therefore eliminating a shock. This was done after his two shocks last October.
Hopefully this newer adjustments helps more.
A procedure called oblation (burns off scar tissue in heart) was discussed a year or two ago but now the Dr suggests not doing procedure due to condition of heart and Charlie's age. Whew! Time to change the topic.
How has each of you been doing with the severe temps and snow?? We're all ready for Spring I'm sure.
Tig, You're in Michigan correct?
Puff, How's it for you in Chicago?
Karen, Did it snow? You're in Georgia correct? It doesn't normally snow in Georgia does it?
New Orleans and Florida got hit hard!!
I haven't been to Beak Room since last time I asked about Eagles4evr. I hope she's still not around any of the fires as they've been spreading south. I don't have time to go to read tonight. Hopefully I can tomorrow.
Take care and SED