Hi LB, Good things are good with work. May I ask how are things with your nephews? Or should I not ask. I don't want cause stress.
Friday and Saturday and this morning were pleasant and busy with my granddaughter 10 yr Grace's sleepover. We went through a bunch of her older toys and books here and clothing too to donate and made lots more space in her bedroom here.
Oh! I have a question I've been meaning to ask. Is all discomfort and tightness from your first knee replacement gone now?
And about your second knee replacement. How's that feeling? Can you walk without cane now for both knees?
I return to my ortho Dr tomorrow for another round of 3 weekly Euflexxa gel injections to knee. It hurts more and my other knee is hurting now darn it.
Well I hope you're having a nice weekend. Supposed to get some strong storms move thru here later this evening and tonight.
Storm already went thru cabin area this afternoon. I got notification that electric went out and tornado watch. Power is back on and I can see front and back of cabin on Ring cameras and looks like all's okay and no downed trees.