Good evening bakers, beakers! Well, I got them to type it. lol O L! Glad to see that clynn Yes, still in the pink love all the colorful post this morning and yesterday and an early St. Patrick’s Day greeting to all I do love the green even in Saint Pat only loves the blue. Thanks for your views on that baz!
I think the storms sort of slipped past us for which I am grateful. There was a deafening roar of thunder and lightning in the early morning hours, and rain enough to make a pool small though in the backyard it has been breezy all day, but the sun has been in and out with no more precipitation. We are still under a flood alert, and I believe that lasts until mid week. No snow here, Temps have been in the low 80s to the low 70s for the past several days really quite warm as the humidity has been up,
Leilani, I never realized what a pretty Sadie lady looked like I had her pictured as a totally different looking dog and when I saw her picture, she reminded me of Piper’s alter ego other than her feet and head size. She looks very much like a Large version of piper. I assume Sadie has some lab in her if she doesn’t she a bet Nice dog park and beautiful snow pictures again, I am so happy that you are getting some moisture to help with possible fires and to encourage some pretty flower growth in the desert and in the forest , fingers crossed that this is true. Sorry your post was lost.
It is kind of interesting to see the teams that I started to play in March madness. I was amazed to see Southern Illinois listed, and not only the one that Is the main school in Carbondale but what it’s always been considered a smaller one in Edwardsville will be interesting to see how everything turns out and according to some of the broadcasters I am sorry Baz but it’s going to be Duke. We will see.
Tsk,is the compression bandage n I know Tim will be happy if it is and I hope that the surgical procedure has healed. Your discussion about double knee replacement was kind of interesting to me as I had a neighbor in Alabama, who had both of her knees done it once the reason for that was that she did not have a good night she was a long time recovering and I believe the process at the time was not as well developed as of yesterday and also I don’t believe she was put through any kind of physical therapy prior to the surgery which I have heard helps tremendously. It’s a surgery I do not wish to hell and I’m not sure. How will I would do as I hate exercise particularly when it hurts, so I applaud anyone Who has a surgery and particularly will get both done it once to me. That seems to be the easiest thing to do. Is the river green yet or are they waiting for tomorrow? I Thank God it’s a lot of green dye used in Savannah as well and they have very few Irish there in comparison to other cities but love to have a parade and have a good time. I’ll stay home and hope to see you on TV.
Faulie, Good luck in prioritizing repair work at both your home and the cabin. I don’t envy you having two homes to maintain as one is about all I wish to handle. It’s true there is always something that can be done or has to be done better if it’s an optional item. Lol, For a minute I stopped talking and thought I was going to see the typing lady put some of the news I’m listening to on the farm
Sorry to hear about the baby at big bear and prayers. It flies high ,exciting about saucers new little one. This morning I clicked onto Southwest Florida I thought I saw F 23 on the nest, digging into the bowl and getting into the Brooding position in the nest. She was on that last for a long long time and from reading the comment above the picture she had been in and out of the nest and calling all morning. This went on until 1130 or so when she finally flew away from the nest , Cam operator reported that there was an intruder in the area and they both drove her out andprotecting the nest! Poor mama wanna be may have lost her nest in a windstorm who knows but she cannot have this one even though it probably will not be used this year .
MeNt Do you say thank you to Larry for your lovely posts this morning?
abandoned the nest. They pointed into the bowl and it was empty so I thought she maybe had false labor over