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Author Topic: Beak Room 2025  (Read 70865 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1710 on: Yesterday at 11:46:06 AM »

Posted on Montana Ospreys at Hellgate Facebook
Gifts of the Corvids: Raven and Crow Research in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem


Mar 6, 2025
This talk took place at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in front of a live audience on March 6, 2025.

Corvids—the ubiquitous crows, ravens, magpies, jays, nutcrackers, and relatives—are familiar backyard birds with extraordinary behaviors that enable them to thrive where most species cannot. In this presentation, Marzluff highlights the secrets of corvid life unveiled by experiments and observations over the past four decades with his colleagues and students. The audience will learn how crows have mastered city life, including their long-lasting ability to recognize people and hold grudges. He will draw parallels between human cognition and that of crows by discussing brain imaging experiments that reveal how birds assess danger, rewards, and the difficulty of mastering tool use.

Marzluff’s latest work on ravens in Yellowstone National Park involved tagging 60 birds with state-of-the-art transmitters. The birds shared their secrets as they flew a hundred miles directly to new kills, commandeered territory, found mates, and reared young. The picture that emerged from the study was that of a highly opportunistic bird with the knowledge that allowed them to exploit wolves but not depend on them. Marzluff discusses the tenuous and evolving relationship between humans, wolves, and ravens and the challenges animals face when they wander beyond the protection a national park provides.

Marzluff’s research has been the focus of articles in the New York Times, National Geographic, Audubon, Boys Life, The Seattle Times, National Wildlife, Consumer Reports, Time, and Science. PBS’s Nature featured his raven research in its production “Ravens,” and his crow research in the film documentary “A Murder of Crows.” His current research focuses on the interactions of ravens and wolves in Yellowstone. He teaches field ecology courses at the University of Washington and for Yellowstone Forever.

Marzluff has written six books and edited several others. His graduate research in communication, social organization, demography, and foraging behavior is the subject of The Pinyon Jay (1992, Academic Press, coauthored with his advisor Russell Balda). His book, In the Company of Crows and Ravens (with Tony Angell, 2005 Yale U. Press) blends biology, conservation, and anthropology to suggest that human and crow cultures have co-evolved. This book won the 2006 Washington State Book Award for general nonfiction. With his wife, Colleen, he published Dog Days, Raven Nights (2011, Yale University Press), which combines reflection with biology and the recreational pursuit of dog sledding to show how a life in science blooms. Gifts of the Crow (2012, Free Press, coauthored with Tony Angell) applies a neurobiological perspective to understand the amazing feats of corvids. Marzluff’s Welcome to Subirdia (2014, Yale) discovers that moderately settled lands host a splendid array of biological diversity and suggests ways in which people can steward these riches to benefit birds and themselves. His most recent book In Search of Meadowlarks (2020, Yale) connects our agriculture and diets to the conservation of birds and other wildlife.

Marzluff has mentored more than 40 graduate students and authored more than 170 scientific papers on various aspects of bird behavior and wildlife management. He is a Fellow of the American Ornithologist’s Union, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a National Geographic Explorer.
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1711 on: Yesterday at 11:48:26 AM »

BL, snow tomorrow night and into Friday is a real surprise... we had a nice rain shower Monday and Tuesday...... this snow will be a treat, though it comes with cold temps... Hopefully Flagstaff, Show Low, Pine Top and other ski areas will get a nice blast of snow for spring break!  ;D. Thanks for the update  ;D

Lani it looks like the forecast snowfall amounts by Payson are going up slightly.
I wouldn't be surprised if you end up with another 5-6" from the 2 pieces of this system.   :)   ;D   8)

Stay warm, enjoy the view of the "great white Rim" and reap the much needed moisture benefits for your area.  ;D

BL, Thanks! I'm suppose to go to a meeting in the morning. I'm rethinking now.

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1712 on: Yesterday at 01:03:13 PM »


Lisa, glad you're safely home and hope you slept great last night. Yay on the traffic being ok for your last leg leading home!  :)

Lani, I caught the very end of your KU Jayhawks game last night - a squeaker of a win in OT, but it was a win! Congrats! I see they play Arizona next - tonight - 9:30p, eastern time. My UNC Tarheels play their next game today - in about a half hour from now, vs. Wake Forest. I hope the Heels will play as well as they did yesterday - their shooting was so much better, thanks in part to Withers playing in his hometown with his family and friends in attendance - he was shooting the lights out from behind the 3-pt line! Do that again today, Withers!! Duke is up by 6 points now with a minute left in their game. Though not expected, I wish Ga Tech would find a way to pull out a win over Duke!!  ;D ;D 8)

I need to run to get ready to watch my UNC Tarheels play now, so...

Waving to All the Beakers! Have a great day!!  :D
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 01:04:51 PM by baziunc »
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1713 on: Yesterday at 01:44:37 PM »

PHYL   Nice history from Amy on Maggie.  She's not a young bird by any means.

LISA  He's doing better every day.  He came with me to the vet.  ;D    You did some mighty fine eating there Miss LISA  LOL
LANI reminded me about Bradley's knee - How is it? - I echo LANI.

KAREN   Sounds like you have the perfect solution to your broken tooth problem.

KB  Sure hope winter is over for you, but we don't put the snow blowers to bed until April  LOLOL  How nice to get out with Vi again.  Am sure she is happy for the walking partner as well.

LANI   Marzluff is certainly the go to guy on this topic!  Read a book a while back on Corvids but don't remember the author.  Fascinating birds.

LANI   Potoo  Kala.  I like that.

New vet visit.   A good experience.  Vet very calm, slow moving, kind.  Likely late 40s.  Runs a non profit cat shelter.  Has about 600 cats.  Female tech very funny.  When I had spoken about how shy Lulu is she related that she has two 14 yr old cats that her mother has never seen  LOLOL   Blood work done  complete exam done and a nail cutting and I will bring in a stool sample  tomorrow.  $447.00  :o  Lulu did not make one move or make a sound while there.  They couldn't believe how well behaved she was or how soft her fur was.  Gave her a "purrfect rating"  LOL   Got her home and she FLEW out of he carrier no where to be seen for 10 minutes.
Heading out for a walk - Gorgeous day here.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1714 on: Yesterday at 02:12:14 PM »

Lani - Jeff and Bandit were excited to see me, but Misty was like, who are you, till I got in the bed with the iPad and she was like..Oh yea...you are my person!   ;D

tsk & Lani - Bradley is putting some weight on his leg/knee and trying walk around.  He was on crutches, but he said, now that he can stand on it a bit, he bought a cane to use to walk for support.  He goes back to the doctor on March 19th for a re-check.

tsk - Yes, I did some good eating, and it showed in my blood sugar too, yikes!  Glad to hear that Tim is doing better.  Sounds like a nice new vet for Miss Lulu. 

baz - Thank you!  Enjoy watching your game.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1715 on: Yesterday at 04:43:49 PM »

Lani, I enjoyed reading the report on the ravens and crows  was very interesting birds would like to spend some time with the author just listening!   Thanks!
Dentist Surprised me by giving me two options on my tooth, one of which was to somehow cabbage, and the other was, of course, to pull it in his opinion the first option was a waste of money as he didn’t think it would last very long due to a lack of bone In that area.  I told him that I was not particularly fond of the tooth and it had expected that it would have to come out so I have an appointment Wednesday at 8:30 AM for removal and probably will be able to pick up my enhanced appliance with the tooth added the afternoon.  Due to my driver about availability and time I believe that I will pick the thing up on Thursday which he said would be fine anyway, on the way home we passed Culver’s, and I stopped in for the walleye dinner.  I ate a lot of walleye is a child has my parents were quite a fisher people and walleyes or one of the things they caught a lot of I always have remembered the taste, and I’m going to guess that the Culver’s walleye is Pollock.   I won’t report them for mislabeling, but I am pretty sure that mild white fish under that fried coating is a pollock.Nice smile piece of fish.  I have never seen that fish, except as it appears under a fried coding have never seen that swimming but when I have a question several restaurants who said they served walleye about the taste of the fish, they told me it was Pollock so I guess that’s what this is and I’d like to know where it’s swims. I’ll have to look it up and see what it looks like on Wikipedia, or some such place. It never came into a boat. My parents were  Fishing from. Piper enjoyed some fish and chips or fries as we called him and said she thought it was all quite good
Just your vet visit sounds good. Any of the vets here have been bought out by financial companies.   Going to change vets for Piper as I don’t like the current one she has.    Wow, 600 hundred cats!  I hope she has help taking care of them and wonder how many of them are Cheryl and how many have been tamed? Wow.

Oh, my dentist said Toothless split right down the middle and he wanted to know how I did that and I tend to tell him I had no idea of how it happened when it happened or where the tooth lead he just shook his head and he said no pain I said not now I’m not wanted happened curious

Illinois playing Iowa at 6:30 Eastern time with Illinois a 10 point favorite go Illini!
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 04:51:00 PM by karengramke »


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1716 on: Yesterday at 06:11:33 PM »

LISA    LOLOL  Misty 's recollection of who you are   :-*  Thanks for the update on Bradley.  Looks like he dodged a bullet and maybe no surgery.

KAREN   Walleye is a very mild fish and Tim knows his walleye. I would hate to think he's been fooled.

Forgot to mention Lulu now weighs 9.3#  from a previous steady weight of 10#.  Need to bring in her stool sample tomorrow and then I should get her blood work some time after that.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1717 on: Yesterday at 06:30:25 PM »

There are 2 different fish called Walleye. 
1 - The fresh water version is the most common as a upper mid-west fish - most of the fish come from Canadian lakes that are found in the markets, but they are found in small quantities in Minn. and Wis. lakes.  This is a member of the Perch Family.
2 - The other is salt water habitat.  North Pacific and Eastern Bering Sea. - In 2014 scientists reclassified Alaskan Pollock and salt water Walleye as the same species.  Creating a new name of Walleye Pollock.  This is a cheap Fillet fish and is used by most of the large chain restaurants under either name.  It is also the common fish used in fish sticks.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 06:43:55 PM by oldguy »
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1718 on: Yesterday at 07:43:34 PM »

Lisa- glad to see you home safely. Chow looks good.  ;)  Nice snap of the ladies in your family.  Sounds like Bradley is recovering nicely.   

Tsk- no ankle exercises were Rx'd . I think my therapist believes my hip gave out instead if me actually tripping on the vacuum
cleaner cord.  She's never seem by tiny dining room. LOL   Who knows.    I'll have research good ankle exercises as I believe I'd like to add a few to my list.
How's Tim doing today? Well I hope.  Pets to Miss Lulu. ..sounds like good vet visit today.

Lani- enjoyed reading report on ravens and crows  --- very interesting birds  we had a murder of crows and "conspiracy" of ravens here two
years ago. It's true that these birds remember human faces and certain faces they find friendly and others will drive them away.  Tks for update from TRR / naming their  Great Potoo Owl "Kala" nice snaps of the ranch guests. tks for notes on the lecture from Buffalo Bill Center of the West , I'll read them later tonight

Karen- glad you found perfect solution to your broken tooth problem.

OG- tks for the skinny on Walleye fish.

Time for dinner...

Good Evening Beakers...SEDs all.



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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1719 on: Yesterday at 07:44:46 PM »

oldguy Minnesota is known for its abundance of walleye...I'm assuming Wisconsin might be as well.
Minnesota is considered one of the premiere walleye fishing hotspots in the US.

I wonder why then walleye sold in restaurants is from Canada and not from MN or WI?...


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1720 on: Yesterday at 07:46:38 PM »

Oh, my dentist said Toothless split right down the middle and he wanted to know how I did that and I tend to tell him I had no idea of how it happened when it happened or where the tooth lead he just shook his head and he said no pain I said not now I’m not wanted happened curious

KAREN you make me laugh so hard
U. S. A.


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1721 on: Yesterday at 07:53:17 PM »


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1722 on: Yesterday at 07:55:35 PM »

I have tasted expertly prepared very locally lake acquired real lake real world Walleye in NYS.

Paul Smiths College prepared. 

An over 100 year old Cast Iron Huge Skillet.
Seasoned to the key.

As far as we know it has never been washed.

The Walleye Pan.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:08:34 PM by BrokenLug »
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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1723 on: Yesterday at 08:08:50 PM »

KB - only 2 Minn. lakes have commercial fishing of walleye - Red Lake and Milles Lake - and these are run by the native tribes that the lakes reside in.  All other walleye fishing in Minn. is from May to Feb.  with a limit of of either 2 or 6 with only 1 over a specified length, dependent on lake.  This is to assure that recreational fishing has a sufficient population of walleye.  Minn. has a stocking program for over 900 inland lakes of Minn.
SE Iowa - Grew up within 40 miles of Decorah


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Re: Beak Room 2025
« Reply #1724 on: Yesterday at 08:16:54 PM »

KB - only 2 Minn. lakes have commercial fishing of walleye - Red Lake and Milles Lake - and these are run by the native tribes that the lakes reside in.  All other walleye fishing in Minn. is from May to Feb.  with a limit of of either 2 or 6 with only 1 over a specified length, dependent on lake.  This is to assure that recreational fishing has a sufficient population of walleye.  Minn. has a stocking program for over 900 inland lakes of Minn.

Gotcha. I sure do remember eating lots of walleye as a kid both at home and at restaurants that were fresh.