Good afternoon!
Phyl, have you and Jim undergone allergy testing I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that is what is causing many of your issues worth a try thanks for posts this morning and afternoon. .tsk, 😷
Lani, sloths!🤩
Clynn, love tge house if the 7 gables!, what a fun place for kids to run and play in and a terrible place to have to clean up and downstairs all day long!
Old guy thanks so much for the video of the helicopter pilot flying over the massive devastation in North Carolina. It breaks my heart to see it. I hope they will be able to restore some of the charm that existed in the mountains and entice people to live in the area, I also hope some of the animals who were in harms way have found refuge
I spoke with Dr. Hall this afternoon while she was driving a mobile surgical unit to a town south of here where it lives, she had borrowed it to spay and neuter 100 cats who found a colony to live in behind a trailer camp behind her boarding and training facility. She was able to spay 20 before returning the unit, but she will continue after things settle down at her house, she has large trees that fell on the deck of her swimming pool and a livestock fence that surrounds the property which is temporarily
repaired enough to keep her animals safe and in side, the property . some of her dogs are at her boarding facility and others in her home she has no power, except that which is provided by a portable generator. There is no word on when the power in that part of town will be restored. She says it is what it is. I believe she has a wonderful attitude about what cannot be done right now. all in all, I must repeat that I am lucky with my current situation
BL where are you?