What fun I've been having. . .NOT! But I did get back in enough to check in.
New machine switched me into HP 11 - What's the old saying? Something about "old dog, new tricks". It ain't fun. But I'll keep working on things. Worst modification so far would be getting/sending mail. (Not that I use it that much?)
They do give me the option to revert back to 10 -- as soon as I solve that riddle, maybe soon.
Did get in and figure out how to open/read forum channels. One major kink even here; maybe Amy can give me a clue.
OK switch to a fun day and celebration!!!! I do have ala my Dad some distant link to the Irish. (Reminder - I am an "American" mix, makes me true American: Mom = German/Russian Dad = Italian/Irish/Cherokee) I finished baking last night and cut into one of my Irish Soda Breads. Had 2 slices for breakfast. Truth be told: L got the recipe from an Irish travel advisor in north Chicago area. Most don't know there is a "to do" between Chicago area northern Irish and southside Irish. There is also a "rivalry" when it comes to Irish soda bread. While chatting with my orthopedic surgeon (James Moran), conversation between the two of us who like to talk always, he asked me what I use in my recipe. He informed me when I finished that his wife made hers the same way. Unfortunately, his declaration was that that is not Irish soda bread but American Irish soda bread. Well, la di dah! My rebuttal was that I've tasted Irish soda bread
many times while in Ireland - very seldome and very little. It's horri terrible.
They just use a lot of Guiness to wash it down.
Now I'm ready to start the corned beef. (I don't like cooked cabbage, so for my tradition I use brussel sprouts. Always made cabbage for Ton.) Also listening to Irish folk and reel music while watching games. Love corned beef. I'll be doing leftovers for the week.
Glad to be back in the groove, even if there are ruts.
P.S. Yes I have been to the "old sod" I guess maybe 6 or 7 times. I have the greatest of many reasons for me to say it is my #1 choice for a beautiful, fun, people friendly of places I've been to. I've also taken on the challenge of getting certified by their master national travel bureau.