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Author Topic: Beak Room 2024  (Read 539243 times)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7365 on: September 04, 2024, 07:11:42 AM »

Good Morning Beakers

tig - Sounds like a real nail bitter road!

tsk - That is one thing I hated about getting a new phone, signing back into all the apps.  I do still hear from Peep and Jaspurr.  They will email me, every now and then.   

karen - Yay on your generator coming and being placed.  4 to 5 hours is not too bad without power, as long as it is not in the hottest part of the day.

Lani - Awww, Antali on the perch.  Yes, always good to hear from Beakers  :)

Phyl - Thanks for the 365.  Black woodpecker, so pretty.

clynn, Puff, kb and all
  - Morning  :)


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7366 on: September 04, 2024, 07:27:47 AM »

Good Morning Beakers!


Phyl, great good morning pic! Cool 365, very handsome black woodpecker, have never heard of a black one! He has a nice home in that tree! 56 here, high 84 today. It's been so nice these last several days...  Thanks for Shep's views of Newman! My Dad told me one time long ago when we lived in NM, Grandma had come out on the train when Becky was born, and she rode back with us to Illinois. Dad said she had both hands on the locked door handle when they were going through the mountain passes. Eyes closed.

Lani, thanks for the Albie updates, they will be gone soon...we will miss them! Love watching them grow up! And there's Antali, so sweet! And a reminder, never give up hope! There are so many absolutely gorgeous and interesting places in these United States!  I love posting them!

tig, wow! The weather is quite different out that way. One year Ed and I drove to Portland, the middle of June. Camped one night in Yellowstone, thick frost on everything in the morning! I bet camper sees a picture everywhere!

tsk, sounds like you are having a great time exploring your new phone!  ;D  Years ago when Ed and I were visiting Becky & Jennifer we decided to go see Mt. St Helen. This was just a few years after the volcano erupted. It was spooky, cold. raining (it was the middle of summer) and we found ourselves on a narrow, winding road in the mountain. No guard rails there either. We saw a sign that said to watch out for logging trucks. Oh my! Scared me to death that we were going to meet one of those trucks! But we didn't. Scariest ride I have ever been on!

baz, good to see you again! Hope you had a good time! It takes time to catch up! Hope to see you today!

It's barely large enough to seat three people, but for nearly 50 years, the BLUE MOUND WAYSIDE CHAPEL along U.S. 75, north of Luverne, MN, has provided a sanctuary for thousands of weary travelers to rest and reflect.


Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away. ~ Unknown


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7367 on: September 04, 2024, 07:48:11 AM »

Alright - time for some mountain reminiscences of a mountain girl. . .

Went to Yellowstone once with Tony and two other couples.  Only one who took the donkey ride down into the canyon?  MOI  They waved goodbye to me from the rim.  Didn't do the overnight all the way at the bottom - they said they wouldn't wait that long for me.  I did get back in time for dinner.

Driving into CO with another newbie, friend, on I80 she told me to wake her when you could see the mountains.  Coming out of Nebraska I gave her a wake up nudge.  Long routine, maybe 15-20 minutes later trying to point them out.  Finally occurred to me that what she thought were clouds were actually the snow caps.   :o  Big change from the flats of NE.  She later apologized for being so "uninformed".
She was also the one, when my uncle took us out of Boulder for a trail ride in his big Buick up Flagstaff Road.  Three of us in the front seat with her leaning/pushing against me so the car wouldn't tip over, down the of the road.  It really wasn't meant for 2 CARS across.  She and her husband up until then used to brag about the Smokies.  She found out what the big Rockies' range was - said I must have thought she was dumb.  She found out!!!

Two incidents introducing Ton to the mountains. . .Taking a free offer from my brother Ed to ride back to CO in his 40-foot Winnebago.  As I recall it was through Winter Park area.  He was scared and mad at Ed for being so crazy a driver.  He sat at the lounge area at the back of the Big Bus, staring at the floor the whole time, cussing out Ed. 
Also:  the time I drove up and over the Berthoud Pass at the Continental Divide.  Not a tree (even a weed?) grows there.  He didn't even get out of the car for a potty break.  It was years later he was talking to his daughter that he told her the reason. 
His daughter, a skier used to Michigan, was telling/confessing how she froze on a downhill attempt=had to be rescued and brought down.  How embarrassing.

Professional travel advisor caution. . . If you ever go and rent a car you're offered "hail" insurance.  It's not a con most of the year.  We get downpours - they get hail storms.  You will pay if you get caught with a big bill just like that.  Spring/summer/fall   If you drive a bit through the state it is not unusual to see polka-dotted cars.

Last story - maybe not.  Took a ride with first husband during a spring break from teaching.  He had never been - learned him a bunch.   ::)  Spring break in Chgo is in April.  Again, taking a ride through the passages we got behind a bigggg plow "opening the road" before us.  Had to bide our time following until there was a turnoff in the road for the plow.  He also liked to go horseback riding in the woods around Chgo.  He found out how it works in the mountains.  You park the car, they give a few caveats, give you the horse, they tell you to be back before the sun starts setting.  Yep - totally on our own.  Sure, they have your car just in case your a rustler or for collateral.   

My grandfather worked on/helped build the Leadville Railroad.  He was only 15, he said.  I haven't made it there, yet.

OK - that's all - for now!  I love my mountains.  They do belong to me, ya know!

One other note:  for tsk I noticed a while back that your sparkle posts have not been sparkling.  Maybe you could fix your GlitterGraphics.com back to sparkle?  I like sparkles.


« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 08:20:24 AM by Puff »


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7368 on: September 04, 2024, 08:13:35 AM »

Good morning!  Had a post ready and poof!
Mountain roads with out guardrail are scary and the places with signs warning to watch for falling rock, even worse!  Never knew if I should watch the road or the mountain side!
Clynn, sweet rest stop.

Phyl,  your temps are about 10 degrees higher than ours!  Morning lows in tge 79s but no 90’s  at least for a few weeks! Yea!  Hope tge breeze from the ne continues!   Thanks for sharing BL!
Lani, wikk be sad to see tge Albies leave!   Good  that they are doing so well!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7369 on: September 04, 2024, 08:39:54 AM »

There was a new update on Pacific Coast Highway on Sunday.  It is still blocked - not by falling rock but by falling road.  Road fell into the Pacific, long drop.  Sad site.  They're now working on a plan to restore or redesign. 


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7370 on: September 04, 2024, 09:59:27 AM »

Had to turn the heat on in the cabin before Camper got up. It was 32 degrees outside. I love it.

Clynn... Yes, it is a lovely chapel. Camper and I have spent some time there.

camper'sTIG - South Central MN
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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7371 on: September 04, 2024, 11:35:24 AM »

9/3 sunset
Iris leaves stadium lights after eating fish. These past years Iris always spends the last few days before she migrates on the stadium lights.
It is in that direction that she will leave the area when she is ready to migrate to the south. My heart is sad, but I so happy she's has mate and successful season here in Hellgate.  :-*

Yesterday, 9/3 Finnegan brings Antali a fresh whole fish. Antali takes it and then flies at 10:44 to enjoy his meal at an undisclosed location.
Iris hasn't been to the nest or feeding Antali as often as Finn. Finn will make sure Antali is fed and fishing lessons will continue. Until both leave for migration.  :-*

9/4 Good Morning, #CHOWS! This capture is from 8/4, the day before Sum-eh fledged.  Sum-eh hasn't been seen since 8/30, she has migrated or is being fed elsewhere. The last time she was seen on the nest, she was wet. So, she may have been fishing for herself. Good girl!!!  :-*
Sum-eh (left) Antali (right)

Antali waiting patiently for breakfish from Dad Finn.

Good morning Beakers
Morning Eagles4, Lisa, Ezee, Eburg, Weasel, Jilltosa, Kb, Tsk, Karen, Oldguy, Puff, Eaglesrock, Emyrauld, Lilbro, Blschue, Lori, Clynn, Tig, Baz, Phyl, Peep, Jaspurr, Pink, BL, Bggolden, T40, ssrl, Maxie, Nrstooge, Omasawyer, Paulie, jicaji, LB, and All!

{{{Phyl}}} I have fallen asleep so many times next to my keyboard too, that's why my night posts are late. When Aly lived here she would wake me, now, the cats, Sadie and I cat nap through the last two hours of the evening. LOL! I should go to bed early, but I enjoy checking out youtube, reading a book, or enjoying the last quiet hours of the day with my last cup of hot tea... Black Woodpeckers always remind me of the Catholic Cardinals, we have them here too, the male Acorn Woodpeckers.

Clynn, beautiful muted colors of Fall... love it!.. Iris has been seen on the stadium lights, you know how she loves sitting on them in late August till she migrates, which will be soon. Sum-eh hasn't been seen on the nest since 8/30. Chatters think she's migrated or is being fed elsewhere. The last time she was on the nest her body was wet. Chatters assumed she had been fishing. But, since she has been begging for fish on the nest since 8/30 she may have left the area. So, Antali has been getting fed by dad Finn often, Iris has come to the nest but not as frequent.... darling chapel.

Hi Lisa, karen,    :-*

{{{Puff}}} always enjoy your stories... I hope you get to see the Leadville Railroad. I checked their schedule, I bet it's beautiful ride in the fall.

{{{Tig and Camper}}} brrrr is right! 32 degrees... I can hardly wait for cooler temps here. It's been a lovely low 60's in the morning. Safe traveling and fun day!!  ;D

« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 11:37:31 AM by Lani »
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful; The Lord God made them all....Author: Cecil F. Alexander


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7372 on: September 04, 2024, 12:43:12 PM »

clynn - Cute lil chapel.

Puff - Oh, you did the donkey ride!  :D  Sad that the PCH is still blocked. Hope they can get that restored soon.

karen - Sorry about your post going poof. 

tig - Brr is right...32°!

Lani - Thanks for the Hellgate update and pics.  ((Iris))


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7373 on: September 04, 2024, 02:14:37 PM »

Love the chatter of the aspen leaves Lani.  And I'm thinking I could safely bet that I have the only Aspen tree in the county.  Bought it in CO and gave it a ride back in the rear seat of a Firebird (bugs and all).  That was in about 1973????.  Still with me in the back yard.  OH, also have a beautiful 30-40 foot blg CO blue spruce keeping the crimson company in the front of the house. 

Sounds like I never left my homeland.  My will specifies that part of my ashes will be scattered there.   ;D
Ashes to ashes - dust to dust - mountains to mountains.   

« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 02:18:00 PM by Puff »


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7374 on: September 04, 2024, 03:00:02 PM »

Well today I have no ability to send or receive texts.  sigh.  Verizon is working on it since noon - Still no word.

CLYNN  Orange Wednesday  ;D  thought I might start on some fall decorations today - Haven't gotten to that yet with this stupid phone situation.  My Vancouver friend had many of her family ( from Illinois) out to visit her recently.  Attempted a trip up to Mt St Helen's - Road closed - washout I believe - and not yet repaired.  I went up with her shortly after the eruption - think it was '81?   A sight I will never see again.  The wayside chapels reminded me of a self tour of all of them up in Door county we took years ago.  Amazing!! So many and they go mostly unnoticed.

PUFF   I applaud your efforts on the donkey ride - Bet you had very sore muscles on the inside of your legs and your butt.  LOL
First time I road a horse ( in college) I couldn't go up stairs for 2 days with out considerable pain.   Loved all of your great stories  ;D ;D ;D   I'll be on the watch for more sparkles... ;) ;)    My first home with Tim we had a quaking aspen in the back yard  ;) ;)

TIG   An I hope you brought your thermal underwear - Brrr 32 degrees  :o

LANI   Finn better stop spoiling those kids!!!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7375 on: September 04, 2024, 03:22:38 PM »

tsk - Oh no!  I hope Verizon gets it straightened out for you.


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7376 on: September 04, 2024, 05:07:40 PM »

Tsk, me too!


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7377 on: September 04, 2024, 06:20:38 PM »

Network still down.   :P :P   Will call tomorrow AM from Tim's phone if not up and running.

At least I have my PC  LOLOL  and did do more housework than I expected so that is a good thing  ;D ;D ;D

Got a haircut and look beautiful...

Night all


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7378 on: September 04, 2024, 07:14:21 PM »

Well I'm too pooped-out  to pop. So will make this quick as I can...
 Just exhausted this evening I suppose.

Lisa  good coffee this AM

CLynn an orange 'mood' this  AM;  Yeah some of those old roads were a 'fright'; enjoyed reading about BLUE MOUND WAYSIDE CHAPEL, thanks.
Puff enjoyed reading about your childhood memories; been a donkey rides as 3yr old cinched up in the saddle riding between the guide's mule and my mom's mule along the Grand Canyon rim. I clearly recall the saddle horn right under my chin. I was actually safer like that.

Karen it won't be too long andwe'll catch up or down on those temps LOL  Tks for those memories

Lani many tks for the updates on Hellgate and te snaps; kid-o's looking great.

Tsk so sorry about the new iPhone issues. The situ all looks better in the AM
A new 'do' does wonders for a gal. Took some volume off the back of my hair the other
day.  :) 

Good Night --Everyone... sleep well.

Dina 5-23-21  :-* I miss you so much.
Sauces bald eagle cam


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Re: Beak Room 2024
« Reply #7379 on: September 04, 2024, 08:05:10 PM »

Those Squids descended to this lake after the keg kicked around 1 am Clynn.

Beautiful Canoes headed to parts unknown at sunrise with their island agenda theirs.   

It is so weather correct here it ain't right. 
U. S. A.