Good Mornings! Phyl, my trmod are like yours! Been that way fir a time! Humidity is 87% but it seems to go down as the dY progresses! Clynn, what does Bella carry in her purse? Lol, so cute! Maybe some mad money!
Odd about heat! I grew up without ac or ceiling fans and only remember being hot and sweaty when trying to sleep! Some Sundays were the famous Sunday drives with the wing window open as well as others to cool off! Then there was 18 months in VN without .aC! Somehow we acclimated! Never knew what the temps were but that was probably a good thing! Cannot do that today or so it seems!
Tsk, whole house generator! By the time I get the kitchen, garage door, ac, cpap machine and medical alert
going there isn’t much power drain left! Tv for weather alerts! Lol. No gas here so it will run in propane! Literature says that is more powerful than natural gas! Been thinking about this for a year and should not have waited so long! People say there us Home resale value to it!
Pt today! Bbl
Oh, nice morning picture Lisa!
Donald Sutherland dies yesterday! 88. rip to a very talented actors