Good Morning Beakers....Happy Friday!BL - Thanks for the weather links.
Emy - Stay safe and warm!
oldguy - Thanks for the videos, and stay safe and warm.
karen - I have been wondering the same about
baz. I hope all is OK.
tig - Hope you can make it to the pool this morning.
Lani - Beautiful good night pic from Royal cam!
Phyl - So sorry that Maggie was having a bad day, and you had alot of clean up.
Thanks for the 365.
clynn - I hope you can get a cancellation appointment before next Thursday, fingers crossed.
tsk - One of my friends, who has a cousin who lives in Vernon Hills, IL, sent me a text of the snow they were getting. I can imagine yours must looks about the same.
kb - I have always loved Citizen watches. Cute baby mountain lion.